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Dick Cheney Shooting

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by L-Burna, Feb 16, 2006.

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  1. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    aabbccdd, you are in your forties buddy, and I am 17 years old....yet I wouldn't dream of acting so childish..
  2. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    GWB is a great man OMG that is the funniest thing Ive heard all day.
    Great leadership...I guess that is why all of our allies turned their backs on us when it came to the war in Iraq....how bout all those weapons of mass destruction they found...wow that was well worth all the blood spilled,and is still spilling.

    Bush is a strong-armed war monger and thank god this is his last term.
    And dont come back with the reply...who can do better...that sounds like that would've been a good slogan for Bush's campaign the last time.....Vote GWB because he is better than nothing.

    This thread was doing just fine before you came in and started pushing everyone around....GROW UP!!
  3. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    lay off man i dont need your opinion!!! as said like i care what you think or will i ever ,everyone wants threads like this now we have one


    How the Media Vote. Surveys of journalists’ self-reported voting habits show them backing the Democratic candidate in every presidential election since 1964, including landslide losers George McGovern, Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis. In 2004, a poll conducted by the University of Connecticut found journalists backed John Kerry over George W. Bush by a greater than two-to-one margin. See Section.
    Journalists’ Political Views. Compared to their audiences, journalists are far more likely to say they are Democrats or liberals, and they espouse liberal positions on a wide variety of issues. A 2004 poll by the Pew Research Center for The People & The Press found five times more journalists described themselves as “liberal” as said they were “conservative.” See Section.

    How the Public Views the Media. In increasing numbers, the viewing audiences recognize the media’s liberal tilt. Gallup polls have consistently found that three times as many see the media as “too liberal” as see a media that is “too conservative.” A 2005 survey conducted for the American Journalism Review found nearly two-thirds of the public disagreed with the statement, “The news media try to report the news without bias,” and 42 percent of adults disagreed strongly. See Section.

    Admissions of Liberal Bias. A number of journalists have admitted that the majority of their brethren approach the news from a liberal angle. During the 2004 presidential campaign, for example, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas predicted that sympathetic media coverage would boost Kerry’s vote by “maybe 15 points,” which he later revised to five points. In 2005, ex-CBS News President Van Gordon Sauter confessed he stopped watching his old network: “The unremitting liberal orientation finally became too much for me.” See Section

    Denials of Liberal Bias. Many journalists continue to deny the liberal bias that taints their profession. During the height of CBS’s forged memo scandal during the 2004 campaign, Dan Rather insisted that the problem wasn’t his bias, it was his anybody who criticized him. “People who are so passionately partisan politically or ideologically committed basically say, ‘Because he won’t report it our way, we’re going to hang something bad around his neck and choke him with it, check him out of existence if we can, if not make him feel great pain,’” Rather told USA Today in September 2004. “They know that I’m fiercely independent and that’s what drives them up a wall.” See Section.

    Evidence of Bias in News Coverage. The Media Research Center continuously reports on instances of the liberal bias in the mainstream media. Daily CyberAlerts offer a regular roundup of the latest instances of biased reporting, while our NewsBusters blog allows Web users to post their own reactions. Media Reality Check fax reports showcase important stories that the news media have distorted or ignored, and several times each year the MRC publishes Special Reports offering in-depth documentation of the media’s bias on specific issues.

  4. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    What a coinkydink...we dont need your opinion either.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  5. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    anyone who watches the news now days needs to take it with a grain of salt. if u think any of these polititians are out for u then ur in for a big suprise. they tell u what u want to hear so u will vote for them. when they get the power and money they forget all about u. when its all said and done ur still going to have to get up and go to work in the morning and pay bills in the evening, and if u think otherwise ur just fooling yourself. i have sattelite and i like to watch the world news myself, it lets me know how the rest of the world sees us(us).
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    and there was WOMD saddam stood up in court the other day and admited it they moved them ,why cant you seem to understand that!!!
  7. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    Oh yeah Saddam is a very reputable source...Golly Gee Saddam wouldn't lie.
  8. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    The whole "45 minute" thing was just a farce too. We had a scientist called David Kelly who died in mysterious circumstances, he questioned the 45 minute clain, him & his colleagues laughed about it!
    Scott Ritter also made valid points as to the state of the so called WMD too. He's probably one of those pot smoking liberals we hear so much about nowadays
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Between Iraq's invasion
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2006
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    keep buying the lie guys ,iam sure iraq never had them ,yeah right lol
  11. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Who sold Iraq its' technology? The Brits & the Yanks. We are both guilty of this, it was so Iraq could fight Iran. Who trained Bin Laden? Who warned the US about him, Oliver North. His worries were dismissed though.
    I work with a chap who used to work for Marconi, he actually met Saddam when the Brits sold them defective radio equipment!
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  12. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Quote from your text;

    [bold]"The quality of the intelligence analysis has also come under scrutiny. The failure to find weapons stocks or active production lines, undermining claims by the October 2002 NIE and both President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell (Document 16, Document 27), has been one particular cause for criticism."[/bold]

    And another;

    [bold]"By the time of the creation of the ISG, and continuing to the date of this publication, a controversy has existed over the performance of U.S. (and British) intelligence in collecting and evaluating information about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction programs. The reliability of sources has been questioned. It has been suggested that some human intelligence may have been purposeful deception by the Iraqi intelligence and security services, while exiles and defectors may have provided other intelligence seeking to influence U.S. policy."[/bold]

    I think that says it all.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah and Bill Clinton had the chance to take out ben laden but didnt have to balls to do it was to busy getting blow jobs in the white house. what a POS he was
  14. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    All your text does is give us more ammo....
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I've seen the theory about the pentagon before and the movie too. I does seem mysterious, but no one has been able to answer this question!

    What happened to the plane that was supposed to have hit the pentagon with all the passengers aboard if it was indeed a missile that hit the pentagon instead??? Where are they? There was no other crash that day that I remember.
  16. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    This is the only thing that people can come up with that was wrong with Clinton.....he was a horndog....that is weak.

    Our economy was in the best shape it had been in several decades when willy the horndog was in office.Bush had to reclassify jobs so that flipping burgers was considered and industrial job so he could boast about the unemployment rate...yeah right great leader LOL

    You are right pulsar,he caught his pants on his own pitchfork LOL
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    he says hi to bill clinton,[​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  18. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Last edited: Feb 18, 2006
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    did you notice how many countries was involved with the un sanctioned coalition in the 1st gulf war compared to the non-sanctioned coalition of the 2nd gulf war? i wonder why!!??
  20. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Hmmm, I wonder why.........

    Still thinking.......

    Still thinking.......
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