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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Happy New Year !!! O' Potentate of Pretension , O'Duke of Doubt !, Wait a minute that's a Hamburger Ad ? that's not Right !!! - Jvc Our Yoda of Case Reclamation & everyone else too !!! - Made My 1st dive of 2009- 62 cases ,well it was maybe more like 80 but Blockbuster had left the Locks in about 20 odd of them and split the hinge so basically those went back in the Dumpster . Could've got more but was lot of traffic and was kinda trying to snatch & grab & was evening time & other things to do ! may go back later & try & get some more on a brighter note the new dumpsters are easier to access so may go more often ? well good luck & safe Diving everyone Ciao Daddy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 7thsinger

    7thsinger Regular member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Nice dive Toxy!

    I haven't gone diving yet for 2009. It's to friggin' cold for my taste. I'll wait for a warmer day. :)
  3. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Last dive last weekend yielded 304 cases about half of them had the locks in them and disks inside spent most of the day removing locks and windexing them. Chris
  4. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    ChrisC586-been there done that albeit with far fewer cases !!!! They had buku ={ Plenty } cases with the locks still In them this time but The dastardly BB employee's Split the back /hinge & removed the movie !!! Hey I like getting a free movie as much as the next guy But if your throwing it away don't split My cases Man !!!! They can yank that lock out pdq if they want without breaking the cases !!! well That's life I guess ????
  5. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Really BIGTOXY69 they must do it just to be mean and destroy a case.their 2 magnets set and stationary are a lot faster than my 2 hard drive magnets that when they slip off the case always seem to whack my pinkey Brings a tear to the eye and makes me swear like I was talking to my ex-wife!
  6. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Many of those "Split Cases" are the result of shoplifters walking away with your movies before they do. One local BB loses over 65 movies a month due to case splitting "with a boxcutter no less" They will even chisel open the clear plastic cases as well. Dirty rotten scoundrels stealing our dumpster booty.
  7. 7thsinger

    7thsinger Regular member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    LMAO! They just gotta screw it up for the dumpster-diver's don't they?
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Well happy new years to all around. like most i haven't been to the dive yet this year. after reading the last few post made me wonder. i went to the man cave below and checked out my inventory. I'm below 1500 case's(1362). but i forgot about the cases out in my work shed. about another 420 out there. so that puts me right at 1800 cases. think i might have to hit the dive today and see if i can get over the 2k mark...lol

    addicting?addicted??obsessed? or just neurotic?
    might need to see a shrink after this dive.

    John Smolts isnt gonna help ya this year..can you say "Dust in the wind" lmao
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  9. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I went back this morning straight after work & before Blockbuster Opens ( Read early A.M . Daylight ) and to quote a character from DUNE Gurney Halleck:" Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work.!!!" I scrounged three Boxes from the Second dumpster and collected 232 Cases and a Copy of Tropic Thunder that was in a {Split}Case and a translucent one at that so my total for yesterday evening & this morning is 294 - Not Quite A CinCyrob Moment but almost I could have gotten a few more but I did'nt have anything to climb out of the dumpster with and I got almost all I could reach !!! You Would've though I was a sQuatch version of One of them Drinking Bird Thing-A- Ma-Jigs !!! the way I way Bending down & coming up !!! The dumpsters are lighter Too so I was rocking it like a baby Cradle LOL!!! almost big enough For a sQuatch Baby too !!!! anyway I still have a Boatload from Previous dives It's to early in the morning to say S*****d and These may Have to hold me awhile ??? My gotta-doo's are Catching up with me Gotta Build more DVD Racks , Gotta finish Putting The dvd collection on DVD profiler , Gotta work on the Truck , Gotta Organize the sQuatch computer cavern ect... Well a Safe a Prosperous year & Dives To all Peace Out -HuzzAh HuzzaH Toot Toot & CiAO Y'all !!!!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well your the top dog for the years so far..

    my dive was a wash.3 green xbox cases and a Playstation mag. thats it. think the garbage man got there before me.
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    -Welcome to my world my friend, Welcome to my World !!! Lol sad but unfortunately true !,- It's all attitude I suppose if I find atleast one case that's better than nothing ! that's one less we'll have to buy right ? Buy ?, Purchase ? dvd cases interesting concept but why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free right ? anyhow if everyone hit everytime they went diving and hit big-time you would'nt appreciate it as much ! & we all would'nt have a obscure yet Enviormentally Friendly hobby would we? Maybe I'll wRite Barrack and ask to be appointed assistant To Rear Admiral Jvc - Jacques Cousteua of The Inland Oceans { The Dumpster Sea's ) & You can be my campaign manager, Saugmon Can be Minister of Pollywoggian Affairs Nach !!!, And Greensman Can be appointed To Lord Steak and King Baked Potato And Fries EsQ. ... You get the picture By The gist of my rant and the cut of My sQuatchly JIBB You've probably guessed by now that I am Completely & utterly Delerious !!! You are correct Sir { Imagine Ed Mc Mahon"s voice ) here!!!- You can have any stuffed animal on the middle shelf LOL !!!- Sorry 17.5 hrs. of no sleep brings out my stable side Oh well The nest of Swamp Moss & mammoth Hides is calling - Later Friends !!!!- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHAtt'sss All FFFFolllKKKKK'ssss Ciao !!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    what can I say I like round numbers ! went back today fer' some movies to watch grabbed 8 more cases on the way out so brings the total up to 312 this year so far !!!! on a brighter note I did get one DVD rack put together today would have put some more together but my Cordless Drill/Screwdriver ran out of steam quick !!! but Like me it's recharging I'm thinking of maybe putting a rack in the sQuatch-cave of Doom &Diet- Mountain-Dew!!! the one I just did is small/narrow so it should fit right by the door ? anyways Good Diving , Happy Burning & Good Night !!!!!!!!Ciao !!!! Y'all !!!
  13. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    I moved after having a dvd collection of over 1000 discs, all of which were in slimline cases and I'll be damned if those were the heaviest S.O.B.'s that I moved. I had them in HP 17" monitor boxes and didn't realize how heavy they were.

