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Dick Cheney Shooting

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by L-Burna, Feb 16, 2006.

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  1. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Did you notice how long it took for the story to break as it was. I was watching The Daily Show last night and John made some pretty accurate comments (as he always does) about how Fox news played this thing way way down. They instead wanted to focus more on what the American Public really wanted to see. Which happened to be all about that guy who killed his wife and daughter. Yeah the american public wants to know who some random dude shot not who the vice pres shot.
  2. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    LOL I have to laugh at some of the posts, here. The timing of the shooting, unfortunately masked the acts of treason by the ex-VP of the United States, Al Gore. Those acts were sort of swept under the table. I bet he won't be making any visits to our troops in the near future.

    RoNin, he didn't shoot him right in the face.
  3. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  4. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    So Ireland.......did you know that Casino Royale is going to be produced by MGM/Columbia Pictures? I guess it's no longer MGM/UA. One of my sons is a James Bond fanatic.

    How's it going GrandpaBW? Did you ever watch "The Insider"? Great acting from Al Pacino and Russell Crowe, had 7 academy award nominations. It's about the BIG7 Tobacco companies and their unethical practices. I also enjoyed Christopher Plummer's role as Mike Wallace (6o Minutes). Highly recommended.
  5. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I don't mean to start this thread in a different direction, just wondering what specifically raised your blood pressure Grandpa!!!
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  7. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    @Deadrum: My blood pressure wasn't raised at all. Tone inflections are non-existent in most posts. I was merely making a statement about what is important to the press.

    @RoNin: Read your response to what I said. Do you see the words spray, chest, and face? If you saw Whittington's press conference today, you saw that he did not take a direct hit to the face.

    @mackdl: I am still kicking. :) I did not see "The Insider", but I am in day 33 now, without having a cigarette.
  8. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    @GrandpaBW I'm not contradicting what you said I just quoted what I read.
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    at least the guy was a lawyer...i mean, if he had died, no big loss.
  10. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Nice add to your sig Auslander........
  11. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    the real truth ye did not see after the bird shot shooting..*(so their...
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    hay Cheney nice shot..next time wait until he gets a little closer,*(so their...
  13. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    ireland thats a great picture.
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i seen some thing i did not like today.........and that got to me.
    i wanted to shut my browser down...

    Politics’ and religion do not mix on any web site or bar..that where I seen the most fights on the subject..and i seen a ton of fights..
    I will never discuss Politics’ and religion any where or at any time..

    i hope ye all save the quote and learn by it..


    sorry but thats how i feel,i been on this earth almost 70 years and i almost seen it all..that is most of the reasons i post those pixs is to get ye to laugh and get ye to feel good about ye selfs..i put in my time in hell answering questions for the newbies..over 11000 posts..time for me to take it easy..and have fun..
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  15. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    I'm not much for politics as well as many others here,but hey this is the Vice President it should be brought up I think.If this offends some people then don't read it simple as that,it is freedom of speech.It is funny how some people take politics real serious,but then get screwed by them everyday hahaha lol sorry but it's the truth.I think politics and religion are two different subjects,but that is just me.Religion can help people,Politics are just crooked they are out to screw anyone and every living thing.I am actually suprised to see you respond like that aabbccdd,so when is the Vice President the President your confusing them both.It's the safety valve and I thought it should be brought to our attention,not posted anywhere in a tech thread or tech forum.I think aabbccdd needs a hug or some bug spray to kill the bug up his arse is all.By the way glad to hear from you jim_dandy it has been awhile since I heard from you m8.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I have a feeling someone is going to take a break after this thread. My wife is a strong republican and I'm not (right now anyway) so with this said we can all live together peacefully.
  17. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    im not one for USA politics but the way the american governments going is not good.what happened to the hunt for terrorist?and now an american vice president shoots a guy in the face.americas a crazy country and that said im not gonna say anymore on the topic.

    p.s.i hate regilious debates there worse than politics.

  18. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Not trying to start up on religion either, just comparing two ways where some people dont look outside their comfort zone.
    I agree with the sad state of politics, Is it any coincidence that the people in power are the ones making the most money out of the raise in gas prices (Bush) and the reconstruction of all the damage war does (Cheney)? I copied something on this subject, a little long but I'm allowed my first run-on post after some of the stuff I seen around here :p This report is from credible sources, just Google the name and topic.

