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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. tfarsrsx

    tfarsrsx Guest

    Ok so I have about 500 dvds im backing up so i can store all my good ones away ... problem is i want to minmize space by using a standard jewel cd case with the dvd in it with the printed cover on it... but i want to be able to read the cd case edge of the title so i dont have to look through everyone... and i could alphabetize it also... anyone know of a site that sells these so i can print a page of titles to stick on the edge inside the coveR? thanks guys
  2. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Well, you could always purchase a cheap labeler that spits out the 6mm plastic tape. Not the old style "spin to the letter you want and pull the huge trigger to make an indent in the invincible plastic" ones. The new fancier ones for a good price. Brother makes a few.
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    tfarsrsx- On the printing of the labels part of the equation! You could use Label Creator if you have Roxio = Easy CD & DVD Creator ! I have burned many a CD in my day & Prinreted jewel cases for most of them! and using Label Creator it should work for your situation ! AS it prints the Spibe /title area. I'm concerned though that you are thinking of using jewel cases instead of dvd cases tfarsrsx- & I will explain why ? DVD MEDIA either DVD-R orDVD+R or either of the erasable variants ! are physically thinner around the Spindle hole in the center of the DVD than CD'S /CDR Media ! and this being so you run a higher risk of deveoping a crack or cracks in this area if you store DVD's in Jewel cases ! You will notice that the release mechanism / center button on a jewel case differs from a DVD case! This is the reason ! If you were to (ACCIDENTALLY) crack your dvd around the spindle hole and try to play it , you run the risk of it shattering do to stress/ centrifugal force ! Like running a grindstone at too high a speed eventually it self destructs /flies apart !And if the dvd shatters in your burner/drive you also destroy your drive and risk possible injury ! Perhaps tfarsrsx- a better solution would be to use SLimline DVD cases such as the -Verbatim DVD Trim Cases - 100 pk.
    Model: 95094
    DVD Video Trim Cases are ideal for storing your favorite family movies.
    Item: 694428
    Price: $24.88 you can buy these at SAMS or online and I believe supermediastore has someyhing similar! I have used many of the Verbatim cases and they are an excellent solution to a space problem!
    you can also print the labels / covers with an excellent free program called undercover XP using the 7mm setting! And yes I amaware that some dvd media is sold in jewel cases but I think that's more an economic thing (Cheaper than DVD cases) but more expensive usually than buying dvd media on spindles /cake boxes ! tfarsrsx- you are free to store your disc however you wish ! I understand that! but I thought you'd like to know this first ! Happy Holidays & HAPPY BURNING!!!! HO ! HO! HO!
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2005
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Happy Holidays you mad dumpster divers
  5. 6Ripper9

    6Ripper9 Member

    Nov 18, 2005
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    I'm in Canada, so if any of you are too, I get mine from either www.blankdvdmedia.com, or www.tigerdirect.ca. They both sell good quality cases. I usually go with blankdvdmedia, because I get my printer ink from them too. Much cheaper than buying brand name ink.
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    To all my friends !old new & the ones I've yet to meet ! Thank You ! For your help with my questions , Problems , and lending a friendly ear & a kind word when needed ! Everyone here @ AFTERDAWN.COM ! are the best of the best! I could read every book or magazine about Coomputers ,DVD'S & technology and still not know one-half of what I've learned here! From people who have the front line experience & knowledge that I and many other mebers lack! Indeed if I were advising someone just getting into this hobby I would send them here ! They would save money , make less Coasters -learn more but most importantly make friends ! & Learn to laugh at themselves & with others! Something wee all could use more of sometimes ! I guess this is just my long and wordy way of saying Thanks Again & wishing everyone A Merry Christmas & Joyous Holidays - Peace !
  7. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    I may just have to see if Blockbuster left me any 'presents' Sunday on my way to the in-laws. HoHoHo.
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neodave- Yeah Buddy Merry Christmas!
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Greetings Eartlings

    And residents of the tri-cvity area LOL! May about two or three trips in the new year Mostly 2's & fewa case wise ! went today 01/08/06 hit three dumpsters hauled in 33 cases 2 dvd's & 3 of the cases ou of he 33 are groovy purple ones ( Happy Mardi Gras Neodave!) went last teusday and got about 5 dvd cases & seven vhs movies thatI plan to tranfer to disc ! The yaer is starting off slow case wise but I'm starting to find some at my never find cases BB so there is alwaays hope ! Anyways thought I'd update you guy's & Nailedny too ! As someone said once rumors of my daeth are somewhat premature! LOL! ( It's alive ,Alive I tell you! ) Happy hunting safe diving Happy burning & Happy new yaer!
  10. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Congrats BIGTOXY69. I am jealous. Unfortunity a new law/ordinance went into effect 1-1-06 in my area making it illegal to root through trash of any sort. Bogus I know...but they claim it is for 'Identity Theft' reasons. It was fun while it lasted. I'm glad I was greedy when it was legal. Now I may have to be extra nice to BB employees. Good luck to all.
  11. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    HI Guys. I am back from the crazyness of the holidays and back in the swing of things again. My best friend and dumpster diving helper called me today while she was out and about. She asked me if she should stop by and check out BB. I said sure and stayed on the phone with her until she got there and took a look see. She said there were too many vhs movies to get by herself and needed me to help her. She picked me up at 5 and off we went. I had to get totally in the dumpster to get out the movies laying in the bottom of the dumpster. I don't know how many we got but I am talking a lot. We got about 12 dvd cases. This is also the dumpster that shares with Papa Johns pizza so I tried not to look where I was stepping. The funny thing was all the people that were walking around the parking lot to either pick up pizza or deliver it. One guy was laughing his head off. After
    that dive we were psyched, so we decided to hit another one close by. In that dumpster we found 2 big garbage bags full of vhs movies. We couldn't even fit them in the trunk because of the ones from the first dumpster. I did get some dvd covers there too. Not sure how many movies total, she is going to count them and let me know so I can let you know. However the dvd cases totaled 65. Not bad and not too cold. Well, my hands were freezing. so that's my New Years story. I was thinking I would never find anymore covers but they still must be weeding them out. It is suppose to be a nice week in upstate NY this week so I will hit one more when I get a chance.
    Free is Free, right Big?
  12. mg5pro

