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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well i wasnt able to do the cabbage patch due to all the cases i had in my arms/hand. went to my neighborly blockbuster and my friends they hooked me up i will never need any dvd cases again. they gave me 3 boxes of cases. x-box/playstation regular cases double cases i have them all. in the 3 boxes a total of 418 cases. i now have more cases then i have blank disc...it offical i am a retired diver.
    if permited i would like to hand my diving card over to someone who needs it, if thats ok with the diving gods. JVC??? i am available for training purposes only....lol
    if and when there is a diving hall of fame let it be known I DID BETon hitting the mother load(reference to PETE ROSE)...LOL

    took me almost a day to get all the blockbuster stickers/prices off the cases...

  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob! If your happy Then That's all That counts ! But if allowed one Comment Or Quote I would say " What and give up show bussiness ? "" LOL! I would ,were I you Would just say That I was on Extended Hiatus from Dumpster Diving ! Don't turn in your Union card just yet ! You can always buy more Blanks ! A spindle or two here & there & you'd be suprised how soon they add up ! After all Even the Esteemed Pontificating Potentate of Plastic Procurement ,Grand Poobah & Lord High Everything else !(JVC) Has Gone back to diving !!!! if I remember his posting right & if not he should ! great talent should Not be squandered! Besides great leaders lead by example !!! But cincyrob I understand one must follow ones path (But Know in the end that Your Kung Fu is very good but you lack Discipline !!!!!LOL!)So If you have chosen To retire Hopefully you'll Take up boxing so you can make a comeback ! again & again ! Feel free to visit here or the shoutbox whether or not your diving Just to say hello or swap crazy stories or make some up even ! Well Sorry you won't be around the dumpster 's for awhile! but I have a strong suspicion that you'll Be back ! Good luck using up what you have already ! And in the famous words of Govenor ARNOLD " It's Not a TOOMAH! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    you mean i should be like good old geroge forman and never say never...lol
  4. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    It's kinda like when you're watching tv and you see that man holding the lottery check and you go, "what the hell is he gonna do with all that? There's no way he's ever gonna use all those cases." But then, you know, you're like trying to find his phone number in the book so you can call and say "hey, I was just wondering if I could hit you up for a few cases, you know, until I get back on my feet," but then he says get lost loser and you don't see him again until he shows up years later on a Maury episode, "They Won the Lottery But Now They're on Case Welfare" and you say "what's up with that" and someone says, "he couldn't handle the fame, man."
    If I were you, I'd put away some of those cases away right now before you start eyeing skybox seats @ Cinergy, etc. You could invest them at 8% and live off the extra cases. Oh, and if you have any extra double cases man I could really......what....oh, that's cool.
    Congrats Cincy...you show us all that it can happen. Praise JVC
  5. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    cases to all my friends. you guys are great. now i'll let ya in on a secret. i just came from a blockbuster in Kentucky, yup i got 9 cases 1 with winnie the pooh's grand adventure in it...lol short retirement huh...lmao....kinda like micheal jordon..lol....


    hey speaking of that. i just heard Van Halen is back together. thats Van Halen not van hagar..
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- WeLL with all due respect to both & Not being able to play any Musical instrument ! Other than a Stereo! I like Van Halen !! Just Fine I suppose But David Lee Roth was never one of my Favorites ! He got his Start as lead singer for 3 reasons ! 1. It was his P.A. System /Sound system , 2. His uncle had connections im the music Biz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 3. Neither Eddie or Alex Liked to sing!! . I'm not putting down singers per se' The human voice is an instrument too ! But altough He was somewhat of a Ego Himself ! I had a little more respect For Sammy Hagar because he could Play guitar and sing !!!!! ( Yeah coming from me who can't do either &Who sounds like a Sasquatch gargling broken glass , Bourbon & oyster shells if I even attempt shower singing ! LOL!!!!) But I suppose my favorite Van Halen line Up was Valerie Berenelli -LOL! !!! All that Repressed catholic Guilt, Me likey !!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL! And to pass a couple words on your pending Retirement or Un-retirement !!!! 1. Name all your male children George It will prevent confusion !. 2. Plug in the Grill & knock out the Fat ! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Brats & Burgers all Round !!!!!!!!!!!., 3. Only get your cars mufflers & Brakes done at Midas ! LOL! .. 4. I Forget the person behind this qoute but I think it applies to your Diving retirement " Rumors of my demise are Somewhat Premature !!!!!!!!!!!: Now If you will excuse me Valerie just showed up With all the Victoria Secrets models , Some Latex outfits ( For Them of course LOL!!!) & 5 gallons of squeeze PaRkay ! Butter !, Parkay ! ... Well If I'm gonna dream I may as well dream big right !? Welcome back Mr.Kotter !!!!! er' cincyrob later Gang !!!!!!
  7. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    sounds like a good dream too me. think i might have had the same one...lol..

