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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    And now for something completely different!

    Okay gang managed to count the cases from the big dumpter dive @ BB on 01/30/2006 - 268 cases an all time record for me atleast ! since then I have been back twice -last Tuesday= 61 cases & 3 dvd's City of God (French with subtitles ) what about bob ? ) & an Indian movie in hindi with subtitles BLACK & WHITE) The movies were not in dvd cases at all they were in Blockbuster generic dvd case covers with the sides & edges stapled closed so if you see something that looks like that grab'em ! and previous to that I got 30 on another dive so hopefully the supply will continue ! Have also eneded up with a few of the game cube cases with the weird mini dvd/cd sized disc area . I have a few CD-3 disc so maybe I'll put them in there ? & make a Smurphy cover too ! well that's the latest & you're the greatest ! Happy Hunting !, SafE diving ! happy Burning & To Quote JVC "FREE IS FREE' CIAO!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006
  2. Smacks

    Smacks Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Hey guys, after reading this thread i had to go to BB myself and see if all of this was true. Just let me say now i am a dumpster diver and i can't believe how fun it is. In my area there are two BB's that are easy to get to (the dumpster that is). So far I have made four dives and I can't believe all the stuff I've got. Heres is the list as of now 34 green cases, 31 lockable BB cases, 70 brand new DVD cases, 12 doubles, and 17 playstation game cases. WOW that's 164 cases. But that's not even the cool part. I found a bunch of DVD's to. Heres the list of those 25 The Exorcist, 3 Anacondas, 5 De Lovely, 12 Fahrenheit 9/11 and 54 of My Date With Drew. Not The best movies but FREE IS FREE right! At my BB they must throw away previewed movies once they sit on the shelves for so long. I've also found a few VHS movies and a gamecube game. Plus i got tons of those DVD promo cards and magazines. I wish I would have known about this earlier. Well hope u guys are still diving and I'll let u know what I find next. See Ya
  3. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Smacks, Way to go. I have not been to a BB in a long time. The weather has not been conducive to diving. Now that stays light longer I have more diving time. I was not sure BB was still throwing away case since they are using them on display. I will be back into the swing of things soon. I'll keep you posted.
  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I was wondering if anyone was still diving..........
    Great haul, Smacks!
  5. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    *sniffle* :D

    It warms my heart to see that everyone still "Does The Dive" :) I made a special trip to the local BB and VHQ last week, and while I only managed to get about 15 cases between the two of them, for each one that I got I thought, "Man, BigToxy would be having a blast right now!". :)

    Free is Free! Keep at it folks! lol

    - Sol
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Greetings and salmutations my little dumpsterkateers ! & of course you too Smacks Nice to have some fresh blood and new talent for our Dumpster diving post ! Also glad everyone of our Regular poster Children are still around ! I though for sure NailedNy had Run away to Hollywood to do the Wonderwomnan Thang! LOL! but I suppose she who must be obeyed is still with us LOL! Smacks you've been infected with dumpster diveritis ! It's not painfull , the main symptoms are an uncontrollable urge to root for dvd cases & assorted Bootie at your local Blockbuster Dumpster or several of them ! It's kind of like the pokeman trip " gotta get 'sm all" or peanuts once you start you can't stop ! But hey your saving the earth from evil Plastics = Recycling ! Saving money = Free Is Free (JVC ) and you meet a better class people on theese post ! yes We're all crazy as a bed bug so we have lot's of fun . Well Welcome back old friends & Hidee - Ho !Smacks Remember the Blockbuster dunpster is a Fragile ecosystem ! LOL! Eat your hEART out Mister Hanky - Safe diving, Happy Hunting !, Happy Burning & Good luck Ciao! Y'all !
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  7. sukhvail

    sukhvail Regular member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    why not just buy a cd book off ebay or something. you can get them for under $20 plus shipping for one that can hold 200. If you need to transport just a few or you are giving them to a friend you can buy the cheap paper sleeves... works for me :)
  8. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    A cd book is fine for cds. I like my dvds in a dvd case. I print directly on the dvd, so it looks professional. I also print the covers on glossy photo paper, so they look professional. When I'm through with it, you can't tell my burned ones, from the originals, unless you look at the side with the bluish-purple dye......

