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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    WELL I didn't come home empty handed. One lonely case. Found 3 but 2 were not worth using. Cracked and ripped. Got one out of the deal so, YEAH!

    Clarol #23 uhh, may have to look for that color in my local Walmart and send you some BT69. Wouldn't want you runnin out any time soon. ;-)

  2. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    you are F-ing hilarious....LMAO... im bout in tears here laughing so hard. getting ready to leave work, gonna hit the DIVE again, see if i can exstend my hit streak to 2 days in a row.....we all now us guys from cincy know a little somehting abut hit streaks...lol where you at BLivetNC.... the boys of summer are here....
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Yeah That's Me a veritable Laugh Riot ! Ha! Ha! Ha! - Greensman You still are one ahead ! so that's a positive thing ! The Idea is to let it( The Fur Grow back to it's natural Color ) But thanks for the offer Just in case ! I think you have to special order That Shade ( Glorious Gorilla #23 ) Something to do with the Difference Between Fur and Hair And the amount of Pigment in the Dye ! Being Unsafe for Human Scalps ! LOL! Besides all that Ron Popeil's gonna hook me up with Half a truck of Spray on Fur ! He's Trying to branch out into The SasQuatch Market !!!! & I have connections in the community So it's Kinda a One-hand washes the Other Paw type thang !!!! yeah Old ron's Such an inventive guy ! But he's not bad for a human ! LOL ! He's working on a Showtime Rotissering Incubator For the Lizard People ! Just What ? "set it & forget it & walk away "- Which is good for them ,because They are'nt to bright !but they are Some Mean You know whats ( S.O.B's - or Your Favourite expletives here ) So Beware of the Lizard People my Brother !!!!! They Don't have a lot of use For me Though Got in a Fight with two of 'em once & made A pair of Gator's, a Leather Jacket and A set of Carry on Luggauge out of them ! So needless to say I'm not on their A list for Parties ! Scaley Boogers Can't Party worth a dern Anyways though ( slow metabolism ? , Different Hormone Levels - Something like that ? ) Some of the Lizard Women are pretty Hot in a Scaley Cold blooded sort of waY - They store Fat in their Tails Kinda like a Gila Monster ! So If you like (JUNQUE in Da' Trunk) They'd Be up your alley!. I met one once That could do this thing with her tongue that was not only hypnotizing but it'd make your fur stand on ended !!!!!- That's as much as I can say about that Being a gentleman & this being a Family type show!!!! well I guess I'll Give it a rest for now !Would'nt Want CincyRob to go into Convulsions From laughing to much ! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! CIAO!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2007
  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    LOL nothing like a good laugh first thing in the morning... went to the dive lastnight didnt come back empty handed, but didnt hit it big..lol 1 case is better than no case...lol but it was a double case so thats a good thing... so i guess my streak is still alive..lol
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob - Thanks ! It's nice to be appreciated !!!!! Now where did that lizard women get To Now ? LOL!!!!!!!!Later Alligator ! wait a minute there she goes now ! HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah baby oh behave !!!!!!later on then !
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Still Waiting on the Wifes car - So I'll be landlocked a Lil' bit Longer ? New pics on the profile ! Nap-Time For Toxy Later GanG!
  7. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Picking up The car tomorrow yeah! But The sQuatchmobile goes in for needed repairs Boo Hiss ! boo ! But atleast I'll be leaving the house!Hopefully I'll Be on the roll again soon ? It's weird But ! it's not that I have anyplace special to go or anything special to do ! but With a vehicle Even If I choose not to ! I have the option of going somewhere? & It makes you feel more free ? or atleast more open to possibilities than if you don't have one ? if that makes sense ! And I'm practicing - See ! VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!VROOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!! LOL latER FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2007
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Yo ! Joe ! LOL!! - Went to pick up the wifey-mobile & drop off The Squatch mobile ! Went to town & paid a few Bills ! Made a quick Dumpster Dive /Check & The dumpster was full Boxes trash & plenty of cases ! Unfortunately all My diving Gear is tn thr sQuatchmobile at The mechanic's shop ! so I got what I could reach & load Up by hand ! had'nt counted them out yet but looks like close to whats in CiNcyRobs Pic! So not bad for a unexpected haul ! Things to do So I'll Check you all later ! bye now !
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    STill practicing ( Okay I'm Not really Practicing ! ) I've officially Crossed over into the Land of Make believe !!!! and I'm pretending That My sQuatchmobile is Back already !!!!!!!!!!! VroooooM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,VrooooooooooooMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! BomP!!! BomP!!!!!! { Hey Idiot !, Yeah you! moron get Out'da Way !!!!} Your Blocking my Dumpster !!!!!!! Yeah !! I don't care what Waste management Company you work for ? Your Truck smells like Garbage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The union says it's lunchtime anyways !! take a break , Just take it somewhere else ? !!! Sheesh!!!!!!!!! what's A sasQuatch Gotta Do to get some respect around here ? - Whew ! that mental Vacation was a lttle to Taxing ( pun not intended ) Think I need another nap or a Visit from the Vetinary nurse ? Bed time is Med time!!!!! LOL ! later Y'all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Okay I made the official count this morning on my last Dive/haul - 55Dvd cases I think they are all singles but I did'nt open them all to check ? & I'm assuming that all of them are empty To but again I did'nt check them individually by opening each case? Not a major FinD But considering That I did'nt have My Dumpster Spelunking Gear - { Garbage bags. reacher , Collapsable rake ect...) & I got the ones I could reach ,I don't think I did to Bad ? Especially since we were in the Wifey-Mobile & not The sQuatchMobile where I have more room ( Pick up truck/ Urban assault Vehicle )But My lovely Lady Did'nt Fuss when I walked Back to the car with The armload of cases So I Think I'll keep her ! I just hated to leave leave The rest of the cases behind ! but It was a long day - We were both starving for lunch ! & I was super tired so we made a short day of it ! - As that song says " I love my truck !!!!!!!" Anyways that's about it for now ! are you listening ? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! Ciao!
  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    nice grab big guy. glad to see ya get some needed cases. i went out to my dive lastnight and nothing there.ive never gotten anything on a tuesday anyway.. will go agai tonight my normal hit it big night..lol
  12. 2colors

