i didnt read any of the posts in here i jus came to have a good laugh about dell.... DELL... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..WOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA snigger.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok im done now lol
ok guys...... this is my 2nd Dell........ yes I had one and then went to another computer (Compaq-- which was good, also) and then went back to Dell. Well I knew the pitfalls of Dell...... I ordered my computer..... then found out that 4 days later it went onsale for 33% less! I cancelled my order and reorded from another department (business/personal ..there is a difference). Well it's the personal computer dept that had the sale and not the Business dept soooooo when I cancelled my computer from the Business Dept they got mad and kept calling me to cancel the sale computer from the personal dept! I saved an additional 6% off the computer and bought more stuff!!!! I had to wait for it but if the discount wasn't there it would have been over $6000.00!!!!! The final price was 4000.00 and they paid for shipping! I got a great Deal...... the trick is to buy right after Tax season...... THEY WANT YOUR TAX RETURN! HAHAHAHAH well they didn't get all my tax return ...... just some of it! hahahahahahha check out my signature! This April will be a year!
ihoe my system is close to yours and i dont have near that much in mine. like maybe 2800 bucks [bold]Antec Overature ATX Quiet Media Case w/ TruePower480Watt/Asus K8V SE/ Seagate160GB Barracuda/ ATI-Radeon-X850 XT Platinum/ 2 Gigs Of Ram/AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 512K/5 Fans/2-Plextor PX-716AL Slot Drives/View Sonic VP201b 20.1"LCD,16 MS Respone time,1600x1200 res. [/bold]
first of all I don't have an AMD Athlon..... mine is the top of the line Pentium 4 w/hyperthreading (dual processor) which is wayyyyyyyyyy different than yours, @3.73Ghz,1066FSB. my ram is the newest type DDR2 SDR, not just 2 gigs of ram....... my monitor alone is over $1200.00! How can you even compare what you have to mine! yours is no where near what I have in mine....... and my hard drives are 2-160 Gigs in Raid 0! that's 320Gigs! that's like telling you that my old AMD Athlon is like yours (mine was an Athlon 2800+). You have a great system......I'm just saying that my Dell is what I wanted and top of the line last year. I am more than happy with it and I keep away from any nonsense from DEll itself! I know better. ALL the companies that sell computers just want the end product..... sell.... money. After which they can care less about their customers. I know... I've been there and done that and I had computers since the 8088 processor back in the '80's!!! when a 10Meg hard drive was the largest one out there for home use and we were still in DOS! hahahahhahaa what a different world that was!
8088 with single floppy, then dual floppies, then that great upgrade to a 10MB HDD. Oh the Packard Bell Days. Let's see, Packard Bell and Dell... sort of rhymes doesn’t it. If you cannot build your own system and you live in the US or Canada, may I suggest Costco as a source for PC’s. The main reason for this is that they are one of the few retailers out there that do sell name brand PC’s as well as low end PC’s but the best part of this is that they have a 6 MONTH return policy, (all your money back including taxes,) if you are not completely happy with your purchase! But the best is to build your own system which is really very easy to do nowadays, way easier then the 286, 386, P100, PII, PIII days!
you been smokin crack? who the hell needs a Dual floppy drive? I mean the only reason you use a damned floppy is to install scsi drivers at the start of installing windows... and you can get them on cd. Dual floppy brain cells i think you have. alll good fun
From IHoe: From myself to reply to IHoe’s comment: From SypherTek in response to above: [bold]My suggestion to SypherTek is to shut up and read the posts first from start to finish so that HIS brain cells can communicate better with HIS thoughts before he typed the B/S above! Also it might have helped a bit if he knew what an 8088 machine was in the first place! And by the way… all good fun!~[/bold]
Easy, ScubaBud - I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude. Hey, I built a helluva rig for a guy before Xmas (A64 x2 3800+, 2GB OCZ, Plextor SATA etc.) and yes, it had a floppy drive in it! A black one. Y'see, all my OS installations have a 2GB FAT system partition C:\ This is very useful even if not multi-booting OSs (and essential for Linux) and cannot be created without a good ol' 3.5 floppy (and good ol' DOS). If you ask me, a floppy is basic and essential... Billy G. tryin' to wean you off floppy, to get you booting from CD. This is for 'the public' - system builders, hobbyists and advanced users know better. And Oldtimers too :^) (We have always known, LoL) Regards
i was in the same situation like couple months ago when i order a laptop from them their customer service suppport is in India and no racism or what i can't understand what most of those people are saying i'm done with dell too.