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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAF!! I would actually get pissed off. My buddy needed a DVD player so I found one in the trash but it didn't work. Who the hell do people think they are throwing away stuff that doesn't work lol!

    Even here at the office, I have a bankers lamp that I pulled out of that dumpster and a sony walkman.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2006
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    gerry1- YUP recycling at it's best !
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Sorry - Almost posted twice ! internets wonky again!!!!! pardon me!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  4. Darkhadou

    Darkhadou Regular member

    Dec 31, 2004
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    Went to the back of the cinema and got myself a chair/ seat :p...Well, not really- my dad did it.
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Well !

    My fellow Dumpsterians & Dumpsteroids ! Good news and bad! Good news went Dumspter Surfing last Saturday Found 8 cases at my 1st. dumpster ( the main one I check ) Found A Box full at the Second - (the one that rarely even has one case most of the time - Did'nt count'em up yet but was a good haul & especially from this location ! will Post counts later ! and Found about 6 @ my third stop ! So as IceCube would say " Damn right it was a good day !" Sunday morning Went to get gas and a paper @ 7.30am 2 towns away -gas cheaper there ! and decided to check the VideoUsa Dumpster ! Never had much luck with them Unless you like Vhs Library cases ! But was in the area ! They had the dumpster with the side sliding doggy door ! and it had a whole lotta Dvd Cases in it . Black ones ,red ones , Translucent/Cloudy white? ones . Well I got the ones I could get with my Reacher/Grabber & then went RootHog Or Die into the dumpter through the side doggy door and loaded 'em all up ! Had'nt counted theese Either but will and will post asap ! The plot thickens ! went today as well . Hit my 1st dumpster and Whammo /Blammo Bingo ! Baddah Boom ,Baddah Bing ! It was Dvd Cases heaven Chock full of cases & not to smelly I managed to get Two Medium/large BOXES+ a garbage bag that had some in it.well 1 of the Blockbuster was watching me - on his ciggy break ! he did 'nt say nothing & I kept a digging ! " Can You dig it " - Loaded up and went to wallyworld - washed me hands and had a late lunch ! So today was a Good day as well ! 08/03/2006 - The bad news is My Internet is still somewhat wonky - Slower than it should be & having Vonage Voip for phone service well you know ! anyhow Guess I'll have to call the cable Company & go through the automated menu .why do they call it a menu if they don't serve food ? I can surf most sites okay just dowloads super slow - Mpegs , Mp3's ect... Well enough of my problems did'nt mean to bring you down ! Will try to get the counts posted soon & Hope all your dives as succesfull one's & safe Ciao 4 now!
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @BIGTOXY69...I am truly happy for your good fortune LOL! To each is own, as they say, but I couldn't be bothered looking for DVD or VHS cases. I burn a lot but keep mine in binders ... although you may other uses for them.

    I get my love for it from my Dad who was the very practical sort ... my mom was too but she thought is was degrading to dig and take someone's trash so she'd send Dad after dark like he was somesort of trashdigging vampire. Dad would go after dark if he didn't want it hoping that someone would get the prize before him. If he was walking with mom and saw something he liked, he'd dig in right then and there for fear of losing his mark and Mom would run away in total embarrassment pretending she didn't know him.

    I think the longest I ever spent in the dumpster was when I found the silver I spoke of earlier. It takes some diligence to find forks, knives and spoons for twelve in a dumpster but I found most of it! (At the time, I had hoped to make a complete set and then sell it). While I got most of it, I had a change of heart and gave it to my sister...I'm such a softie.

    Mind you now, I have a bit of a disability from an old accident and frequently have to walk with a cane ... how's that for a committed dumpsteroid?? LOL! Cane come in handy for polking about, turning things over etc.
  7. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I had a decent dive this morning. First in awhile.........
    I got 34 original cases, 4 original double cases (needed them), 24 BB regular locking cases, 2 BB double locking cases, and 18 game cases. All were black. I give the game cases to a pawn shop. So, 82 cases total, ain't too bad. :eek:)
    Good luck y'all!
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Yeah !!!

    Was in the Area where I found the cases @ the Video Usa last time so made a Quick peek ! nothing but Carboard and rainwater !!! well can't strike gold evrytime . Good luck & safe diving everyone CiaO!
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i have yet to strike anything but trash :( lol
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I hear you but keep trying !

    I have my dry spells where I don't even see trash ! only freshly dumped dumpster's So Keep on trying and be consoled That " POP Will Eat Itself !""" Good luck and keep looking ! later Auslander
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Wives !!!!!!

