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Dbox In Ireland

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by habcat, Oct 18, 2006.

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  1. stu665

    stu665 Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hi folks. I was wondering what is the best image to put on a Sagem Dbox2 (1x flash chip intel). I am in North Lanarkshire in Scotland. The provider is Vir-gin in the old Telepest area. I am losing a few channels here and there like Living+1 and Bravo+1 and cannot receive vir-gin 1 and 2 channels, sometimes channels are stuttery and chirpy(this may be due to the box being a sagem but i dont know).

    At the moment i am using the boxcracker image. I was thinking of upgrading to the Commando 8.2 image(1x flash). Could someone please give me simple instructions on how to flash the box using only a ethernet cable connected through a netgear router. I can record from the box to pc through this and also using filezilla i can access the box. I used this method to transfer the nagrarom7.bin file to the box and had no problems. I have read on the forums that you need to transfer some existing files from the box to use when you reflash. COuld anyone tell me which ones i will need to keep also?

    Any help from you dudes would be greatly appreciated.
  2. john1980

    john1980 Member

    Jun 24, 2008
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    hi whats the best way to flash a new image to a sagem dbox 2 on a laptop can it be done with just a patch cable or cross over cable as my laptop wont support a null cable also do you have to be online to do this or just connect one end in the dbox and another in the pc thanks
  3. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    link removed
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    ruprect, we have guides on this site...no member mining please.
  5. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Ok sorry, I was not mining, I am a member there, but thats all- I post a lot more here. I have not seen the guides here, have you any links?

    This thread gets bogged down with the same questions over and over, it is catch 22, people cannot find the answers since so many posters are asking the same question. Almost every question recently asked has been answered many times in this very thread.
  6. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    If people used the search bar they will find all the help they need, which in itself is quite a good guide.
  7. blissirl

    blissirl Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    Have updated dbox2 to blade quad in cork cant get any scans to run they just crap out .
    Used dublin services and so on but only get half the channels squeaking hissing and farting.

    Have a subbed box found symbol rate to be 68750 abd frequency 322000 ? any ideas ?
  8. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    If you can get the netid code then you can edit scan.conf, I posted a guide a few pages ago.

    Otherwise you can make your own cables.xml file. To do this you just edit an existing one. How did you find out the frequency? On my subbed pace I press a button down the bottom right (can't remember the name). This now gives me what I need, e.g. 6887 291.00. But that is only for that station (which also does about 10 others).

    Here is an example of one I did for myself

    So if you were to make your own you need to get all the frequencies used. This means going through channels, looking at info on the subbed box and writing down frequencies.

    so <transponder frequency="283000000" symbol_rate="6887000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3" />
    would change to <transponder frequency="322000000" symbol_rate="6875000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3" />

    On yours.

    It may take a long time to go through all channels, dunno if there is a shortcut, or someother way altogether. They tend to skip frequencies by 8 for mine, e.g. 283, 291, 299. So you could just guess yours, go 322, 330, 338, also go backwards, 314, 306 etc. I am not sure if 8 is a standard used, it could be 9 or 10. Try checking a few frequencies and you might figure it out without having to check them all.

    Also if you have a few frequencies you can scan and look to see what channels are still missing, then use the subbed box to find one of them, get the freq and add it. Now scan again and see what is missing still.

    You can also make a massive cables.xml file that will scan loads of random frequencies, that is what I was going to do before I found out about the netid thing. I did make a big one that took ~3hours to scan.
  9. keakee

    keakee Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    My nokia d box was freezing so i learnt how to ftp a new image i used the latest andromeda V2 X2 image def right image for box but when it starts up it just stops on andromeda pic cant get into menu or nowt now ip has changed so cant link up wit it anymore is there any suggestion how i can reflash it hav d box assistant prog too wud anyone know what ip is now? any help greatly apprec from reading thru pages hav learnt a lot but can't fig this out....thanks
  10. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    You do not need to know your IP when using IFA. You have a bad flash, and IFA is the only thing that can fix that.

    IP is needed when FTPing files & images onto the box, you do not need it if using IFA.
  11. keakee

    keakee Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Thanks for the reply ruprect i will use ifa n will try flashing new blade quad image will prob be back for more advice cheers again
  12. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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  13. stu665

    stu665 Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hi all. I have flashed the new blade quad image(1x) on a sagem and it works really well. It is a great looking image.

    My problem is i cannot record to the pc from the dbox. The menu system in the image seems not to support this(?) In the directory /mnt there should be another folder caled movies but this is not there. This is the 'default recording directory' on the menu. I have tried to add a directory but i get the message onscreen that this directory does not exist(the /mnt one). Im thinking that this is because once the image is flashed to the chip(s) it cannot be modified(i could be wrong on this, i probably am lol). The dbox also says that the recording directory cannot be written to for some reason

    I was using the Boxcracker Bluepeer 1x image before and i could record to pc and watch back without any problems.

    Here is the guide i have been using to set up for recording. This worked flawlessly on bluepeer but doesnt on andromeda v2, blade quad, v++ 3.2 and cableferret. HELP!!!!!!!

