I would advise against it unless you just want to learn a limited way of recording. DVD Decrypter is a great decryption tool, but you're limited to being able to burn only ISO files. DVD Shrink was intended to work with the Nero burning ROM and Decrypter was only meant as a backup method and a limited one at that. Try the 30 day free trial from the Nero site and see how Shrink is supposed to work. By the way, an improved version of Shrink is due out next week, or supposed to be improved. As long as you don't tamper with the settings, Nero is the default burner software and works automatically when you enter backup in Shrink. Easy, huh? _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Sorry guys! Not that naive. Husband's a prison guard and most of the accused are seual deviants and do not have an out date per the courts as they are deemed to dangerous for society. That is just 11 miles from our house. Go figure! But thanks for all the help so far. I will be trying out Decrypter and Shrink both real soon and by the way it's "Goldilocks"! Think I should change my nickname! HEHEHE yourself!
We do like to joke. On a serious note, Nero gives you 30 days to learn using the program, which makes shrink easy. Plus, if you want to learn some editing, you can go into re-author. There are good guides for the DVD Shrink here at AD and at Doom9.org. You won't need a guide for Nero until you want to use some of its other options. After all, it is a complete CD and DVD recording suite. Since you said you were going to try it, do not open the InCd portion of the Nero download. It is a known problem with DVD recording software. It won't cause a problem not having it. Recode2 is the good retail DVD recording program included with the retail pack. If you every get Nero, I would suggest getting the Recode2. You can use the free DVD Decrypter to rip for it.
Ginia, Here is a learning exercise for you, since you have the 321. This method records with any software, so you may find it useful elsewhere. You need only the DVD Decrypter, Daemon an emulator, and your 321 soft. When you open Decrypter, it is in file mode without being changed. Go to Mode on the toolbar and open it, and change the setting to ISO read. Rip the file to the HD. You will have an ISO and MDS file. Load the ISO in the emulator Daemon. Did I mention those were free programs. (Run a search, both have their own website.) Anyway, back to it. The emulator program takes the ISO and makes the PC see it as a drive with a disc in it. The PC assigns a new drive. The emulator has to be loaded and unloaded. The term is Mount and Unmount. Pretty straight forward. With no discs in the drives, 321 soft recognizes the simulated drive and reads the ISO as a disc. Don't know if that will work with the Pixar files that won't normally record. A couple of pluses to this method. With the file in the emulator you can view it with the PC dvd player software. Just in case you need to check a file against a faulty burn. Can't do that with a temp file. You can probalbly figure more uses. As I may have said, this method works with all the recording software I have and that's a bunch.
Brobear I don't believe you're quite accurate about NTI FileCD being a problem with various DVD burning software. I'm a big fan of FileCD and have it standard on all my computers, three of which have various flavors of DVD burning software (DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, DVDXCopy, DVDXpress, 321's Plantinum) with no conflicts at all. I have to be sure FileCD is closed out - FileCD does not stay resident as does Nero's InCD and Roxio's DirectCD packet writing applications when those two are allegedly closed out. FileCD is really gone and only appears if you specifically open the application.
Yo brobear, how goes it buddy? another Friday nite, seems everyone is on Ad on late nite Fridays. Just did Butterfly Effect-six hours with rebuilder, includes remake time. God! Gina, Prison guard? They'll come a runnin' now, you got handcuffs! brobear, I'm gonna do it again, just cover your ears. Gina, best deal out there. Nero Ultra 6. Costs 99.00, eagletronics has it for 49.00. This program has everything. Recode(works like shrink, but KEEPS a working menu, all is done out of that one app except ripping-decrypter will do that for ya)), nerovision express(file conversion AND menu creator, extremely easy interface), DVD cover design, PC back up, cd audio, burning rom, Nero express(very simple burning app), diagnostic tools, and so on and so on and so on. This IS the best all around package out there today and it is compatible with everything but Roxio, which you don't want anyway. Does it sound like I've said all this before? nnnaaaahhhh.... I have done countless Disney flicks( I currently have 62 animated Disney films) which are as good a test as there is for video apps, as you've come to realize, i see. Unfortunately recode and nerovision express don't come with the 30 day trial package, 2 of it's best programs. But for 49.00 I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Your Hubby's a prison guard, I'd be too afraid to lead you astray. lol Anyway, that's my 2 cents, for what it's worth, probably not 2 cents. I am sure brobear agrees with me on this, tho he is not prone to do so in public. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
Grampaw The bulletin was presented by 321 tier 2 tech support. So there must be enough of a problem for them to have suggested the removal if people were having problems. I never owned File CD so I don't know personally. Some people are lucky with some software others aren't. 321 is especially touchy. I have the notorious Roxio, which a lot of people do away with. I simply shut it down and the other progs work fine. I am lucky there and a lot of folks aren't. The point being, what works on some systems may not on others and what causes problems on some may not on others. BTW if you want to take the issue up about the File CD I would suggest you do so with 321 tech as they came up with this as the issues were with their software. I own some of their programs, they have the R&D and should know better than I. Note also I said this was a tech bulletin. Note I also suggested to try turning progs off before doing the uninstall. So, how can you say I'm not accurate when you agree with what I said?
