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Diskette Drive 0 Seek Failure

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by wrath663, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. pcdoc1

    pcdoc1 Guest

  2. wrath663

    wrath663 Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Ok thank you everyone for your help I'm going to replace the Motherboard.
  3. Lostin60s

    Lostin60s Member

    May 9, 2009
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    This seem a good thread for this post.
    I am working on a Dell (yuk) Dimension 2400. Here is some info.

    BIOS, as best I can tell from the chip and Setup. SST 49LF004B (from chip) Ver. A05 (from setup.
    MOBO Intel D865gbf, or Foxconn LS-36, can't get part number from Dell (imagine that)
    Chipset 845GV
    CPU Celeron 2.4 Ghz

    Basically, all I did was put the HDD and CD/DVD recorders from a Dimension 4600 in place of the existing hardware.
    It took a few tries with the BIOS to get it to boot, but it booted and was working well.

    Then my sis decided she wanted XP PRO instead of the XP Media Center. So I wiped the HDD with killdisk. And from there it all went South.

    When I try to install XP PRO I get "Diskette drive 0 seek failure" I assumed it was looking for a non-existant floppy, so I went into BIOS and made sure that the floppy option was disabledand that CD/DVD was my first boot choice. All my drives show up in setup.

    No beeps on starup, and all diagnostic lights are green. If I let it sit awhile I get
    =======TRAP 0000000D - General Protection Fault=======
    Among the several other things it says on the same screen are
     errcode=2BD0  NoCy  NoZr  IntDis Down  TrapDis.
    This seems as if it should be easy, but I cant figure it out. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. Lostin60s

    Lostin60s Member

    May 9, 2009
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    Well...DUH. Looked in BIOS again and checked Drive Config. Found Floppy, and changed it to "not installed"

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