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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2009
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    varnull- well I don't guess I can compete with the ever irresistable - LBD= Little Black Dress ! But I made my weekly pilgrimage to The Great Blue Altar of Doom & Stinky Cardboard !!!! { Read Dumpster here } and I only Found Two cases !!! So sad !!!! evidently the Acolytes of the Temple Of Blocks ,Blu-Ray & Candy { Read BlockBUster VIdeo Here} Did not look with favor or Donate with Fervor to their Dumpster- sQuatch God!!!!! { Okay , OKay I do have THe body of a young God but unfortunately for me it's Buddah !!!} LOL!!!! JUst kidding Gang BUDDAH is Cool & The Dalai LLama is THe Shiz-NIt so don't Take me seriously !!! No offense intended !!!! But THe Ancient sQuatchlords Smiled upon me And I was Blessed with 24 copies of THe incredible Hulk ( Last version ) 3 Copies of
    Beethoven's Big Break movie anf two Copies of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor !!!!! So to Quote The Lovely and Legal LOndon Tipton " YeaH ME!!!!!!!!"""" And they are all still as new in the original as far as i can tell anyways shrinkwrap !!!!!! So Congrats to all our lucky constestants and KEWL Y'all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. skippy23

    skippy23 Guest

    have u guys seen me get canned for being an irrelevant, devoid of brain, spammer scum ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2009
  4. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I guess they let anyone in the trash can lately. Skippy must be a residence since the god thing is not working out for him.

    God's been coming for 2000 years- you'd think he be a little faster.
  5. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon- WELL !!!!! - There was this really neat Guy About 2000 years ago named Jesus !!!! Really mellow most of the time !!! , Worked several Jobs - Prophet, Teacher, rabbi- Priest , Stonemason , Builder ,Carpenter !!!, healer !!! Liked to Chill & hang out with his Peeps and Posse !!!!! Occasionally would go fishing or attend a wedding or two like a glass of wine now and agAin . He like to talk about peace and love !!! and Help people out !!!!! - and for all the good he did They killed him for it CRucified him actually !!!! Politics ,Jealousy and Petty Human Emotions !!!! seems like not alot has changed since then huh? Not a bible scholar or preacher more of a lapsed Catholic with Spiritual leanings !!! but I do Believe & Pray regularly !!!! So please excuse the ranting if that's what I,m doibg ??? - Just remember that verse or scripture ? from the Good book About when the Lord's coming back ? If you knew when The theif was going to rob your house you would be waiting for him would'nt you ? Maybe that's not verbatim but it's Close enough !!!! anways Good luck & God Bless !!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I was being sarcastic to the spammer who had posted the reference to God's coming in his spam. I'm a little more agnostic about religion because of my science leanings. I guess I should have been from Mizzou- you know, show me tangible proof. :)
  7. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon Well I believe But I'm Pretty easy going in my take on religion !!!! KInd of like THe George Carlin Quote about REligion is like Elevator shoes , If they make you feel Better about yourself when you wear them ? Then Wear them !!! But please don't Do to other countries and nail Elevator shoes on the natives feet that are perfectly happy without them !!!- Or something like that !!!! Anyways I suppose I was Being Flippant !!! about the whole thing and I was'nt Railing aginst you personally ,Atleast that was'nt my intention and if I came off That way I apologize Fortwith and Maybe 5th-with too !!! anyways whatever you choose to believe in or on have a Go0d day and talk to you later - Peace We outah here !!!!!
  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    No yooze cool with me. I don't get offended easily. LMAO
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    just always offended.
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Thanks I needed that. At least someone else posted.
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    you are welcome.
  12. varnull

