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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    No particular day. Try different days, until you hit the jackpot! It's going to be a hit and miss thing. If you hit the jackpot on Thursday, next time it may be on a Saturday. You never know.
    Good luck!
  2. vinny13

    vinny13 Guest

    Lol one last question... Is it legal?
  3. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    One man's trash is another man's treasure, so yes it's legal. I however dive for a different gold, electronics. I usually come up empty but my school throws out a fair amount of computers, although ever since me and a friend started a program where we fix the computers and give them to the needy, I have come up dry for months. I did acquire some old video game systems from a friend on vacation, so I got something.
  4. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    My best dives have been Sunday and Wednesday mornings between 4 & 6 am. Back and leg is gettin better got a pool ladder out of the trash goin divin tonight. Chris
  5. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    ...the Sasquatch, having roamed the countryside during the warm season utilizing the collected cases now finds his supplies dwindling. As the weather begins to change, he will instinctively move to expand his territory, peering into dumpsters that normally would go unchecked in an effort to fortify his supplies before the impending winter months. In this way he helps guarantee he will not go without during months when hunting is more perilous and supplies scarce.
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    RippDogg- The SasQuatch Wanders the wastelands of Dumpsterdom! Howling and Growling and giving passersby the GASFACE!!!! It's the rainy season ! And even though SasQuatch are Powerful Swimmers ! The Rain which has Turned Dumpsters into swimming pools ! Actually more like Minute Cesspools of Rancid Fast-Food waste ! , Moldy piles of wet Quicksand -like Cardboard and Strange metal contraptions which look like Display Racks but are Merely very Poorly Disguised SasQuatch Traps ! Keeps the Valiant sQuatch !!!!!!!!!!! From Finding More of His Beloved DVD cases ! Including The Holy Grail like Booger Green Double cases!!! Something To Do with the Physics of Displacement,Surface Tension !and the Fact that Not having enough water in the dumpster To support his Incredible Bulk!! he sinks Stone-like to the Bottom displacing all the water and becoming mired in the Sargaso like moldly carboard and Rancid Fast Food waste ! & the occasional sQuatch trap! But Fear Not O' Intrepid RippDogg!!! and fellow Denizens of The Dumpster!!!! Because The SasQuatch is a Quite intelligent Creature !! & Handsome & Modest Too !!! ( IMHO anyway ) And Using that Intelligence He has Thusfar avoided the Pittfalls of capture and The Pit Bulls OF MichaeL Vic !!!!!!!!!!!!. And though he still hunts cases { Especially the Booger Green ones } Spends Much of his Time Organizing the Supply he hath previously collected into Storage Totes!, Surfing the web !! sQuatches have High speed internet! Burning recently Bought or Scavenged DVD's and Printing DVD case Covers !!! and in General Trying To A. Keep She-sQuatch happy !!! and yet simultaneously stay just Out of Claw-reach !!!!!!! All the while Updating his AD Profile To Annoy , Amuse & Irritate Both Friends and enemies alike !!!!!!!!!!. And B. Still Maintain My Hollywood Career ! - I would Even Try to have a career IN Bollywood ( Indian Movies ) But something about The Language barrier , A severe allergy to Curry !!! , and Being Threatened By Some of My Ungrateful Yeti Cousins!!!! Put the KYbosh on that Idea ! We're very Territorial what can I say >? Anyway ! Or is it AMway ? I get confused sometimes ! I Just dropped by to let Y'all Know That I'm still around Even Though I'm not Posting as Often !!! We are a Stealthy & sometimes solitary Lot !!! and NO Cincyrob I was'nt in Solitary ! SHUT Up and Shave your head again !!!LOL!IN closing ( Finally I Know!!!!) Might I Quote hat Famous Human Author Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain " Rumors of My death are Somewhat Premature " SO Good Luck , Safe Diving , Happy Case Hunting and Always Remember to lift The Lids Because { In Dumpsters No One can hear You Scream } LOL- Peace Out & CIAO!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2007
  7. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Oh woest me went diving yesterday after the sun was up the bees owned them, the motherlode was in there went back last night and sombody beat me to the motherlode had to climb in but came home with about a 130 cases with movies in them and 2 wild Hog posters they didn't destroy for once.I really gotta get help swattin and swearing at the bees could've ended up with me being hurt for cases I don't really need. But it's gotta be good for my heart when i see the motherlode and can't hear anything but the thumpin in my chest. Chris
  8. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    ChrisC586- Great Going !!! - I was begining to think the Diving community had gone dormant !!!!!!!! You have restored my faith in DunpsterDom LOL!! Sorry to hear about The bee's though Be Careful !!! Perhaps it's Time to add a Can or 2 of bee-pop!!! to the Dumpster Divers toolkit ? Also If the Bees turn out to be wasp it's even worse because unlike honeybees who die when they sting you !!! Wasp can sting you over and over again if you don't kill them !!!! Just a friendly Heads up ! and remember - " FREE IS FREE !!!!" & Head Down Feetz UP!!!" Ciao Buddy !!!
  9. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Found 3 iMac G3's and a keyboard. They weren't very good so i just took the ram and the keyboard.
  10. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Dang fell asleep early last night so didn't get to the dumpster till 4 this morning, somebody was there before climbed me in and found 30 good cases and 10 game cases. Put smile on my face as I went back home to shower for work.Chris
  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yea i ment to post this last week. i went last wed. night after work. got a box full about 40-45 cases with covers. had my cellphone out and took pics of the dumpster and the bag ipulled the cases out of..lol will post the pic..
  12. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Sick people here that burn movies spend whole lotta dollars for media and burners and printers and dumpster dive for cases and get the thrill of scarfing up hauls! LOL Chris
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yea we're a speacial bread..lol just think if we found drives and media in there too...lol
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    cincyrob- Speacial ? is that anything Like Species ? That alien Babe was Hot LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! If we would find media in the dumpsters with my luck it would be all CMC brands !!!!!!!!! Not worth Getting dirty for IMHO !!! & Burners would probably be old 4x'ers that were already Burnt Out pun not intended ! anyway great going ! My celly don't have a camera & not sure I wanna call anyone from there anyways ? have'nt had a chance to dive recently ! though Not retired just busy & it's monsoon season & all that Jive But soon very very soon !! LOL Ciao!
  15. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Sick people? Nah, just people who have slightly different motivations in life. Remember, Indian Jones searched thru jungles and the desert looking for old "Junk".
    Sick people, look, the guy worships diving in dumpsters and worships a team specializing in diving to the bottom of the standings, I see poetic symmetry in his alignment of his life's ambitions.
    Dive on Rob, Dive on!
    Besides, if you anger the master of the mudbugs, he may summon up one of those special swamp curses and float some swamp gas up your direction.

