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Defragmenting my hard drive

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hobbsy123, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Diskeeper 8 looks good but not free. The compare page didn`t sell me on buying when really not that different then the Winxp built in version. If I was running win2000, then huge advantage.

    the only selling point is it runs in the background and doesn`t need to be scheduled. I find that a negative. I hate crap running in the background, I try to delete everything I don`t need.
  2. blco32

    blco32 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    I had that problem for a while. My defrag kept starting over and over. I read that if you do control, alt, delete and close out everything except systray and wexplorer the defrag would work. I did it and my defrag went through like it was suppose to in record time.
  3. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    hi there.

    why on earth does everyone have so many difference of opinion about defrag your system, why cant u just say defrag needs to be done but depends on what your doing or using your pc for will determine how often u defrag.

    we all know that the windows defrag is hopeless, if u have norton systemworks, use SPEED DISC, 100% better than anything else (in my opinion that is)

    u have to close off any programs, shut off internet, disable anti virus/firewall, carry out system check/repair such as norton one button checkup, delete temp int files, then run SPEED DISC.

    i do video editing and have to defrag every other day, or else my system clogs up, its the nature of this process, but deleting your TEMP INT FILES will do a lot to keep your pc working good as well.

    dont take my word for it, this is only my opinion, but anyone who thinks your pc should not or never be defrag your kidding yourself, and giving misleading info to the very people who asked this question, my opinion is that for the average pc user doing web browsing and other basic applications, defrag should be done every month minimum.

  4. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    I do alot of Encoding, Ripping, Web Development, Downloading, Publishing etc,

    I personally
    Defrag daily,
    Scans for viruses daily,
    Scan for Adware & Spyware daily,
    Clear all TMP folders.

    Working for an ISP, i know how comptuers can get clogged with mainy Adware and Spyware just from the average user.

    The reason why it will restart, is that if another program, eg Norton's is running, its trying to access the Hard Drive all the time, which gets in Defrags way. BUT this is only with Windows 98, and ME.
    2000 and XP are ok, and wont keep restarting.

    Also not everyone can afford ~$180 AUD for NSW.
    Windows Defrag works just fine, if you have have NSW.

  5. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    HI KOZZA (another roo here m8, sydneyite)

    for the average user, ok windows defrag might be average and do an average defrag, i actually compared win defrag to norton speed disc not long ago, and the result was astounding.

    after i closed off/disables programs as i mentioned in my previous reply, i ran windows xp defrag on both my h/drives (both used for video work) and it completed the task in 30 min, i then ran norton speed disc straight after that and speed disc told me that c-drive was fragmented over 40% and d/drive was 15% (i do the video work on c/drive, then transfer finished work to d/drive for storage)
    i then did the speed disc on both drives ant it took 45 min i think to complete.

    i do admit that video capture and editing will cause the drives to fragment quickly, so for the average user, ok just use windows defrag.
    if u want norton systemworks, get an earlier version like 2002 or 2003, u can get both nowdays for less than $50au ($30us) and u can still get the latest updates for it, similar as the current 2004 version. it is money well spent (i got 2003, cost me $30)

    btw, i believe that windows defrag is actually supplied by (or used to be supplied by) nortons (symantec) but its just a basic version of the speed disc that u get with nortons systemworks, is this still correct ?????


    btw prisoner, u bet u can re-format/reinstall twice a day, can do it once every 2 hours if u know how to do it right, maybe faster. i did it 3 times in 8 hrs on my new pc just after i built it (well my brother did it, not me) but he does his all the time and it can be done.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2004
  6. vertigo17

    vertigo17 Member

    Feb 23, 2004
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    I use Diskeeper 8.0 Pro - there is no substitute. Automated and everything with it's Set-and-Forget feature. Try out the demo.
  7. xbennyboy

    xbennyboy Guest

    All I can say is: Why? If your PC is that screwed with Win98 then just don't use it! And because I can't "plug" Linux is this forum thread, I would say get XP!

    The newer kernels and distributions have much, much better hardware support. They just need to get that WINE emulator working decently so you can run your M$ applications on Linux, without having to recompile (that is if you even have the source code, but not very likely is it?)
  8. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest


    my "QUOTE" re being able to format and re-install every 2 hrs was to indicate that it CAN be done that regularly if u wanted to, i WAS NOT implying that i HAD to do it cos my pc was screwed, and it was only in reply to an earlier post who said u couldnt possibly do a format and fresh install more than once or twice in a day.

    me and my bro did it just to see how long it would take to re-format and re-install win xp 3 consecutive times. it was done on an old hard drive, not my new ones.

    i know 3 people who format and reinstall every morning ??? and several who do it every week.
    these people are big time gamers, and some are videographers like me, and they just believe thier pc is better being formatted aand fresh install like that ??? im not so sure.
    i only format and fresh install every 6 mths as i do lots of video work, but i do adaware and norton systemworks scans every day, and defrag (nortons) all my drives every week, video work screws them up a bit.

    hope this sorted u out benny ??? GLEN

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