    2colors Guest

    Just dropped off 3 at the store drove around back peeked in the dumpster , pulled out a bag with 80 in it . Only my 2nd time d diving. Not to bad. All clean an look brand new.
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    2colors- That's Great ! Sounds Like your Officialy Hooked LOL! & with all The Money your saving on cases You Might be able to afford the other 6 Crayons in the box LOL! Just kidding LOL! Cincyrob I was begining to think You retired & moved to Cleveland LOL! The Mechanic Just called about The sQuatchmobile and as They say In Chalmete Louisiana !" it ain'Gonna Be Nothing Pretty !!!!!" but it is fixed & safe again So Thank God for that ! And anyhow how can you Put a price On Freedom? - SasQuatches are somewhat Domesticatible , But we go stir Crazy & Get Cabin fever Quite easily !!!!! why do you think we live in the woods ? It's the open spaces and ability to roam Free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for those of us who have mastered the Arts of Driving It's kinda hard to drive when your vehicle is down for repairs !!!!!!!!!!!!! lol! sad but true ! Also we tend to suffer from Bouts of S.A.D ! yes that's right S.A.D = Sasquatch Aggravation Disorder!!!! an abnormally frustrating Condition caused By People ringing The Damn Phone off the Hook while we're trying to sleep ! we are Nocturnal DuH! But it could just be an overdose of Cabin fever in my case ? Well Soon I 'll Be Rollin' Like the Thunder ( "Sorry Must ate some bad berries ") Best Line in DreamCatcher ImHO! - LOL! And Driving too ! so Hopefully That'll Mean more cases & adventures to post about ! So till then Don't worry be happy & Beware of the lizard people !!!!!!!!Ciao!- Ps#1 Ah Grasshopper or should I say CincyRob Lee? - Check out the pictures carefully One has a Message ! ScoobY DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    no no retirement here just been kinda busy.. still tring to get my RMA's from newegg for them drives i sent back... gonna hit it again tonight
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Yeah I that I guess it was just a lull In the dumpster world ! I Just arrainged the financial end of how we gonna pay fer' fixing the truck ! it's Nuthin' Nice But you can't put a price on freedom & peace of Mind can you ? Oh well Good luck with Your Dumpster Cousteau ! Expedition!!! say hello To Phillipe' & Lookout For the NeptunE manager lady LOL! - You Will respect My Authortiaw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL! later Buddy !!!!
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Went to the City Today ! - Picked Up The sQuatchmobile ! went to the Vet to have our Claws trimmed !!! ate pizza !!!!!!, Bought Groceries !, Went & Had My winter fur Sheared ! & made a Dumpster Run ! Well they Must have dumped the old girl because all of the cases I left behind Monday were gone along with most of the trash ! Still I got those 55 monday anyways & I have the sQuatchmobile and my Diving gear back so It's on !!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you did okay CincyRob ? & everyone else later friends!
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    CincyRob & Saugmon -Couple of new pics on the profile that might interest You ? later Okay!
  18. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i'll check them out in a few hours after i get off work, and out of the dive..lol
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I think you'll Like them ! don't know much about them but Thought You'd both get a charge out of them !!!! Especially The EEL ? !!!!!!!!!! - It's Electric !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Sometimes I even annoy myself LOL! true!,true!
  20. neptune

    neptune Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    dam no luck tonight.went back to the same store where i got my last batch and she wasnt working :( so i didnt even bother going in. but i hit up a dumpster where i got 5 from one time and nothing :(((((((.there was alot of boxes and no cases . maybe ill have better luck next week.

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