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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. Tibbz24

    Tibbz24 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Hahaha, I like your version Big, applies to me up in Boston too...
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon- Only around the eyes my friend , only around the eyes!!!- our weather is like watching Chewbacca eat Peanut Butter It sounds exciting at first but once you've experienced it's nothing pretty !!!! - Burned That Image Directly in your Brain No DVD+R required - And just for your information that noise CHewie Makes is not a WAr Cry , Mating Call or Communication of any sort he's just trying to Bring up Phlegm !!! Offscreen He actually Sounds Almost exactly Like Bob Dylan ! OOOOOOO00000000HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!! I think I've had Enough Railroad Gin Thank You mr. Einstein !!!!!!
  3. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Hey Y'all
    I had to bring my Brother-in-law To the Dr. yesterday so after bringing him to his appointment and treating him to lunch I brought him to the bus Station and sent him home! I went and Perused My regular Dumpster and THe newer one was just trash The other one Old type ( same hieght allthe way around )had some dvd cases AND SOME LOOSE DVDS I rescued Both and My Harbor Frieght Grabber Was worth it's weight in movies I eneded up with about 20 cases& movies Some with the Cases Covers / artwork Some without- most in as new condition some with minor scratches but nothing that can't be fixed ! Ironically I even found a disk I just ordered ( Tak & The POWER of Juju - THe TROuble With Magic ! I'm working on covers for the ones that did'nt have them now Not a big haul cases wise but movies are movies and free is free says jvc !!!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Good job! I haven't been to the dumpster in awhile. I need to go. I need some cases.................
    Keep up the good work. :eek:)
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    JVC- Thanks for your blessings , Your Eminence !!! - I suppose Even he pope has to Goto Church sometimes Huh ? Anyway Good luck and God Speed 0' Guru and Spiritual Leader of The upside down sinners {" chinese People have a lot of hells Jack!!!"Dive safe and don't forget your Six Demon Bag !! CiaO Buddy !!!

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2009
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Greetings and Salmutations ! or is it Malmutations ? beats me cause I'm Dog Tired !!!! LOL!!!!!!! - Sometimes I even Amaze Myself GooTch as Arnold would say ( Gary Coleman ) or as he Would also say " What you Talkin' Bout Willis ?" Was out and about today so I had to drop off some old clothes to the Goodwill Store Near My Favorite ( Well regularly ) Producing Dumpster !! And it was Chock Full of cases ! The store was open so there was Traffic through the lot and I Grabbed As much as I could get without my Grabber and without Getting completely in Total 195 Cases including 2 copies of THe Pink Panther( Steve Martin ) Special Edition they were loose in th bottom of a Trash bag full O' cases ! minor scratches But I'm sure they'll Play okay ( Hope So anyway ?) Also went and bought a new epson NX-300 AIO -all in one Printer/copier/Scanner & fax ! Went to samsclub and Got it for $47.00 & change Plus tax ! My old Epson CX-7800 still works but is getting long in the tooth and does'nt draw the paper into the printer/feed are without help atleast with photo paper ! Still Prints pretty Good & have ink so till it breaks all the way or ink runs out ? Will Keep using it ! The new printer/AIO All in One has a Document feeder & Fax Too ! Irony of Irony I bouhght it with the rebate check I got from Buying a Brother Fax machine at Officedepot on Black friday { $59.99 -with a $50.00 MIR so that one paid for this one in amanner of speaking ! Also FYI The Samsclub ( Siegen Lane ) in Baton Rouge is out Of the Regular Verbatims in the 50Ct. Tubs they were selling for $10.87& tax Don't Know about The Sams on Airline Hwy in Baton Rouge La. Still has them or not ? have'nt been to that one in a while ! T'was Good whilst it lasted anyways !!!! Well Gotta sleep or I'll Be Living that Song " DELeRIOUS !!! Instead Of Singing it LOL!! - I leave you with the Immortal words of That Famous rapper turned actor & legend in his own mind {ICE CUBE !!!!} " Damn Right it was a Good day !!! Gooday to all Peace Out !!! Beam me up scotty !!!
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    If those rubber rollers on your old printer are accessible, you should be able to take a damp sponge and lay it on each one and push the paper eject?clear button and clean all the lint off them where they can catch the paper again. My old HP required same every so ofter. The Canon has not.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    garmoon & BIGTOXY69, you can also use rubber renue that rejuvenates & conditions rubber. i bought a bottle of it when i was having problems with my 1st 2nd hand laser printer. can also use medium grit sandpaper to roughen the roller's surface.
  9. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    all good solutions ddp.
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Thanks to both of you in-triplicate even ! I suppose I'll See what I can get to soon ? It still works as i said But is having Pickup issues with Photo paper ! But I'll Look into one or both of your ideas ! FWIW- The New Epson I bought @ Samsclub cost $47.00 & change BUt the Genuine Epson Cartridges cost About $59.99 @ sams for the set Black & color Ain't that rich ? I can Buy a whole new printer with Cartridges Cheaper Than buying a set of carts Atlaest Right Now ? I'm gonna Go generic When I do hook it up ! I bought Dell Color Laser For Xmas Through work so I am thinking of Migrating My artwwork To that Eventually Another Thing to Hook up - One these Days LOL!!!! Again Garmoon &ddp & everyone thanks for the Help and have a Good evening ? night ? day Whichever applies
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    no problem.
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    Okay Space-Pals & Star-Gals !!!! Here's the latest Poop ! if you'll Pardon The scatalogical refferences!!! - Went Back to The Dumpster today In the A.M. & Got 283 cases This time ! ysterday's Total was what 195 so let's see 195+ 283 that makes 478 if my adition skills are up to snuff and I counted right ? Not too Bad for a old sQuatch I'd say !!!- I'm Not quite in the Grand master league yet Like Cincyrob, or Jvc But I'm Happy just the same !!! . Well The Cases are Tucked away in their snugg little totes and I Have to bounce so I'll Keep ya' posted and thanx again everyone for keeping it Real and Being All helpful and that CiaO Daddio's !!!!!!!!!!
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!...ect !!! - Guy's & or Girls if you don't start posting they'll see no reason to keep our little slice of Dumpsterology &daring Doo Open ! - Surely I'm not the only one hitting the bins yes/no ? Hey I'm no ego maniac I'm actually very modest so Tooting my own horn isn't as much fun as listening to the" Children Of The Night ,Oh What music they Make !"Thank you Bela Lugosi !!!- Let's hear you gang okay ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  14. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I checked the dumpster the other day, and nothing was in it but trash. First time I had been in awhile. I asked the guy in the store if he had any he was about to toss out? He gave me about a dozen. Half of those were the booger green ones. I think I had just missed a decent haul by a day or two. He said he had thrown a bunch out, but he thought the truck had been, and emptied the dumpster............Oh well. Maybe next time. Keep up the good work Toxy!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    JVC- Well everyone has a slow day now and again Your Eminence LOL!!! - Hey I consider it a good day if I find just one case ! not great , not stupendous ! But Good ! Now if I do stike the motherlode Then as Ice cube sez ! " Damn right it was a good day !!!" But to quote another Guiding light and Mentor ! Someone you apparently know quite well in fact !" FREE IS FREE !!!!" so Keep a positive attitude and stiff upper lip and all that Jazz !!!! And keep diving oh! Guru Of The Garbage !!!!- One man's Trash Is anothers treasure Yes/no? anyway Good luck and Safe Diving oh ! DEmonoid of the Dumpsters !!! CiaO Buddy!!!!
  16. RippDogg