    Just a footnote, the chinese restaurant nearby set out three vending pedestals out back of their shop, someone tried to steal the gumball machine, dropped it and broke it in the back parking lot, now there are hundreds of gumballs rolling around, getting squished by delivery trucks. No one has stolen the sticker machine nor the "Homies" figurine dispenser yet. I think they just wanted the things to go away.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2007
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    blivetNC- Yeah Buddy nobody agitates Chinese people since Bruce Lee Movies came out years ago LOL! Just kidding Chinese people I don't wanna end up as #7 on menu sasQuatch surprise !!!!!!!!!!! Find a Claw in your bowl and dinner is free ! LOL! one billion people can't be wrong Right? Asian people are cool though !!!! I even have some asian cousins - And YETI they never call me ? guess they broke the VoIP Phone again ? Anyway I have my Minions From the Crawfish Nations to keep in line !!!!LOL either they tow the line or it's boiling time !!! All this talk about Chinese and crawfish is making me hungry & rumbly in my Tummbly as Pooh Bear would say !- maybe some candy would soothe my stomache ? Now where did I put those gumballs ????????????????Ciao!!!
  17. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    HooraY !!!!!!!!! And Huzzah Huzzah For me !!!!!!!! Made My day !!! I went to my favorite Blockbuster For to swap out some rentals & Found to my Suprise that some Kind employee had Placed Three clear Plastic Garbage bags nearly Full of DVD cases ! Right near the top of the Dumpster too!!! It was basically a snatch and grab ! I got all three bags and have Counted and packed them away already {220} Mostly lockable type & a few regular non locking cases no BOoGer Green ones but I ain''t Complaining ! And I did'nt even have to sort through fast food leftovers to get to them !!!! So I guess my drought is over again ? You cab never be too rich to thin or have too many dvd's& cases Later Y'all !!!
  18. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    OOOOh maybe the case Gods are shining again LOL, been a dry spell here but time to go in the morning and see at my BB.Last dive gave me 4 of the green booger ones.I get more and I'll have to add on to the storage shed comp room and bedroom is out of room.Great to see people divin and gettin lucky again. Chris
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    ChrisC586- yeah I hear ya! I've still got bags and boxes of 'em { cases} under the sQuatch cave's car port ! some of them are starting to decay from UV exposure !!!! I've started putting them in storage totes . But i'll soon be in your shoes needing more room !!!!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2007
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yup the case GODS are happy again.. went last night and kinda hit the mother load. Just like you said BT opend the top of the dumpster there sat the biggest(yup they triple bagged it) clear bag you could imagine. Just picked it up put it in the car and was on my way.. didnt even look to see what else was in there.. got them home took these pics. cleaned them up and added them to inventory..680+ cases now that include the 248 i got last night... check these bad boys out..

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    guess ill make a few more trips over the next week or 2.. try and get my stock/inventory up over 1000. LMAO

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