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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I had to report! Finally made the actual jump into a dumpster. Didn't dive, I wouldn't want to copy my heros JVC & BIGTOXY69 that would be copy infringement. lol. I pulled up to my "1st" stop and looked around and said wth let's do this. It was 9 am this morning, I have balls or I'm real stupid but I looked around and there was nothing that said anything about trespassing and the only disclaimer was not to dump trash in the dumpster. Well heck I'm taking it out, how bad could it be? lol.

    Grabbed 26 cases, one was cracked tho, and I left maybe 5-10 in the dumpster that were either broken by me "stepping in" or that's why they tossed them. :) I found 2 of the booger green ones with the game and covers and all. Now here is my only b!tch: Why did they scratch the games where they can't be used? I looked at them and besides the massive star scratches on them they were fine, almost brand new. wth is that?

    I did find a case and cover that I needed X-MEN: The Last Stand in pretty good shape. It'll be put into use today! lol. btw they throw magizines and the like away too. Oh! forgot. First stop was Hastings, I think it's a Texas chain; second stop was Hollywood Video, I think the dang garbage truck had already been by; third stop was BB and they had nothing. I may go by there in the morning or tonight just to see what's happenin. lol. Man I'm hooked for now. It was fun and exciting almost like a kid gettin away with something. AND IT'S FREE!! lol.

    Here's a pic of the loot. :):)

  2. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    BIGTOXY69-Don't get me wrong, I am a faithful follower of Brother JVC. I'm just telling you what Mitter Po-Po said. If I thought I could get something good for free, I'd scrounge through the police station dumpster, that's just how I roll.....lol
  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    way to go there brother. thats 26 that ya didnt have to pay for... plus you got a cover you needed. i got 5 or 6 i needed when i hit my big load. see now your hooked, you be looking under dumpsters, behind them in the yard next to the dumpster..lol... way to go
  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Thanks cincyrob!!

    I like that kinda attitude, you know what you like and know how your gonna get it. lol.


    edit: oooops my fingers went crazy.....lol
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2007
  5. neptune

    neptune Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    on the way back from getting a new tire for my wifes car i stoped at the dumster at west coast video where i found 5 the other night . my luck this time it was empty :(. so driving in the snow and ice i stoped at another west coast video. that dumpster was empty also dam.so i went inside and there was no one in there besides me and the lady working there.i said your dumpster is quite empty lol.i said what do you do with those cases that they replace with there locking cases. she said wait i have some i never throw them away. she said she likes to recycle. so she gave me 48 of them . jackpotshe gave me a bunch with the covers still in them. she told me a girl worked there and had stolen the movies with there locking cases so she had the origonals left. she said stop in once a week and ask if she has any . now all i have to do is store dive once a week :)IF ITS FREE ITS FOR ME
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2007
  6. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Cha-Ching!!! Neptune's got a benefactor!
  7. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neptune- Are you sure you did'nt impress her with Size of your Trident? Being a Sea God & all gotta count for something right ! I get told I have the Body of A young God myself ! ( unfortunately for me The God is BUDDAH !!!!!!!!!!!)- Ho! ho !Ho ! yo Rengyay kro !) My Buddhist chanting is a bit rusty sorry!RippDogg I'm Not disgreeing with you Just stating my opinion & thoughts - Disclaimer { Bigtoxy69 , Bigtoxy69indutstries , Or Feetz Up ! head Down Inc. are not liscensed to practice Law or Law Enforcement! in any of the United States It's Territories Or possesions or Commonwealths ! So Therefore no Creedence should be given to their opinions on legality regarding anything!Bigtoxy69 , Bigtoxy69indutstries , Or Feetz Up ! head Down Inc. Does however Dice ,Slice , Julienne & make Mounds of Mouth watering French fries ! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greensman It only takes a Little luck to get one started & It really does'nt matter how many you get ! Whatever the # "free is Free !!!!!" I found a Grand total of one case yesterday ! Taladega Nights- Cover was on but all wet & moisty Like Still that's .25cent to 1.00 that I don't have to pay for a case so one's better than none . I also Though I found a George Carlin comedy CD but it was actually BASS Guitar for Dummies CD-ROM . I may be a dummy But I don't play Bass unless you conider the Bass knob on my stereo a Instrument ? LOL! Tried getting online yesterday eve. but internet & cable was down (^#@*&%&*) !!!! But I'm Back for now atleast later Gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Neptune you dog....lol. How does one get so lucky? Well at least you got a contact now and it sounds like a promising deal. :)

    BT69 potatoes any way you do them is good in my book. :) Yeh free is free as they say. lol. Went by the BB dumpster this morning and the dang garbage truck had already stolen my goodies. lol. I'll have to figure the routing times and make my visits accordingly. LOL. btw did you see the new post on your family photo. ;-) Hey you still got that Bass for dummies CD, I'm learning the bass guitar and need all the help I can get. lol. :) PM me if you want to do a favor for a friend. I'm your friend now. lol.

