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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    280(1st dumpster)+ 118(2nd dumpster)+21 (3rd dumpster) =419 Saturday morning. I need to start boxing all of them up because they are starting to get in the way. My wife is going to kill me. I still have the 'free' thing on my side. I'd Ebay some but I don't think it would be worth while.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2005
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    You folks are doing much better than me, at this!
    Y'all must live in big cities.................. :eek:)
  3. whatup18

    whatup18 Guest

    [Advert removed, idiot banned]
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2005
  4. oracle

    oracle Member

    Nov 1, 2002
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    I convinced my dept to organise. So We bought cases for our dvd/cd' s. So I was able to take away about 2,000 of jewel cases, dvd cases and so on. But now that I own a lot of discs I think that I also have to use those cases to organise myself also...
    I adore free stuff.
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- Un-fREAKIN' BELIEVEABLE - but I believe you congratulations ! and to everyone else who been hitting the big hauls of free cases ! You have my undying jealousy ! lol! No really I am happy for all of you . ! Honest ! was out of town for family funeral and looked at one blockbuster - too much trash & stunk to bad !! besides was with the wife and she wanted to go could.nt get near the dumpster anyway ! will check my locals soon ! Happy hunting!, Safe Diving , Peace & Happy burning Ciao Y'all
  6. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Monday = 172 cases(all lockable BB with covers) 2 packaged 25ft RG6 cables and 1 packaged 6ft s-video cable. Plus a bonus of still in date(2009) Duracell batteries. Unopened packages of 9 volt and C batteries. Not my top choices of batteries but...Free is Free! It may be deep into winter before I get caught up on the cleaning and storing of cases. But given the present condition of my OCD I can't garuntee that I won't be doing this in the freezing winter temps.
  7. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Hello everbody- made the dumpster run monday - Boy ! Blockbuster is making me work for my free cases are'nt they? I would have said ain't but that ain't couth ! I had a minor haul 22 cases but they were all on the dumpsters floor so I had to dive in head down feet up and scrounge ! Not the most comfortable or dignified of positions mind you ! but if I had dignity I would'nt look like a sasquatch going head down bottoms up in a dumpster! belt to Toes outside - face to belt inside went back today no cases in dumpster but lots of demolished vhs Tapes ! yech ! and garbage lots of garbage imagine that! I saw about another 20 odd cases in the store on one of them metal pushcarts so I guess they'll be leaving with me soon ! I hope - OH! well You'se Guy's & NailedNY -Happy Hunting ,Safe Diving,Peace& Happy burning! CIAO! Ps#1 - BEWARE OF THE BOATHOOK!!! oucH!!!!!!!
  8. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Way to go Neodave!!! I have not been so lucky since my big dive. 2 here 2 there. My daughter picked up 4 last night. And BIG, I too am jumping in most of the dumpsters. But I am doing it feet first. My best friend checked out a dumpster after going out to dinner Sat. night. She was with her husband who refused to help her. So, she leaves me a message on my home phone, thinking it is my cell, I was on the boat for the weekend, telling me I'd better get to block buster because there were 3 BIG bags filled with cases. She thought there were more than my last haul. I get the message on my way home and there is no way my husband is going anywhere near BB with me in the car. So I get home, jump in the car and NOTHING!!!! Just trash. I wanted to drive over to her house and kill her. I told her not to check the dumpster if she was not going to get the cases. I wanted to go this am before I started work but, I work at home and my husband would have had a fit. He thinks I am out of my mind, which, aren't all of us??? So maybe I'll go today at 5ish. I did find a PS2 case with the game in it yesterday. I gave it to my son-in-law who said he will never say another word about my diving habits. Oh sure, free is now free to him. I think neodave is on to something about the end of the month thing.
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny - I hear you ! I would have been really P.O. 'd too if someone did me that ! I'm thinking of a newer gadget ! I think Biglots still have them they have garden tools rake , claw , ect. with extendable handles ! or perhaps telescoping handles would be more accurate ! anyway it should pack easier in the truck . And should be stronger than my old peoples reacher thingie! and it would only be slightly less menacing than the infamous boathook!!! LOL!! Will check it out next trip to big lots ! Oh well wife is back from tax prep school and bellowing at me already so catch everyone later!
  10. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I got 118 on Tuesday out of one dumpster.(All lockable BB type with covers) Extras for that dive include Lord of the Rings-ROTK Disc 2(I think thats all the rental returned), The Sandlot DVD, Roots Episode 5&6 DVD, A Murder of Crows DVD, and Precinct 13 DVD(The Original Version). Today I got 27 of the clear lockable BB cases. I thought you guys had gone and got arrested on me. I'm now at a little over 2000 cases thanks to BB. The floor space in my computer room is getting smaller by the day. Gotta work on boxing these things up and putting them in storage. The BB dumpster police can take a break tomorrow because I think I'm done til Saturday.
  11. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Once again, great job neodave!!!!!I'll ask you again. Are you diving in upstate NY??? I went to BB again today and someone is beating me to it. The bags look looked thru. My daughter went to another BB tonight(same one she checked last night) and nothing also. I'll keep trying thou.