    RippDogg Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I have a sad story to tell. Climbed into my local BB dumpster yesterday fulling expecting to find the half-eaten ham sammitch and bag of chips that little Ms. Mgr Chubby-Lovin pitches in favor of the 5.99 pizza deal next door, usually evidenced by the existence of a ham sammitch and bag of chips tucked neatly into an empty pizza box. I didn't find my sammitch, but that's not the sad part.
    Popping the top on my dumpster I discovered a jacuzzi-like pool of cases; hundreds of them. Discreetly backing my car up to the joyous discovery, I tossed my grabbers in favor of a more traditionalist approach, lobbing handfuls from the pool to the trunk. The supply seemed endless and it wasn't long before the trunk was full. I went backseat and filled the floor, all the while singing the praises of that sage JVC, who hath opened our eyes to the possibilities. I sang, I danced, I ate something that looked delicious but was not. Then it happened. I hit water. It wasn't that nice, rainwater cleansing soak that might be seen as a benefit. Rather, it was a greasy slime-covered wet that led me to believe my pizza box was somewhere below, contaminating the precious commodity. I trimmed the top, taking what I could salvage but I was forced to concede many and I am ashamed to admit I walked away from two to three hundred cases. It's still hard to talk about. I'm hungry as anything, but I can't bring myself to go back for my daily sammitch. I am comfortably cased for the time being but the memory of those innocents, floating in a dastardly sea of goop haunts me.
  17. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    that post right there should be sticked(no pun intended) put to the first page here some how.... that is the best description of what we do and why we do it and what we run into while in the dive. that could have not been better said/described.

    been a while since we've seen your post. glad to see you got a nice trunk full of case's and then some.and it is a shame you had to leave as many as you acquired it is a true tragedy. but dont let that stop ya. keep on diven.. gotta take the kiddies out here in a couple hours and will be going by 2 BB so a dive or 2 is in the near future.
  18. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    It's good to see/hear some of the old gang is Still Doing it ! And Dumpster diving too LOL!!!! - Yeah I know what you mean I hate laeving any behind myself ! but Sometimes you just gotta say when and Go with what you've got !!! So far other than getting Caught By Miss Store Clerk once at another Blockbuster I've been Lucky !!! Other Than Cardboard I only have occasionally run into Bio-Debris { Food Gunk taco Bell same parking lot-/candy residue Gum and CHocolate Schmutz ect... But nothing that a good scrubbing won't Cure For both of us { My cases & me LOL!!!} Get a Bottle of hand sanitizer & or some Gloves ! I'm not a Germaphobe !! BUt I may not be near where I can wash my hands and I think That hand sanitizer dies better than soap on germs and Junk ! and it's personal thing But I try not to Go diving when it's really wet ! I live in the swamps already If I want wet I jump in Dem Bayou Cher'!!! But I can understand the lure of the Cases So can't fault you for persistance !!! well Glad you Done good & Continued Prosperous & safe diving Later Space Pals - Bang Zoom Too The Moon Alice - Captain Video -ooooooHHHHH!!!!! OOPS My age is showing aGain ! Quiet NUmbskulls I'm Broadcasting LOL!!!!!!!!
  19. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    News Flash,
    Cincy Rob has been hanging around the Fenway Park dumpsters in search of a certain mythical entity known as the "World Series Trophy" an item not seen in Cincytown in modern history. Unfortunately this item is highly prized an not easily obtained or purchased. (Sorry George money can't buy everything)
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You might want to take the dagger now and twist it about for good measure. Poor Rob. LMAO Good one.

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