    Bush-Nazi Link - Absolute Confirmation
    Interview with John Buchanan
    I've been an investigative reporter and a journalist for 35 years. I've worked in every major media market in the United States, and I've written for more than a one-hundred newspapers and magazines nationally and internationally.
    So last September 17th I became the first journalist in US history to go to the US National Archives and the Library of Congress and poor over the thousands of pages of documents in both places to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt or any refutation of the facts that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W. Bush, and George Herbert Walker—his maternal great-grandfather—for whom his daddy is named were Nazi traitors to the country who should have been tried for treason.
    Two weeks ago, in early August, a major world newspaper, The Guardian of London, finally got on the story internationally and they flew a renowned reporter of there's named Duncan Campbell over to Washington to take me back to the Archives and the Library of Congress so they could verify that these explosive documents were real and that I didn't have forged copies.

    [How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to Power - The Guardian of London]

    Prescott Bush was the grandfather of George W. Bush and the father of George Herbert Walker Bush, and George Herbert Walker Bush is named for his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker.
    Prescott Bush graduated from Yale in 1917 and was in Skull & Bones with E. Roland Harriman who was the younger brother of W. Averill Harriman. The Bush family really had nothing going. They were essentially social climbers, and opportunistic people.

    [Skull & Bones - CBS News]

    At the time Prescott Bush met Dorothy Walker, he was a tire salesman. And George Herbert Walker—as all fathers do when their daughter is going to marry someone—said in his heart that it's not an appropriate thing socially that my daughter marry a tire salesman.
    So he brought Prescott Bush first into Brown Brothers Harriman, and then Union Banking Corporation.
    In actually, it was anything but a bank. It was essentially a Nazi money-laundering operation that had a lot of tentacles into a lot of different other businesses. They owned a shipping line called Hamburg American Line for example. Which was the first Nazi front business ceased, although the line was no longer operational in 1942 .
    In the early 1930s it transported Nazi Spies into the US, and then their promotional ads offered cash rewards to any Americans who would go back [to Germany] on Hamburg American Lines and proselytize for Hitler.
    Eight months after the US had entered the war, the New York Herald Tribune ran a front page article, Hitlers “angel” has $3,000,000 in US Bank. . .and it caused a major scandal and just rocked the world of politics.
    Brown Brothers Harriman, which George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush were affiliated with and partners in, worked with IG Farben which operated Auschwitz.
    Prescott Bush. . .he did a number of things that were not only anti-American but were pro-Hitler, and he did all that he could to proselytize for Hitler and the rise of his Third Reich, because the largest client Fritz Thyssen, of his patron W. Averill Harriman, dictated what kind of behavior he would practice to enhance his own career.
    So he [Prescott Bush] was put on the board of directors for Union Banking Corporation, and he was also a shareholder in Union Banking Corporation along with E. Roland Harriman.
    What's interesting about what the documents show, is that they clearly state that all of the shareholders were phantom shareholders for Fritz Thyssen and did his bidding directly.
    So the point that I'm making is, is it's not as if they bought these shares of stock as a passive investment to hopefully profit from the war.
    They were directly doing the bidding of the individual who built the Nazi war machine.
    Some very shocking documents that I saw at the Library of Congress, two weeks ago on August 10th . . .had on August 9th, excuse me. . .Had to do with the hearings McCormick-Dickstein Committee of November 1934—show that Prescott Bush and the du Pont family, the Remington family, and J. P. Morgan. . . tried to overthrow the US Government, assassinate FDR and put a Hitler-style fascist state in place. I have in my possession testimony from the McCormick-Dickstein Committee in November of 1934, by one of the fascist plotters, that they were going to follow Hitler's model exactly and impose martial law on the United States. Round up unemployed people that were “worthless to the economy”, and trouble-makers and Jews, and put them into internment camps. And their plan was, if necessary to exterminate the people that could not be part of the effort.

    [Martial Law: The Pretext is Now Set - Infowars.net]

    The only reason the coup attempt in 1934 didn't succeed, is that they hired the wrong General to lead it. General Smedley Butler, the great Marine hero—two time Congressional Medal of Honor winner—who worked with the plotters just long enough to be able to identity who they were, and then blew the whistle on them to Congress.