  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    greensman- Might be like when the bookstores take the old paperbacks and remove the covers & send them to to distributor/Publisher ? whoever They can keep the coverless Books but they're not supposed to sell them ! though I think some Do at a Really Cheap Price ! Maybe the Video/GAME Stores it's the same thing but on the Honor system ? Though they probably Do it To prevent you or anyone from digging it out ofthe dumpster & saying you Bought it but it skips , Jumps , or plays hopscotch ! & could you have a refund or Swap it out for another gane or movie ? Or Taking it and selling it to a friend or a Pawnshop or another sTore ! Though I've Rescued about 60-70 DVD's in slightly worn to as new shape with no Unplayable scratches ! just wear & tear kind ! Sometimes the Magical Wambo DooJie Lock stick Gets stuck in the case & rather then FUTZ ! with it they just dump'em - & sometimes they overbuy a certain TITLe - (CRASH ) For example & it does'nt move so they DEMILL it ( DIMPLE-ATOR Of DOOM Machine -Destroying the DVD SURFACE! I found about 130copies of crash that were all FUBARRED except 3 so Go figure ? greensman- If you really like the game you found you might wanna try a company -rubberdisc.com They resurface/Fix DVD's games ect... for a few dollars & will even send you a mailer ! & if They can't fix it they don't charge you for it? see their site for details !Might be worth it ? Ciao!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  10. neptune

    neptune Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    on the scratched game it can be done at your home if you own a buffer.my son had scratched games and they would not play until i buffed them to new condintion . well lets say 98 %.but they played after i buffed them.i detail cars for a living so i have many buffers. all i do is put a small amount of compound on the disk (dvd cd or ps2 game and buff away the imperfections .you need to keep it almost flat. i have broke one once by bending it a little to much :)

    well i have plenty empty cases around . now all i need is some movies to fill them lol.but that wont stop me from going to west coast video next week for some more store diving lol.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neptune- I kinda thought about that ( The Buffer thing) and obviously it does work ,atleast for you ! does it have to be any certain type buffer? :ike a orbital or would a buff pad & drill motor work? & CincyRob another pics going up How do you like them apples????????? Ha! ha! ga!
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    greensman- On irelands pic he did for you ! Do you reckon that a 6 Iron would do Or Should one Go with the wood on that hole ? Or throw caution to the wind and use the ball washer & then pull out the BIG Bertha ? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ciao!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    and who ever thought that golfing terms would have such innuendo's???lol

    i got off work early lastnight, so i decided to stop by my favorite diving hole(bb) and see what they had. went in and talked to my buddy there. he said he didnt have anything, that if i stoped by every thursday if he had anything saved up they were mine for the taking... while he was saying that his co worker walked up and had about 20 cases, said here ya go. i didnt look at them right then other than to count that there was 19 of them, i get home and looked at 1 of them what did i see double case(with the flipper) you know what i mean...so i contiued to look at the rest of them, needless to say 14 of th e19 were doubles.... how sweet is that...

    FEET'Z down HEAD'Z up and walk in and get some....lol

    naw that dont sound right sorry BigToxy.

    ill be looking for a new pic...
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Being The all Knowing ,all Seeing Avatar of Signature catch Phrases How about This one for you - { Reach Down & Grab it Or Walk in & Get Some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} That one's officially yours if you want it ?LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ciao!
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    naw stick with FEETZ UP HEADZ DOWN.....
  16. neptune

    neptune Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Reach Down & Grab it Or Walk in & Get Some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

    BIGTOXY69 as long as your pad on your drill or whatever was soft u should not have any problems .... but the orbital type works best . all i do is push the switch in to leave it run by it self, turn it upside down (with the pad facing up and away i go !!!!!! scatches be gone :). even if you dont get it 100% it will be good enough to make a backup out of it :) i know when dvd decrypter wont read a dvd or game >>>>>> its time to break out the buffer !!!!!


    BTW this is the best thread i have ever replied too.my wife was looking threw the emails other day we share a emailand she said omg dumpster diving.she said are u doing that !!! lol
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Neptune - Thanks for the info ! regular car buffing Compound , Brasso or Jewelers rouge ? or would mothers work as well? " We and I mean that collectively try to keep it fun and interesting ! So thanks to You & your wife for the Compliment - Did she let out a big - EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when she saw Dumpster diving as the email header ? Just kidding !!! Women ! you can't live with'em ! & you can't get'em to dress up in a skimpy Nazi Costume and beat you with a warm Squash or something !!!!!!!!!!!LOL! What's that quote ? " A chain is oonly as strong as it's weakest link!!" In our case ( pun inteneded) A thread is only as strong as it's weakest Mind ! Gooble Gobble, Gooble Gobble , We accept you ,we accept you !- Oopsie My mind went to the Bahamas without me again - I hate when it does that -It's so hard to explain a Tanned mind in a Pale Body LOL! Anyhow Thanx again ! & Safe & Prosperous diving ! Ciao!
  18. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I've used a brand called Megiar's Scratch-X fine scratch & swirl Remover to save a few badly scratched CD, DVD and Playstation games. Works great using a Dremel tool with a felt polishing attachment.
  19. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I checked two Blockbumpsters, or should I say Blockbumsteers...Nothing to report, just a few broken cases and lots of spent food containers. Man, I can't wait to get back home. I'm wallowing in old fast food containers freezin my can off while my friend to the South is building a pole barn to house his extras. Amen brother, my score is out there somewhere. Somewhere in this frozen tundra is My Neptune Manager Lady and by God I'm gonna find her!
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i do need some extra room. think i could find some up there by the mistake by the lake????lol... id say everyone of us who have been doing this at one time or another will or has hit it big just a matter of time

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