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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    a "goober" is a peanut, but when referring to a person some one like a Gomer Pyle ( a Bubba) should ring your old bell, Gerry.
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob - Don't ask & Don't Tell !!!!! LOL! Sad but True ! garmoon as for the Blockbusters Not dumping cases anymore perhaps It's on a location by location basis ! Because where I'm at they still do ! That does'nt mean your wrong , perhaps they are doing that in your area ? Or they are telling you that to get rid of you ? Also A lot of the DVD cases I find are the Heavy duty Blockbuster issue Lockable ones so if they are coming in those cases why throw them out ? just a thought ! and again maybe that's true for your area only? cincyrob Maybe he's a Goofy Goober - Walk in the Blockbuster in your Spongebob Squarepants Outfit when they're really busy and Start singing the GOOFY GOOBER SONG !!!!!!!!!!!!( He's a GOofy Goober yeah ! , She's a Goofy Goober yeah !!!!!.... Ect!!! Should be good for a laugh or maybe a night in jail depending on how fast you can run? LOL! You could always bean them with a few fastballs anyways ! In either case ( pun not intended!!!!LOL!) Good luck and safe and prosperous diving ! CIAO!
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    gerry1- What was that Batman character's name ? Harvey two-face ? The guy with the coin & the messed up face ? I'm of two minds on this issue ! LOL! If I had stinky dumpster rescued cases in put them in My /our freezer ! you'd probably find me in the freezer the next-morning in several large butcher paper wrapped packages !LOL! - did I mention my lovely wife used to work @ butcher shop/meat market ? - Though the concept you mentioned sounds plausible ! Later my friends!
  4. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    - He's wrong but it's moot point ! It isn't illegal to copy movies ,music ,whatever for your personal use ! That's called fair use ! What the catch 22 of it all is this - Under The DMCA - Digital Millenium Copyright Act - It isn't illegal to copy your own movies ,where the crime If there is one exhist here is when you decrypt /circumvent the Macrovision & or whatever other copygaurd /content protection that is on the media ( Dvd ect..) and Being that most DVD's( Movies ) are copygaurded in some form when you back it up with DVD Decrypter, Anydvd, DVD shrink ect...! then you or I or whoever have broken the law in their eyes atleast ! Now if you have the rare movie/dvd with no copyguarding then Rock on ! -Like I said it's a moot point other than the fact that goofy goober-man does'nt no what he's saying - Technicalities & semantics ! IT boils down to that Hollywood thinks that we owe them a livelyhood ! And that if our kids if we have them or grandkids even scratch up our favorite movie that we should run right out and buy two more copies to keep them in the moolah ? That's one reason people backup their dvd's Kids ! They are Gods gift to us I know & God Bless them all But they can destroy stuff real quick ! Better that they ruin a back-up than a original right? Anyways It's Stupid I know but that's life ! It's like saying your not supposed to own a machinegun without proper federal background checks , Federal Transfer Taxes,and loads of paperwork ! But if you do/did own possess said machinegun illegally ! & Someone broke in your home to harm/rob you ! it's perfectly legal to shoot them with it !!!! ( My Brain Hurts lol!!!!) That's an Obtuse example I know but you get the drift ! Anyhow - Just remember " FREE IS FREE !!!!, DIVE, Dive,Dive!!& Most importantly Don't Ask & Don't Tell " LOL! Later my friend
  5. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i wanted to reply with the GOOFY GOOBER song but i didnt wanna get anything started...lol when i say that(goober) here at home my boys break out in song and dance with the gooofy goober song,,
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob-" Cue the Starfish , Cue the Sponge !" well I suppose talking to another person could'nt hurt ? But You asked nice already So I would just check the dumpsters ! They alraedy through them out anyways right ? Be a considerate diver though don't throw the trash outside of the dumpster ( Non dvd case trash that is ) Watch out for the wino ! And if you are in a particular bad mood you are allowed to Growl at the people passing by or Give them the GAS FACE but not both at the same time LOL! !!! Or they may think that they moved Sessame street & that your OSCAR LOL!!! And on really bad days you may at your discretion dangle a tennis shoe from your mouth and froth a bit ! LOL! ( They're coming to take Me Away ! Ha! Ha!Hee! Hee! ect....!!!!!!) Sorry My mind went to the Bahamas without me again. Anyhow Hope it works out for you positively in the end . Good Luck & Happy Hunting !
  7. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Finding treasure among the trash has an intoxicating effect. Has anyone ever come across homeless/rat/assorted rodent during your excursions? Stories anyone?
  8. wjw99

    wjw99 Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    The 50-Pack Slimline Jewel Cases on Newegg seems like a great deal.I have alot of regular cases,and they take up to much room for my taste.I can't remember the web site,but they also make small cd suit-cases.It's about 4 times thicker then a briefcase,and uses clear plastic individual sleeves inside the case.A case that has 750 sleeves cost about 60 dollars.

    I have alot of stuff on blank media,so I came up with a good way to organize my collection.I have a program called edit pad pro.It's a much better version than the text editor with windows.

    Lets say I want to make a list of games I have on dvd. I open up a text document and make my list.I use edit pad pro to put my list in alphabetical order,and number my list.

    (Example) I would write the number "36" on the dvdr with a black marker.I then use edit pad pro to make a list of all the information I have on each disc.

    For movies I write 1,2,3, ect..on each disc.