    vanhagar was ok, your reasoning why you liked sammy with them is the reason i didnt like him. to me it seemed he tried to out do eddie and thats not possible. ive seen vanhagar twice and sammy just seemed like he was tring to out play eddie...with Dave it was just good fun. him acting afool and the band playing there ass's off..but the most underated bass play of all is/was micheal anthony. well thats my 2 cents worth....lol
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob-Well I agree with you that Sammy is a Big Ego too ,no doubt about that ! & never having seen either version of Van Halen Live I can't comment on who is the better player though being A . I'm not a guitarist so I could'nt gauge who's the better player Technically I'd probably say Eddie ! What would be intersting is to put eddie up against some others like steve Vai, joe satriani ,& Adrian Belew - What can I say " The Lone Rhinocerous Speaks ! Or maybe Eddies elephant Phart !! guitar sound !!!The real thing is more PHlappy sounding ! trust me - Took grandson to the zoo & the elephant let's her ripp!!!! He loved it Boys will be boys I guess ? It probably would be better to get all those guitarist together atleast it 'd be interesting !to record anyways ! I guess I'm a rocker @ heart but I have eclectic taste a lil' of everything except country, I I like country but it's like Mayonaise a little goes a long way !!!! Well I just thought I'd put in my two cents this morning so So good luck & tell george hello! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP !!!! LOL!
  9. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    george 1-5 says hey...lol

    i didnt get to see the original VH. i had a chance in school to go see VH or Def-Leppard. i chose Def-Lep. was a awsome concert but at the time i didnt know it would be the end of VH..lol
    oh there are so many great guitarist its hard to say whos the best but there are just a handfull that are up there in my book.

    1. Jimi Hendricks
    2. Stevie Ray Vaughan
    3. Randy Rhodes.
    4. Eric Clapton
    5. Jimmy Page
    6. Eddie VanHalen
    7. B.B. King.
    8.(the silver surfer)Joe Satriani
    9. Steve Via
    10. Slash.(he's just cool)
    11. Kenny wayne Sheppard

    yea i know the first 3 are no longer with us but they are great.
    and thats not in any order just the first to come to mind is how i put them down
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    it seems great minds think alike as the french say !!!!

    1. Jimi Hendricks
    2. Stevie Ray Vaughan
    3. Randy Rhodes.
    4. Eric Clapton
    5. Jimmy Page
    6. Eddie VanHalen
    7. B.B. King.
    8.(the silver surfer)Joe Satriani
    9. Steve Via
    10. Slash.(he's just cool)
    11. Kenny wayne Sheppard - These guys would be on my short list too ! with the addition of adrian belew ! he uses a Guitar synthisizer so I suppose to you could call that cheating But he still gotta no how to play & he can get sound sounds out that thang! Maybe I'd add Charo as an Alternate If your including Classical/Acoustic & flamenco ! Altough she's known for the Coochie Coochie & broken english She's actually a talented Musician & can speak several languages !! And for an older lady she's still in great shape ! Besides I just like when she goes Coochie Coochie !!! LOL! I hope Valerie Does'nt get jealous LOL! Well that's about it I guess I'll make another Diving attempt Tuesday and see what happens !!! check out the website RatherGood.com it's goofy goober fun!!!! especially the Jelly video & the Fishy video ! good luck safe diving & happy burning ! later
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  11. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    How many of them have you seen live?
    I don't even know who some of them are......
    Don't know:
    Randy Rhodes
    Steve Via

    I've only seen two of them.
    I saw B.B. King, and the best one, Jimi Hendrix.
    They were both at the same concert; Atlanta Pop Festival, July 3, 4, & 5, 1970. A lot of groups played that weekend! :eek:)
    Hendrix played his version of Star Spangled Banner, the night of July 4th, with fireworks exploding everywhere! Very nice!!!!!
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    JVC- Yes HeNdrix ! Was The man ! No doubt about That ! When You Consider His Musicianship ! Skill , The things he did with just 4 track recordings ! Freakin' amazing !!! Unfortunately I never Got to see Him In the Flesh ! B'B'KING - Well I Lke BB !! He makes Lucille Talk !!!! & Is living proof That Quality Beats Quantity every Time - Just Cause You can Play 80 Bazillion Notes does'nt Mean you Have too Every time ? BB Could too But he does'nt !!! but The notes he choose to play are awesome ! If that makes sense? Most of Those guys I have'nt seen live/in person But I know about Them ! Steve Vai I believe Got His Start with FZ!!!!!!!!! Frank Zappa - Another great though Probably Under appreciated Guitarist That Most people only know from his Goofy Sh** !!!!!! I did see Frank Zappa Live In New Orleans years ago ,But I don't remember if Steve Vai Was with Him back then!? what was cool about Zappa Was he would take /find Musicians that Were Great Unknowns ( at The Time !!!!!) & take them on tour with him & record with them & Then they would be Big acts themselves after that ! Saw Edgar Winter Twice live -he did a Kiler Rendittion of FrankenStein ! Saw Johnny Winter last year in october ! I love Music especially Live music ! But don't get to check much out anymore ! Besides the Winter Brothers !, I've seen a Few other National acts here & there , JerrY Jeff Walker , Charlie daniels , JImmY buffet , Nitty Gritty Dirt Band !,Crystal Gayle ( Years ago -God that Hair & them Eyes !!!!!!!, Ian Hunter ( Mott the hoople 'a singer ) Richie havens , Rita MarleY !, BUrning Spear ,Boozoo Chavis (ZYDECO !!!!!)Rosey Ledet ( Zydeco ) Actaully Got her to autograph her CD ! She's really Humble ^ down To earth !!! Like I said earlier I'm Mainly a Rocker !But I have eclectic Taste !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dire Straits , & Devo John Cale !!! & a few others local& or National That I've probably Forgot . Maybe I'll Post a Few Pictures On My Profile Of Some bands IF I have them still On the Hard Drive ! ( It's amazing what Comes out of a Dumpster thread isn't it ? Good Luck Jvc & CincYrob & George 1 too ! later !!!
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    damn i would have loved to seen Jimi he is just awsome.
    bet that was great to see him and BB at the same time.
    i have seen about half of those guys. live...