    I had first bought the 640 disc binders and those binders started falling apart. I have now started investing in those 1000 disc dvd aluminum cases with handles and wheels. A very nice way to add new discs to my collection. Nothing like a file cabinet for my dvds.
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    vballstud- yeah those cases are a good Idea especially if you catch them on-sale With free shipping to boot !!! i suppose a double ultimate solution athough costly would be ripping your movies to a humongous HDD say 1-1.5 Tb and putting your originals away in the case if your Gigantor HDD craps out you still have your movies - Redundancy it's called !!! - most people including me probably would'nt go that far ? However it may behoove you to make several backups of important /rare or priceless disc { video's of family. kids first steps your wedding ect... )and stiore atleast 1 somewhere besides where you are if the unforeseen should occur your still have you important disc - btw this is doubly important for your critical data disc too - alternatively their are online backup services that one could use too !!! THe only downside to the Aluminum/plastic Hard DJ type cases that you have if there is one is no artwork But I suppose that is a persona1 taste thing too so if your happy that's what counts !!! if I were To go to something other than individual DVD cases (Fullsize ) I would probably do what you did rather then go with the Binder /Wallet type things ! Well Enjoy your Saftley stored & protected media and Happy Hunting . Safe diving & Burn Kado Burn !!! Ciao!!!
  15. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I have a friend that just buys another Sony 400 DVD player when one is getting close to full. Of course he only has 2 right now. lol. It's pretty cool as he uses the DVD folder to hold a label of the disc and the NUMBER it correlates to in the changers. Pushes that number and then there you have it... movie playing and off you go.... One is half filled with just kiddie movies..... his 2 kiddies just love it.... Cinderella, Pooh, or any character at their finger tips. :D

  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    greensman FERENGI 1st rule of Acquisition ! = Acquire Something !!! - Hey whatever works right ?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  17. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Gotta love the Ferengi... hehehe. :) NOT quite your Sasquatch type people but fun never the less. :D

    Ok... I'm off to initiate that 1st Rule... :p

  18. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    greensman- initiation is the sincerest form of initiation LOL!!! or is it Flatulence is the sincerest form of flattery ? I get' them Sincere Moments mixed up sometimes ? OOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I just initiated a sincere moment there 1000 Pardons Sahib & Memsahib LOL!!!!! and yeah !! our Amplifiers go up to 11 cause it's like 1 more isn't it ?????? Later buddy !!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  19. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Well step on my head and call me a Bug !!!! { Ouch That hurts Damn it !!!!} J/K LOL!!! But I guess you could call me greedy ? went to my favorite location & Captured 159 Wild DVD cases Not a Mega_ CincyROb = I am Galactus Absorber of Dumpsters Haul But not entirely Bad for several minutes work ! I would have stayed longer But The mail man was staring at me and he went inside BB so I'm sure he was like did you know there's a sasQuatch in your dumpster ? of Super sQuatchian size and strength? and Call me a Big Cowardly Biyotch if you want to , But Them Tranqulizer Darts hurt and Ketamine is a Mutha-Funker Of a hang over Let me tell You !!! { although I do resent To the Ketamine Drug manufacturer Referring to me as A Sub-Human - Primate ! Supra-Human or maybe Super-human or Ultra human But Sub-Human ? that hurts !!! Ketamine the favorite Dope of Kitty cats everywhere ! no wonder cats are Freakin insane ? anyway may go back tomorrow for some more Mayas wellmake hay while the sun shines right - Peace Frog Blue Sunday Ciao !!!!
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Okay Guys, Girls, Ghouls & Children of All ages { imagine Booming and Melifluous Ringmaster Voice Here ) went back this morning and got some more only Able to Get 96 more This Time So leT's See 159 + 96 =254 for this go around !!! Could'nt get all of'em but got what I could without being trapped in the dumpster { In the Dumppster You can Scream but You cannot Run !!!! { Not that Far anyway } )!!! I Just wish they would double bag They're using the Infamous JVC clear Garbage bags but obviously overloading them and they rip making retrieval more Difficult ( some would say more sporting ) but Not impossible !! I also picked up about 7 Free Dvd's Mostly Parts 0f Multiple DVD sets and such hey they was free ! I also Got one 4 banger DVD case . Just like the Non-Flapper double disc cases but holds four disc instead of two ! First time I've gotten one of them ! I've got The Translucent white/ Clear cases before , Blue Red/Redish orange , Yellow , Purple , Silver. Bronze, Gold and of course the ever popular BOOGER GREEN ones but never and 4 disc case in any colors some doubles yes but Quad case no ! Me I like the Booger Green ones But Regular old Black is okay & what I mainly end up with anyways !!! Well That's it for now Sports fans- Dive Well , Dive Safe, Dive Happy & Beware of the Tranquilizer Gun !!!! { I hates Ketamine !!!!!!!!!!!!) Ciao Katz & Kittenz !!!!!!!

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