    For games I write G1,G2,G3 ect.. on each disc

    (ex)I save the text file of my list

    Disc 36
    Need for speed 3 Hot pursuit + crack
    Need for speed 4 IV High Stakes
    Need for speed 2 Hot pursuit
    OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast

    Disc 37
    NBA Live 07
    Red Alert 2 - Complete modded to work with XP

    Disc 38
    The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

    The cool part..I take this same list and put it into edit pad pro.Then I select all and put it in alpabetical order to make a master list

    NBA Live 07
    Need for speed 2 Hot pursuit
    Need for speed 3 Hot pursuit + crack
    Need for speed 4 IV High Stakes
    OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast
    Red Alert 2 - Complete modded to work with XP
    The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
  9. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    That's a nice story. Do you do this in a dumpster?
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    RippDogg- No rats thankfully ! Just a semi Resident wino who lived in the Cement Cinderblock enclosure where the Dumpster is supposed to be ! @ that Blockbuster the Dumpster is outside of that enclosure. He eased on up to me , an gave me the sad story speech about whatever Blah , Blah, Blah ... !!!!! ( A. I never carry cash on me ! B. Though I'm sympathetic to the Downtrodden I'm not writing him a check for a bottle of ripple ! & C. He moved onto the next person in the parking lot ! Have'nt seen him around lately ,but keep my eyes open when I'm there none the less ! Which is a good idea for anyone doin' what we do ! I would think a greater hazard is broken glass /beer/wine bottles ect... So if your actually gonna be stomping around in the dumpster a sturdy set of shoes & a good tetnus shot might be a good Idea . Also some gloves and or some hand sanitizer would'nt hurt ! I keep a bottle in the truck ! I'm not a germ -A-Phobe but it is after all basically a big trash can right? anyway that's my little story ! The Lone Wino ! Gone but Not Forgotten ! LOL! CIAO!
  11. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Thankfully, I've not had that experience. I thought about it a few times when walking into one of those block enclosures. You don't know whats behind the dumpster. I'm 6'2"/255, but I don't like surprises and I don't run fast.....or far. And can you imagine trying to explain to the emergency room nurse what you were doing in a dumpster at 4:30 in the morning? LOL FIFPJVC
  12. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    haven't done any diving but a friend gave me a dinosaur of a laptop and a pci tv tuner even though I have a laptop.
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    21Q- Life is a continual adjustment to a series of constantly changing parameters ! or some such BS ! - I prefer the Latin version "Vitas Es Laborium!"- Life is a Job ! or The other quote from Fr. Guido Sarducci -" Vitas es Carborundum !" = Life is a grind ! LOL- Me I kinda like the box O' chocolates thing cause ya' never know what your gonna get ? Run Forest Run ! lol! later buddy!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2007
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    RippDogg- You were sleepwalking & having a dream about chasing leprechauns & you forced one to take you to his pot of gold ( The Dumpster ) you were then awakened by his band of Leprechaun cohorts cleverly diguised as wino's , gutter punks , street crazies and communist infiltrators ! who insisted you swear alleigance to the Great Gazoo & join their Dance party - And while you are not averse to the muse of dance , being a good christian you Affirm ( Not swear !) and are therefor forced to open up a Major sized can of WHUP A** and that's what you were doing there@ 4:30 in the A.M. ! The end LOL !!!!!!! That's your story and I'm sticking to it !
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    where the help you from??? and what is your IQ about 188???? and thats not a stab at you either... you just seem to be like a genious of some sort...lol. have you seen the TV show "numb3rs"? you kinda remind me of the math wiz guy on there with some of your replys..lol

    gonna go to the blockebuster that gave me the cases last thursday and see what i can find in the dumpster. i cant wait a week...lol gotta see if there's anything good there now...
  16. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    That's so crazy! I just had that dream two nights ago, only the leprechaun was wearing a cincinnati reds uniform.....I think he was number 14....
  17. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    that had to have been one cool ass leprechaun. i'd BET he could hussle his ass off to his pot of gold...lol

    i cant beleive i just said that...lol

    well went to my pot of gold for dvd cases. they must have just dumped it. was bone dry nothing in it... ill hit it up again tonight
  18. blake123

    blake123 Guest

    My Cousin works at blockbuster so i get all the ones from his store.I got about a thousand when they closed down the one he works at and moved him to another one.
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Naw Just a regular joe like the rest ! And though I can do math ( Count my money !!!- It's easy when you have pennies LOL! ) Math was never one of my favorite or better subjects ! So I don't think I could be like the numbers guy ! Fractals , decimals , cosigns, tangents all that stuff makes my brain hurt !( OooH ! my Brain hurts !!!!!"MONTY PYTHON " LOL! Back in my P.I.= pre -internet & Bacherlor days I used to read alot of books - Now I surf alot & read magazines like ComputeR shopper & Maximum Pc & the occasional book still ! - So I suppose you could classify me as a Transplated Cityboy -psuedo-intellectual/ Fountain of Useless information with a flair for the creative word! ( all This and so modest too ! ) LOL! who lives in the sticks of central louisiana - and no I'm not a Katrina Refugee I've been here since 1997! Though I don't mean any disrepect to those who were diplaced ! When the storms hit my family & my wifes family came to stay with us & lets say 22 people in a small 3 bedroom home is stressfull all way around ! thankfully everything went back to normal after that ! Now for my question Why are there no Leprechaun women ? You never see any -maybe it's like baby pidgeons ? Just a thought - Later everyone !@!!!
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007

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