  12. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I am not your competition. I don't remember going to a dumpster were it had been gone through. Persistence will pay off. It seems like they get rid of a bunch at a time around here. I think the few here and there will be available for a long time but the massive single dumpster hauls will probably become rare in the coming months. The last 2 Saturdays I went to a certain dumpster and got 2 big bags full. I will definately try it again this Saturday. I may wind up just looking around the end of a month in the future. Good Luck all!
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i just wanted to say that i'm enjoying each and every reply to this thread immensely, keep it up! :)
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    creaky- And we enjoy your post too and we learn stuff too imagine that!
  15. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    What a nice comment creaky. Thanks, we are having a lot of fun RIGHT Big?????? I was upside down in the dumpster last night and thought of you Big. Face down, feet in the air. What a pretty sight. However...I did have my GI Joe capri's on so I was blending in with the garbage. YUCK. It really smells when you are that far down. I truly prefer to just jump in a root around. I am going to check 2 BB's out tomorrow if I can. It's my day off and I have a few things to get done. I'll keep you all posted!!!
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- YO JOE! yeah ! and I bet you were a lovely sight too! went to Biglots today checked the garden tools nothing special the collapsable rake/claw ect . are gone ! oh well on to other ideas ! might make another run saturday have'nt decided ? May just go in and ask for some! (Cases that is!) Depending on who's working . The LIL' brunette girl seems to like me !LOL! anYway good luck , Safe diving , And happy burning ! level with us nailedny you relly the baroness are'nt you ? YO! Joe!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  17. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    What are you talking about Big??? Baroness who?? Remember, I am the Queen. Ok so in the pouring rain last night. my best friend and I went and checked out a couple of new BB's. Nothing in either. Actually we couldn't even find a dumpster for one of them. The other was a tall dumpster that I had no problem getting into but had a hard time getting out of. I was soaking wet and laughing so hard I couldn't boost myself out. I am 5'2" and the dumpster was like chest high when I was in it. We couldn't see a thing, (that's why I got in) oh yea this was 9pm, finally I took one of the boxes in the dumster and stood on that, but it kinda colapsed so I had to swing my leg up and over. Another sight, but this time I was dressed for it. Now for the good part. We went to the BB that I got caught at. Figured no one whould be taking trash out in the rain so we pulled up and what a find. First, a bag with just covers, or so I thought. I get my friend out of the car, hand her the bag and tell her to put it in the trunk. Then I needed her to hold the lid because of the rain and wind it kept falling on my head. This dumpster was quite full so I was not getting in. Plus I am a little gun shy of this site. Then I empty another bag of cases into a big box. Then I find a trash can with t-shirts, still in the plastic wrap, about 5 of them. Rent Crash they say. That's where my husband and son-in-law benifit. Then just loose dvd's, a ton of them. I just leave those, but take some vhs movies for my friends mother. There were a lot of those but I only took about 8. Not sure of the exact # of cases, a lot thou, I'll post later. BUT.....
    when I get home and put my findings in the garage, I find that the cases are not empty. They have the movie that corresponds with the cover in them. Crash and Blast are the titles. I put one in my dvd player this am and it is the full movie. What the heck is that all about?? Oh well, what a night, laughed all night long!!!! Then, as if that wasn't enough, my friend(another friend) tells me she works for Joann Fabric and they throw out things all the time so we checked out their dumpster...........Nothing, free is free and I'll stick to BB's.
  18. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Saturday=68 from one dumpster(All bagged up for me).
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny-My Baroness , er excuse me Queen ! You definitely take your diving seriouslty! Only Dvd I ever found was one for crash but it did'nt work only the preview although it was the whole movie! saw a bunch of loose dvd's one time but they had all been data destroyed( unplayable ) even for a Playa Like me LOL! Did get a free Crash t-shirt though the lil' brunette at the BB I use juat gave it to me ! (The shirt I mean)) What can I say ? I guess I'm just so darn lovable she could'nt resist my sasquatchian charm ! Anyway I'm a heading out for gas , dvd Cases & a new printer My old Epson crapped out on me at least the printer part ! Thought about getting a laser but don't think the wifey would go for it ? It's a vicious cycle ! Inkjets Printer cheap ! Ink cost high ! Laser printer Printer more expensive - Toner expensive but prints more pages per unit so in long run cheaper !but if I got a color laser I'm looking at at 5 toner drums at $ 65.00 or more apiece might be cheaper just to buy a a new printer instead of new toner ! Anyhow I can't print all my free dvd cases without a printer now can I ? besides it's for my home office I can take it off my income tax's ! only thing is the epson I'm looking at is so new they don't make generic cartridghes for it yet Crap! Oh well Good Luck , safe diving , happy hunting & Happy burning - PEACE OUT ! Ps#1 - nailedny the Baroness refference was G.I. Joe ! You'll always be our resident Queen Bee ! BZZZZ! BZZZ! Ouch ! Boathooks !!!!!! BZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! Ouch !!!!! damn! bee's Ouch!
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- and I almost forgot ! (FREE IS FREE)!

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