    Besides, the diving is fun. As you read, Smacks made a very good haul. Nailedny has even gotten new T-shirts before. I found three ps2 games, and sold them to a pawn shop for $15. So, the diving is much more than just getting a handful of cases. No telling how long we'll all be able to do this, so we're enjoying it while we can.

    Start back at the first post in this thread, and read them all. You'll see how much fun everyone is having, doing this! You may even want to try it yourself!?! Just know that you don't score every time you go....... :eek:)
  9. sukhvail

    sukhvail Regular member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    lol... you do make some good points :)
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Try it ! you'll Like it !LOL!
  11. Smacks

    Smacks Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Allright, got the info on my latest dive. 40 new cases, 2 green, 2 double, 1 clear, 1 playstation case, and 6 BB lockables for a total of 52 cases. I also found The Aviator Special Features Disc 2 in its original case. Nothing special but I'm happy with what I got. I'm diving once a week and hitting two blockbusters in the same morning. I like to go early when there is no traffic. I found out my one BB gets its trash dumped early Tuesday moring, so if I dive on Sunday I have a good chance of not missing anything. Man I never knew there would be so much recon work involved. But it's worth it. Tune in next Sunday for the latest info. See ya guys and happy diving.
  12. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Way to go Smacks!! I checked one of my dumpsters and there was nothing. I guess Fridays are not a good day.
    I also wanted to let everyone know that Staples has basic photo paper gloss finish for $1.94 this week. It has 30 sheets and I think will make great covers. I bought 6 pkgs this morning and I am going to try them and then go back and get more. They are on sale at 78% off. It was in yesterdays ad on the cover. Let me know what you think!! Happy diving..............and free is free.
  13. 99COBRA

    99COBRA Member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    Yes the Staples photo paper is on sale but it is cheaply made. It has a ruff texture and doesnt look all that much better than the heavier bright white paper which is cheaper.
  14. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    neodave, nailedny, bigtoxy, Sol Shrike, Smacks,.......
    Y'all have got to see what this guy has said in another thread about cases. See it here: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/319204
    Any of you case [bold]Experts[/bold] feel like helping him out? I feel that with the experience y'all have with cases, you're as much an [bold]expert[/bold] as anybody! Somebody please give him an [bold]expert[/bold] opinion, on which cases to [bold]buy.[/bold] LOL
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    JVC- been there done that posted a reply - Gave Props to you & Nailedny & Happy Birthday ! Was'nt as Eloquent as either of you 2 but I elucidated myself upon the situation! What was that quote from the Matrix " I can only show you the door ! you must walk through it" Perhaps Mike as it were is not yet ready to walk ! on a brighter note good to hear from you guys & girl again ! Been down with a virus since saturday and am somewhat tied to the house for now but look forward to diving again soon ! wish you a happy one and Don't look at too many pictures of NailedNy in her wonderwoman outfit ! it might burb your eyes KId LOL ! HapPY Birthday ! Ciao!
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    NailedNy - What no rousing rendition of Happy Birthday Mr. President ! for Jvc. ? Or Don't you do A Mean Marilyn Monroe? LOL ! See Ya! Granny !
  17. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Thanks for the birthday wishes!
    Only reason I look forward to them anymore, is because it's the first day of Spring, and warmer weather is just around the corner. Warmer weather means bass fishing! I'm ready! My bass boat [bold]needs[/bold] to be in the water.
    Thanks again!
  18. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    You guys aren't making my withdraw symptoms any less painful. I drive by that dumpster every day wondering what is headed for the landfill. Just isn't worth the risk(My freinds on the city council made it illegal because of ID theft). Best of luck to those that still can. I miss the rush.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2006
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    BUMMER dude- In that case It can't hurt to ask the manager if they'll give them to you ? they're throwing them out anyway right ! & there's a 50% chance they could say yes ! Good luck Ciao!
  20. paiger651

    paiger651 Regular member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    I use the Staples photo paper basic it looks hundred times better than bright white paper.The Staples photo paper plus looks even better than the basic.They have the photo paper plus on sale about twice a month for less than $5.00 30 sheets.

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