    eddie van halen 2 times
    steve via 1 time
    slash from guns-n-roses 3 or 4 times
    kenny wyane sheppard 2 times
    Jimmy Page 1 time
    Joe Satriani 1 time in norfolk virgina, it was at a bluegrass jamboree???dont ask me why he was there??lol

    EDIT to add.
    oh you just crack me up BIGTOXY.

    you just named a bunch more tha i forgot. a fw are older than i really remember but i know of them. i love dire staits... see there is to many to even think about whos the best or should be on a top 10 of course other than JIMI...... top of every list.

    i also forgot to add our half time show entertainment for the game. Prince.. he can play his ass off also.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Yeah Forgot a Few Myself - That kinda Thing happens to old timers LOL! ( Damn ! Young WhipperSnapper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Robert Plant ! AeroSmith , Sting ! I loved the Police ( The 80's was my Decade ) But although I think he's a Great Musician Sting is a Bit HUNG on himself !!!!! ( Gigantor Ego !!!!!!) He had a Guy Open for him named Vinx ( I enjoyed him more than sting) Rod Stewart ( Showing My age ( But You wear it well !!!!LOL!) actually puts on a great show & Ladies Man the Ladies Love Rod ( Keep it clean fellas !! ) I'm talking about Mr. Stewart !!! & a couple of Aeon's ago I even saw Garth Brooks with my Fiance who is now my wife !!!! not bad Even Saw the Kinks & the MOODY Blues back in the day ! Well Time for the Old Geezer To take a Nap !!!! so see ya' round the old campfire & don't be spittin' Bacca ' Juice in it Later all ! Ciao!!!!!
  15. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    back on track. when i was in the dumpster and got the first 106 cases they all had the covers still on them. 1 of them was a video of stevie ray vaughn with double trouble. sure wish the damn dvd was in it..lol..

    now for real.. its about -2 here in cincy. dont think i can make it to the dive tonight didnt wear the long johns today. but i will be more prepaired tomorrow.gonna be this cold all week here and between 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow night, so i might not make it to the dive then either. good thing i have about 524 FREE cases to fall back on...

    would it be the same if i took them out and put them in my trash can(a new clean one of course) amd just grabbed a few when i needed them????lol

    you get my PM?
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Got your Pm & replied ! hang in there Buddy okay ? It's been cold here to but thankfully no snow & not as cold but rain ! just be happy ! & don't let them steal your joy ! the Great & near great peoples around AD way out number the Straggling Scofflaws & haters ! !!!!!. Just be yourself & you'll be alright ! people come & go ! but if you keep their memory with you they're never far away ! So Buckle Up ! CincyRob it's Going to be a Bumpy ride ! Or to Paraphrase Ms. Betty Davis " What a Dump-ster !!!!! LOL ! Go Jolly !
    Be happy - WWW.rathergood.com if you need some silly goofy goober cheering up type fun !!!!
  18. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Went Dumpstering Today - Lots of Trash ,Did'nt see any cases But Found 4 nice Big 3 Ring Binders Formely used by Blockbuter ! In nice Shape & a flashlight Does'nt work will try new batteries It looks new ! It's a Cheapo one like what we have at work But hey Free is free ! May buy some binder pages & store my safety copies in them ? It's a thought !
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2007
  19. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    This bunch is to dang good, just to dang good I say!! I've read the last 6-8 pages I guess and have learned just enough to take/make a dive or two myself. lol.

    You get any covers along with those pS2 game cases. I might be willing to wire you a few $$ to send them my way. :):):) I'm thinking about backing up my pS2 games but would like to have a few of the cases around to put them in, just something to think about since you hit the DANG lottery. lmao.

    Nice start to a good story, you must fill us in on more later.

    That had to be the beginning of a Joan Wilder special. lol. Romancing the Stone, maybe?

    Lots of fun here. Keep it up fellas.......

  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    all the game cases i got didnt have anything in them(covers) but about 80% of the movies did still have covers with them. i bet i found about 30 of them that i used..lol

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