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dose any one of you got something to say? - come join the incoherence

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by brokenkey, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    So what is it? Do you have all the updates for the pay programs? I think not from the above statement and are too lazy to find a good FREE one that might help you-even when others have pointed you to it. Doesn't matter if you have 100pcs and one gets hacked and compromises yahoo then it's done- your password is stolen! Now you say you have all the latest updates and firewall updates and seem to know whats wrong and how to fix it. Why the CL**K did you come here and ask for help? It is we that have the pcs that are running correctly and are not infected or eaten up by hackers. You were given good advice. You might try taking some of it to heart and help yourself. Also you might avoid some of the seemier sides of the internet until you get stealthed! Bring your lunch, it's going to take some time. :p
  2. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Garmoon has given you very good advice, you best heed it unless the Fiend figures out who you are and hacks your computer and turns it into a homing beacon for a BLU-82 device. Me thinks you have visited one of the seemier sides of the net and have unknowingly installed a keylogger programme on your machine. If you do on-line banking they may be headed to the French Riviera on your bank accounts. Your Yahoo account is maintained on Yahoo servers, and can be accessed via anyone who has your user ID and password. Do you access the net thru an internet cafe? Did you notice if someone had left checked the box "remember my password" on the screen? If so you have been epiccally owned my friend. Think back on all your recent logging onto that particular account, whether at school in public or whereever, and you'll have the answer to the question, "Who owns my bombays"?
  3. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    yahh you guys are right thats why i'm putting a program that save i.p. every time it comes in right now just to indicates which i.p. really do alot of research in my pc and that inclouds the time and day it come in and not only that it has its own built in maps so it really locates the i.p. and also gives out some phone numbers and address of the i.p. it will block reflecting merror so that it will regester all i.p. by location if the hacker use a reflicting merror he wont be able to go in cause the pc will shout down it self. hows that? i'm building it right now with the soft ware it may takes some time to built it but it a wort of help for others who got hack just like my friends its because you guys gives me idea to built it i thank you guys for the good advice cause it seem that those guys are abusing the site.. if yahoo got the system i can also built one i just saw yahoo got that one on there system called the spamers locator on yahoo like every time we click a spam mail yahoo said that they will autmaticly locate the location but until now i haven't seen or heared that a spamer got arrested hehehehe... that how yahoo really craps heheehehe.. i just saw there lates and most advance spam locator on the dicovery channel but i hope mines is good enought to find that bumhole who gives problem to others like us.. thanks guys.

  4. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    People that do "research" don't spell "includes"- "inclouds" and "mirror" "merror." Not to mention register and reflecting! sheesh!You type in run on sentences and have the English grammar of a third grader. Get your crayons out and try to stay within the lines.
  5. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    really do alot of research in my pc and that inclouds the time and day it come in and not only that it has its own built in maps so it really locates the i.p. and also gives out some phone numbers and address of the i.p. it will block reflecting merror so that it will regester all i.p. by location if the hacker use a reflicting merror

    Assuming he/she uses their own IP.
    The RIAA and MPAA have been trying for years to locate pirates and have have had limited (Zero) success in shutting down the major players, why is this. Me thinks more research on the Discovery channel is necessary. Just remember it takes several months to show cutting edge technology on TV, by then it has turned to scabbed over technology while the hackers/invaders are still living in the bleeding edge frontier of technology. Just follow the advicegiven and stay away from the crack/pirate sites who prey on unseuspecting bait fish like yourself. Google Archerfish and see how it applies. "Oooh, bright shiney".

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