    What would we do without them ? Live like batchelor cave men probably! Mine is worth my weight in gold and more ! Priceless even ! Like everyone's I'd venture ! We were out & about in town today . Dr.'s Apointments , Shopping , Indian Food , & Movie day !!! We did our appointments & Shopping and did lunch @ a Indian resturaunt!!! Then we hit Blockbuster to check out the new flicks ! As we pull up Wifey says " Look at them !! I see two bags of dvd Cases Right on Top !!! Sure enough she was right ! Two of the Semi-Mythical Clear Garbage bags Full of Nothing But DVD cases ***** !!! And intact enough to lift out without tearing apart or Disintergrating on contact with Human - or nearly so in my case Hands! Yes I have heard of the " Semi-Mythical Clear Garbage bags - as I choose to call them because although my local BB uses them they usually are loaded with Paper residue & fast food trash as well as Dvd cases ,more trash then cases most times and more often then not busted open with the cases scattered Willy Nilly & hither & yon all about the dumpster not prepackaged and ready for departure like today !It was almost like they new I was coming & decided to make it easy for me ????!!! And being my usually lethargic and Sloth like self - Hey - Sasquatch / sloth whats the difference right! I have'nt gotten around to the counts yet but I will ! Have to box'em up so may as well count them too ! I may have to treat the wife to piccadilly cafeteria for this one ! - That's what she want's so fine bye me ! besides I have another Dr./podiatrist appointment next Teusday - Bigfoot also sore foot !!! so as Larry The Cable Guy says" Get'R Done !!!!" we can make another day of it ! Movies , Dr's & Dinner & maybe shopping on the side With atleast just a peek at the nearest Blockbuster Dumpster - To quote a famous Clint Eastwood movie " I got's to Know !" Hopfully I can get the counts done and posted by then ! Been hitting it pretty good lately so am enjoying it while I can . It's been Chinese pepper Hot here lately and raining so you kinda have to pick your diving days when you can ! Caught between the Scylla & Carbidis as Sting would say ! Well A hearty Good day & happy diving to all My little Dumpsterkateers - Dive safe , Dive often & Remember the famous words of our Holy C = Jvc " Free Is Free " Peace ' Love & strong Wasabi Y'all ! Later !!!
  12. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Heads up for anyone heading out tonight,
    BB on JWClay Blvd in Charlotte has two bags full sitting on the back counter just waiting to go out in the trash tonight.
    1.JW Clay/Carley
    8726 J.W. Clay Blvd.
    Charlotte, NC 28262
    (704) 549-0903
    Store Hours:
    Mon - Sun: 10:00AM - Midnight
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    blivetNC - Thanx !!!

    That's rather Noble of you !!!!... Have a Good one - If your near the area check it out sportsfans - Me wrong state ( of Confusion) But Let's thank blivetNC anyways ! Thanks again !
  14. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Hi All. Haven't been out since the last dive of 399. HOWEVER, my husband and I cleaned out the garage on Sunday. We needed to find a spot for the 3 big boxes and trash bag full of cases. Soooooooooo, I have more cases than I'll ever use in this life time. I found boxes, bags and storage filled with all colors of cases. We made room on a high shelf and I promised my husband that I would not bring any cases home. I did not however promise not to dive. I am now going to dive for actual movies. I'll keep reading and posting. Good Luck all and remember free is free. Oh and Big..........wives are the best!!! Take it from one.
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I know I liked her so much I bought the company LOL!! I hear you on the storage - My wifes Fondest desire ! ( Other Then Me Of cousre !!) is a Large metal shed ! Jewelery , Furs , fancy cars ! Nope ! She wants a shed So we'll be shed shopping soon ! Say that three times fast sports fans ! Anyway you must have some willpower !! passing up all those Cases ?!!! I suppose that today will be boxing day ( no not the day after Xmas in Canada ) I'm going outside to box up all my DVd cases that are'nt boxed up ! will give me a chance to catch up on my counts and look for stray dvd's it could happen ! It's a wonderfull life after all ! or is it a Small world after all ? I always get those two confused ! ( recently Re-Elected Govenor = ( State of Confusion? ***) Anyways maybe we'll have to start a new thread for you ? we can call it what's in nailedny's Dumpsters ? (You can do a Movie review of the Dvd's you find each week . And instead of Jalapeno's or Thumbs up You can give them Dumpsters = 3 dumpsters = great movie , 2 dumpster's =not bad , 1 dumpster = really bad =coaster material , O dumpsters = leave it there not worth retreival ever !!!! Well Good luck Movie Diving Diva ! Formely our Delightfull Distaff Denizen of Dumpster Diving Daring Do ! ( and no I'm not even going to try to say that 3 times fast or slow !) Dive safe , Dive free , Dive often -" Free is free " Ciao!
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Well !

    My quiescent Horde of daring dumpster Diver's It's off yo the races - well dumpster's actually for another look but you know what I meant! Wish me luck Spots fans! And to you all Too ! later!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2006
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    no great shakes to report this time only found 2 cases but free is free right?
  18. anubis66

    anubis66 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    i once picked up a trash can in the trash and found a hookah inside of it. all parts completely working. how lucky.
  19. SolShrike

    SolShrike Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    While I haven't been able to do any diving myself, I'm glad its going well for most of you :) Maybe I'll not be stupid crazy busy this weekend and I'll be able to give it a shot again!
  20. anubis66

    anubis66 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    the other day my and a friends check at al house that just moved, and for an old pentium computers with a voodoo3 3000 in perfect condition. i plan to voltmod it soon for a friend with a sub-par pc that needs to game.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2006

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