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DIVX to DVD audio out of sync

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by C.j., May 24, 2004.

  1. elainc33

    elainc33 Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    C.J I havent heard of this one. I said at the beginning of the posts that I used the Creator part of Divx2dvd made by X-oom and could encode and write in around 65 mins an average sized avi file, but I got a load of good hearted sarcasm as you will see. so for those doubters, yesterday I deliberately made a note of everything I was doing, so ignoring the fact that it was a crappy movie, ie. 13 going on 30, this file was an 700MB avi, resolution 512 x 272, the length of the movie is around 1 hr. 37 mins. So it took arond 2 minutes to format the dvd+rw, then 45 repeat 45 minutes to encode and burn - the quality was not "shyte" as someone suggested but very good, admittedly the resolution wasnt so high so that would have made it quicker to do. The one thing that some people dont like about this program is that it automatically sets the aspect ratio but that doesnt bother me. Last night I did, in the end, successfully convert an mkv to mpeg with tmpGenc which took 5 hours, repeat 5 hours!!!!! then I had to open the mpegs with tmpGenc DVD Author which took 30 minutes, then I burned it in the same program which took another 30 minutes, so you are looking at six hours, plus that unprofessional looking menu at the beginning (unless of course you have chapters), so which would you prefer 45 to 75 mins all done, good quality or 6 hours plus. To get rid of the menu, I normally dont burn the mpegs with tmpGenc burner, I open the IFO files up and run them through DVD Shrink, re-author so that the menu gets stripped off and then burn with copytodvd. I only ever use tmpGenc DVD Author with pvastrumento anyway, when I am doing tv rips. Hope I might have helped in some little way!!
  2. C.j.

    C.j. Member

    Sep 6, 2002
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    Hey all...
    I would love to get my hands on Divx2DVD if that's all it takes to convert. When I tried the Super DVD Creator 7.5 demo it only gave me 2 minutes of demo time. The converted vob. file played back and looked good. The length of the file was also 2 minute which makes me believe it converts in real time. It has options for converting to Mpeg2, VCD, SVCD & DVD and cost $29.90 It can be downloaded from http://www.download.com/Super-DVD-Creator/3000-2140-10298758.html Check it out.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2004
  3. elainc33

    elainc33 Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    C.J. If you want X-oom divx2dvd and you live in U.K. better to buy the disc at around 25 pounds. If you are in U.S. you can download at 10% discount but as the dollar is low at the moment, would possibly cost more than Super DVD Creator 7.5. This Super DVD prog looks good and probably similar to X-oom. Divx2dvd converts avi,mpeg, vcd dvd etc. has four programs built in, CREATOR, where you can make menus and edit, COPY, CAPTURE which I use for vhs to dvd and DIRECT, which is the main one I use and the quickest using dvd+rw (just to be on the safe side and then I copy onto dvd-r with Nero or Roxio) I have done around 92 movie conversions since January,(I always run the file through DIVFix first) I am always a little sus when you get only 2 mins trial, most companies give you 14 days trial with full program. I tried a program avi,etc. to DVD made by Cucusoft. This was a 2 min trial, seemed okay, when I bought it, it was ghastly, took around 10 hours, so I got my money back. However, in saying that, X-oom dont even give you a trial. Yesterday, despite all my previous quick conversions, I did an old not very good quality black and white movie and this actually took 1 hour 50 minutes which is the longest time ever in the 90 odd I have done. Have a look at the x-oom.com site and see whatyou think.
  4. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    @ elainc33

    quote:I tried a program AVI,etc. to DVD made by Cucusoft. This was a 2 min trial, seemed okay, when I bought it, it was ghastly, took around 10 hours, so I got my money back

    why does it take 10hrs.On a 175 meg avi the best i can get is 75 mins doing the conversion process.
  5. elainc33

    elainc33 Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    No idea, maybe I wasnt using it correctly but I didnt like the program. I have never tried converting a 175 meg, always around 700.
    Just realised this morning, the objection some people have with divx2dvd setting the aspect ratio automatically, is easily overcome by switching tv to 16.9, only found this on a new portable as have been using an old tv in the past to test out conversions.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2004
  6. jamon666

    jamon666 Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    i use super dvd creator to convert div x to dvd but my audio goes out of sync towards the end of each chapter the rectifies itself tried e-mailing adji & dvdsripper no replies yet any ideas ?

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