    [General Smedley Butler: Attack on the Nazis - History Today]

    Incredibly, after being warned by the FBI and the Justice Department and the Treasury Department—to cease and desist in their Nazi dealings—they had continued them until 1951.
    There had been 28 additional seizures of Nazi assets and Nazi business fronts between late 1942 and 1951, and that they had moved Nazi assets into Switzerland and Brazil, Argentina and Panama, and that they had continued to do business with their primary Nazi patron who was Fritz Thyssen—who backed Hitler beginning in 1921; who was the wealthiest man in Germany and a steel & coal baron, who with his partner Friedrich Flick—essentially built the Nazi war machine along with IG Farben. In 1951, when Fritz Thyssen died in Argentina, Union Banking Corporation was liquidated by the US Government, and Prescott Bush received $1,500,000 for his holdings in his Nazi business, and that was the beginning of the Bush family fortune, for all intents and purposes.
    George Bush doesn't take his philosophical foundation from the Bible or the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
    George Bush takes his inspiration from what he learned in Skull & Bones, and from the Thule Society—that Hitler and Goebbels and Goering cut their teeth in—Bohemian Grove—these evil organizations that perpetrate the ugly things that these criminals are doing to this country for which they must be held accountable.
    Now you look at the Republican National Convention this week, and you bring in Arnold Schwarzenegger to speak last night. Schwarzenegger is the son of a Nazi. He has praised Nazis. He has praised Hitler. He talked last night in terms like: we will not falter, we will not waiver, we will win this war on terror.

    “He's a leader who doesn't flinch, who doesn't waiver, who does not back down!” - Arnold Schwarzenegger (talking about George W. Bush)
    Well. . .that's exactly the speeches that Hitler made after the Patriot Act after 9/11. . .which I submit is his [George Bush's] “Reichstag fire”. Karl Rove and his minions are every bit the masters of propaganda that Joseph Goebbels was. They literally took lessons from Goebbels and Goering about how to create such brilliant propaganda, that “unreality” can become reality. And reality can be subverted to fantasy—political subterfuge right before your eyes!

    [The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus - CounterPunch.org]

    So there's just an endless broken record that is leading up to the present era. The Bush family has had a single goal for one-hundred years, which is to become the most powerful family on the planet. . .and to rule the world. And they are on the verge of doing that under George W. Bush. It's critical that every citizen of this country rise up and do something because the day of reckoning is at hand and these people are Nazis. They are practicing Nazi philosophy. They are mimicking Nazi tactics, and. . .
    Time is running out.

  19. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Deadrum33: thank you very much! it wouldn't have been a possible addition without L-Burna's first link :D

    and hey, i rip on cheney, but right here is a goddang truth:

    [bold]I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney...

    ...than ever ride with Ted Kennedy![/bold]
  20. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I enjoy talking about politics & religion, they fascinate me. I am of no particular persuasion in either, but I like to learn. It's a pity that there are people who are inable to have an adult conversation about it.

    Billy Connolly once said, & I quote;

    "The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one!"

    Those are true words, most are in it for self gain/publicity & has little to do with improving the socio-economic problems around them/us. I hate the way it has just become a gravy train of people taking & not giving back to the community. It seems, in the UK at least, that most are happy to tell us what we should do or say, then they live by another set of rules. I hate the fact that the police are given more & more powers to detain/search people without just cause.

    I am a firm believer in you are innocent 'til proven guilty. That goes back to the Magna Carta in 1215, it is an important piece of our history, just as the Declaration of Indepedence is to Americans.
    It seems that these liberties are being eroded, on both sides of the Atlantic, in the name of our security/safety.
    I do not believe this to be true.
    Nowadays it would appear just opposite.

    "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"

    Orwell (Eric Blair- he got his pseudonym from the name of the King at the time, George & the name of a river!) had it spot on here.

    In the UK we will be having ID cards forced upon us, at our OWN cost! Our Government is obsessed in knowing & controlling all aspects of our life. The old arguement of "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" is complete nonsense.

    I have nothing to hide, but I have nothing to show either!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
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