Boy, that was the $50 commercial there BigO. Just kidding. For once you dug a public agreement out of me. The Nero with Recode2 and all the accessories is a package that would be hard to beat and I know of no one doing it for $49.
Hey BigO, I'd better run. The old bear doing goldilock jokes and her hubby a prison guard. Did I hear mention of cuffs? My porridge is just right. Don't know what happened there. 3 posts for the price of one. I got entered in triplicate. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Ginia, To answer this question ... You get these options when you click "backup!". Also if you use Nero, you'll need to make sure the box is checked to Enable burning with Nero. By default it should be checked, but double check: open shrink, click edit then preferences, under the File I/O tab is where it will be.
O.K. guys some of you sound like you work w/ the husband. They are all flirts and/or pranksters that love a good debate. As for cuffs yep got 3 pr police issued. Go figure. Can't tell ya about any other items that might be in the home! You guys keep adding more to cornfuse me real good. I told you all I am a blonde right?! My husband like to edit things as that he is the cartoonist on his shift and does a lot with movie scenes. I just want to copy a movie disc to disc. Would prefer cheap but whatever I have to get is what I have to get. So is it still Nero and recode? Or have I really gotten that confused? _X_X_X_X_X_[small]This blonde can use all the help she can get![/small]
No, you have it right, altho you might want to check out the new shrink next week (sorry, couldn't help myself) can't talk longer, got to get these damn cuffs off I went and got today......
From this "he" blonde. I had success using "DVD Shrink v3.1.5 beta 5" and "Clone DVD". I specify beta 5 because of it's ease of use for the beginner. That was before it became a part of NERO. Nero is good stuff. But I like the fact that shrink (beta 5) and clone DVD have fewer steps for the beginner. Or at least from my perspective. If you would like a copy of beta 5 and cannot find it on the internet, PM me and I will upload a copy. Beta 5 will automatically create a new folder on your desktop. Then all you have to do is select that folder with clone & away you go. Just make sure the folder was created to fit on standard DVD.
Now "Big O" you didn't buy those cuffs because of me now did ya. Hi Buik If you could upload me a copy tell me what I need to do on this end. O.K. guys where talking about the dvd burner software. I am sorry we have to get back onto the subject of my original problem for a moment. Sorry Buik, had to stop them real quick, trying to think on my feet, err on my butt LOL, to stay ahead of these guys. How will you get it uploaded to me and me receive it? Then what do I do once I receive it? I really do appreciate all this help guys. You can pm to get addy, etc. Thanks again
Ginia, no way, heh heh On a serious note, don't forget the new and final version of shrink is out next week. Supposed to be kick ass. You might want to check it out, it's still free and you'll probably be able to get it here in AD.
Ginia, nah BigO just knows he needs to be locked up when there's any women in the house. Then again you are a woman... There isn't that much to using the Recode2, so I agree with BigO on it being a good choice. It can be simple and you burn the entire movie disc, or as you learn or want to edit, you have the means. So, its a prog you can grow with. That $49.95 special is sure something to think about to. Plus you can even use the Nero to backup those audio CDs. That sun has a way of ruining things in the old auto. There's still programs in the suite that I haven't gotten around to using yet (just to indicate the scope of the suite).