    Recording Direct to your PC

    Ok here is some a little more complicated for you to try. Fancy being able to record your favourite films, tv episodes and
    music videos to your pc? Heres how:

    Mounting your Harddrive so that your Dbox can see it
    1. Make sure your computer is set to the settings given in "First things first, Setting up the PC so
    that its ready to communicate with the Dbox"
    2. Make sure your username on the pc has a password on it. If not then create one by going into
    control panel, user accounts, select your username then create a password.
    3. Create a folder in your C: drive named "Dbox" then folders inside it called "Movies", "MP3" and
    "Pics". You can use any drive on your pc for this, just create the movies, pics and mp3 folders in the drive you want to use.
    4. Right click on each of the folders, including the "Dbox" one, then select "Sharing and Security"
    5. Tick "Share this folder on the Network" and "Allow network users to change my files" then click
    6. Press "Dbox" on your remote.
    7. Select "Settings"
    8. Select "Network Settings"
    9. Scroll to "Mount Network Volume"
    10. Select the first NFS:
    11. Change "Type" to CIFS
    12. Change "Server IP" to (or use the existing IP of the dbox ie 192.168.0.XXX)
    13. Change "Directory Share" to "Dbox"
    14. Change "local Directory" to /mnt
    15. Mount on startup is optional but i set it to automount as this saves time.
    16. Mount Options are to be set to rw,soft,udp
    17. Username is your windows username and password is the windows password
    18. Select Mount Now.

    Recording Settings

    1. Press Dbox then "Settings" then "Recording"
    2. Scroll "Recording device" until it says "Direct(file)"
    3. Select "Direct Recording Settings"
    4. Select "Default Recording Directory" and select "mnt/movies"
    5. Set Max File size to 4096 ( i have changed this value but you shouldnt need to change it).
    6. Set No. of Ringbuffers to 20 ( i have this set to 70 but again you shouldnt need to change this value).
    7. Set all other options to off with the exception of "record all Audio PID's" and "Long
    Filename....." Which should be set to "on"
    8. Go back then select "Save/Activate Changes"
    9. Go back again then go to Miscellaneous
    28. Set "Load SPTS at boot" to "on"
    29. Go back then save again

    Now the Box is set to record to your computer, its time to sort out playback.

    1. Press "Dbox"
    2. Select "Movie Player"
    3. Select "Settings"
    4. Set "Streaming Server" to "On"
    5. Set "Streaming Server IP" to (or use the existing IP of the dbox ie 192.168.0.XXX)
    6. Set "Directory(VLC)" to C:/Dbox/Movies or if you have changed the drive from C: to another drive, set to X:/Dbox/Movies
    where X is the drive letter you are using.
    7. Set "Default Directory" to /mnt/movies
    8. Go back then into the "Settings" menu then select "Save"

    Playing a recording

    1. To test that everything is working come out of all the menu's.
    2. Press the blue button then the red button "Record start". Let it run for a minute or so saving to
    your harddrive.
    3. Press "record stop" or if you have came out of that menu blue button then red again.
    4. If no errors occur press "Dbox" button then select "Movie Player"
    5. Select "Play TS" then select the recording that you just made.
    If everything plays then you are finished!

    As i said before....this works perfectly on Boxcracker but not on any of the new images. Any help in this will be greatly appreciated. Keep up the awesome work on here guys, you are LEGENDS!!!!!!!!

    Problem solved, just reflashed boxcracker image and the box is recording great but any advice on the blade quad would be greatly appreciated guys.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  14. blissirl

    blissirl Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    cheers rupert but as i said i cannot get any scan to run no transponders detected i dont know how to get the netid from subbed sagem box .
    i can read , and did read the posts where you mentioned how to mod the conf.scan trust me i have tried everything cannot get this image to scan on my network no matter what i do Cork Chorus NTHell UPEESEE.
    If however i feed in the dublin services and bouquets i get roughly half the channells if i scan again it wipes the channels, even if i stipluate update bouquets.

    Any one know the netid for cork i have evrything else im sure.
  15. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    You need to set your location,reboot the box and then preform a scan, (Or someone here may have a service file for your area and provider). Dublin services will not work for you as they use different frequencies.

    Although as stated some NetID info in Blade Quad needs to be edited. I havent checked to see if this is the case for Cork. Have you tried Lakey Pro?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  16. blissirl

    blissirl Member

    Apr 3, 2008
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    ballox the only problem is i have no way of reading the netid on the shitty little sagem i have you cant bring up channel infos will keep plugging away i have eaten shit through this i never seen any sportster or blade do a scan on any box here in cork not to say it doent work .CHEERS for all the input guys fair play to yiz all.
    trying to build new cables.xml no netid makes it all pointless im guessing.
  17. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  18. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    If you have the netid then it is sort of like a pin code, it goes off and automatically retrieves the frequencies to scan at. You do not have the netid, so you need to make up your own cables file (unless mgb17s one is upto date, try it, but it may be ch***s dublin).

    I never used the netid technique until recently. If they changed frequencies I would get out my subbed box, turn on a channel which was missing and press help on the pace remote, this would tell me the new frequency. Then I manually add this to the cables.xml file

    This is what I was explaining before, forget netid, go through your channels on the subbed box, press menu and you can see the various frequencies you need, then create your own cables.xml a scan with the correct cables.xml file will work without ever needing the netid. You can see in my guide the scan.conf may not have a netid line at all.

    You should have 1 frequency for every ~10-11 channels. I get 142 tv stations on 13 frequencies. If you have 80 channels you can expect around 8 to list, if you do not want to check all 80 channels pick random ones, get at least 5 different frequencies, make a cables.xml, scan and now see what channels are missing. Now go back to the subbed box and turn on a missing station, now you can figure out the missing ones a little easier. -though it could be faster to go through all channels in one go.

  19. robbie67

    robbie67 Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    thanks ruprect for the blade image i flashed it and all stations again top man
  20. rezsbc

    rezsbc Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    I've got a nokia dbox2 (2xintel) and for the past few months I've just had nagrarom7 switched on with the rest disabled. Connected to NTL in Dublin.

    I see mentioned further back in the thread that updated emulators for the other nagrarom modules are available also. Will it improve my experience if I upgrade to them or does it make little practical difference?

    Any help most appreciated.
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