    mg5pro Regular member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    you people are so lucky.Here in the uk they use the original cases on the shelf and when you rent a dvd you take the original ti the counter and they keep it and give you the dvd in their own cases.sometimes i wish i was in america.And here where i live you are not allowed to take your rubish out untill the evening and if someone sees you picking a rubish bag they report you at the police and you go to court and pay a fine.you r lucky.really...
  13. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Mg5pro, Our blockbusters are using the original cases now too. Soon we will not be able to find cases. Right now they are old used ones from games or movies. My daughter rented the other night and her dvd was in the original case. It's all coming to a screaching stop.
    The vhs movie count is 395. My friend just called. She got some doubles but most are singles. The BB trash cans are big dumpsters, located in the rear of the building, sometimes behind a brick wall. I got caught once but talked my way out of it. I don't think it is legal here either.
  14. mg5pro

    mg5pro Regular member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    But over they dont even let you take the original with.I live in an island in the uk but im really from portugal and over there people would be pleased if you took their rubish away.But over here is diferent.At least you got yourself some tapes to watch.It will probably take you a while.lol
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    DA Da Da Dumm Dumm _ Wonderwoman !!

    NailedNy Glad your still with us ! I thought that The old gang as it were had up and bailed on me ! I went today and made a small haul 37 cases including a few doubles ! Went awhile back and got seven cases and seven movies ! VHS I plan to convert them all to DVD or VCD and then give them to my brother inlaw the VHS tapes I mean ! I saw some more vhs movies & started my retrieval intil I noticed that this time they all suffered from Impact damage ( HAMMERED ON with a Ball peen hammer ) essentailly ruining the tape well that's life ! One of the VHs tapes (2) actaully I had gotten earlier The LIon .The witch & the wardrobe ( CHRONICLES OF NARNIA ) not the remake this is the BBC version Talk about Overacting The White witch is hoot! And the lions mouth does'nt move alot when he talks LOL! anyway Glad your back ! Keep up the good work & happy Burning Supper calls!
  16. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    I'm still here Toxy! Had a small haul of 17 single cases, 2 doubles, and a lime green one. Speaking of supper, I just finished mine... decided to cook gourmet tonight and wow did it turn out great!
  17. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    My friend stopped at a BB I have never been at and told me there were tons of vhs movies and cases but it was too light outside and it is right on a main street. Maybe tomorrow......need to stock up while I still can.
  18. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Hey Y'all.........
    Glad the cold weather isn't getting you down, and you're still diving! :eek:)
    Keep up the good work!

    Did y'all know that there is a LIVE chat area for these forums? Go here: http://adbuddies.ccsau.com/
    Good page to start on. Click on chat at the top.
    You'll need to enter the #ad_buddies, and irc.stormchat.org somewhere there, if you use mIRC. The links let you use the Java version. I've been there a few times now. Some in the daytime, and some at night too. Check it out, if you get a chance............
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Hey gang !

    Went to Blockbuster Today ! well Actaully just their dumpsters ! and at my regular store ,I hit the J-Monkey D motherlode on Cases ! I had'nt counted yet but They filled two Fairly large boxes & one medium to small box ! Hopefully this is a ggod omen for the coming year ! Even Got some smurfy purple /plum colored ones & the ever popular Booger Green ones ! so far this appears to be the biggest haul for me in the new year ! Will get a count and update y'all soon !have also been finging a few undestroyed DVD movies & the occasional VHS movie that are not destroyed by Captain CruncH AKA = The Hammer of DOOM ! so I'll try and copy 'em on my lteon- 5005 & donate the originals (VHS) to my brother in law who's on disability ! Hope all our little dumpsterKateer's are finding lot's and having fun ! DIVE Safe ! , Happy Hunting ! & I'm Coming Mr. Benny !
  20. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    wow....................big, that sounds great. I am excited and want to run right over to my BB. I got some dvd's last time I dived. Animal and something else. Several copies of each. I wonder why that happens and then other times they are all destroyed laying at the bottom of the dumpster. Well I'll go soon and let you know.....

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