    varnull Guest

    When god comes should we deploy water wings?
  13. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon- Thank whatever existant or Non -existant supreme being !! That you may or May not Believe in at this juncture in time !!!! - Hopefully that will be Politically Correct enough to not offend anyone To any Great extent ?????? Varnull - Like I told our friend Garmoon !! nota Bible scholar or Preacher By any means So Go back to the book for Confirmation on the particulars !!! But my understanding is this Go round is fire !!!! So you might wanna Stock up on asbestsos Spacesuits and Nomex clothing !!! In General I mean not Directed at anyone personally !!!!in particular In conclusion hopefully not having put the foot any further into my own mouth !!! Let me wish everyone a pleasant Goodbye and a DAy Blessed by whichever Deity you choose or do not choose to worship !!!!- Phew!!!!!!!!! This Politically correctness Jazz is To much like work!!!!! Maybe I should just quit while I'm aheaD ???? LOL!!!!!!!! Sad but True !!!
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    M'KAY- Now back to some real dumpster diving - well this Tuesday were'nt My best recent dive of recent times I only managed to corral 50 empty Dvd cases out of three stops !!!! but on a brighter note I did manage to get 100 Movies in their cases !!! albeit many are multiple copies of the same movie , w , baby on board ect!!! but atill as our Esteemed Spiritual Advisor,Guru, Grand PooBah ,Exaulted Ali-baba of the shrine and LOrd High Everything else !!!!{ JVC Says " free Is FRee !!!!' so I ain't complaining no sir-ree boB!!!!! But how did JVC get that there Harley Davidson up on that Divingboard that's what I wanna know???? - Peace , Cheers , Happy HUnting & God Bless us all!!!

  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    BIGTOXY69- It's alive !!! , Alive Itell you , Alive !!!!!- Muhaha-Ha ,Muhaha-Ha ,Muhaha-Ha ,Muhaha-Ha ,Muhaha-Ha ,Muhaha-Ha ,!!!!!
  16. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    In The Peek-A-Boo Game of Life It's Always going To Be me !!!!!!
  17. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I don't dive, but I'll help keep your thread going Sasquatch! What I do do, is check out the boxes around blockbuster when they change the cases. Twice I've begged for the empties and have been rewarded. The only uses I have for the empties is that I do put my DL burned backup discs in the nice case and print a proper out side front-back. Probably have 100 left. Haven't seen 10 movies this year worthy of a DL Verb backup. LMAO!

    Edit:When you're a groveler, you usually don't get them with Coke and BigMacs on the side.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  18. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    garmoon- well I dd'nt do nearly as well as I've been doing lately on this Tuesdays Dive ! A whole 4 Count'em 4 Cases . That's four , not Forty four or 404 !! But To be fair I had to cut my Dive back to MY first Two Stops as the Parking Lot of the third was Occupied By a State Police Car Complete with Officer and A Traffic Violator or Perpetrator or Suspect of Some sort ? So I skirted that stop that Time . NOt wanting to interfere with Police Bussiness and all ! Besides we all know how it would end don't we ? Me head down & Feetz up in the Dumpster with my cute sQuatch Butt all Full of Tranquilizer Darts !!! - Ketamine Wow What a hangover ? Last time I had one of those I ended up in the Gorilla Enclosure at the Zoo !!!! With Big Malina !!!! a Talented She- Ape !!! Well I'm being somewhat Genteel Here ? Talented if you consider Banana Burps, Flatulence and PIcking Fleas out of your Cage mates Fur Talent? . But She Still Writes Me Love letters and emails Twice a week !!! I Got out of that one but it took a couple of Visits From PETA and The World Wildlife Fund and a Tersly Worded Letter from MY attorney as well !!! The worse part was that To get me free They convinced the Zoo that I wasa rare Tibetan Ice-Panda and that I would not survive in this Enviorment ! KInda like a Hardship Discharge from the Army ? Anyway Cause they thought I was a Panda They would ONly Feed me ? You guessed right Bamboo !!!! HeY I'm A swamp sQuatch I grew up Gnawing on Sugarcane Stalks So I'm Kinda used to Fiber !!! But let's just say I POOPed Splinter for a week afterwards and leave it at that okay? OR as they say in the Chalmete area of Louisiana " It ain't gonna be nothing Pretty !!!! LOL!!!! Well I guess that's Enough Rambling for now Later Friends !!!!!
  19. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Sorry Big guy, can't stop laughing thinking about that poor Trooper looking over and seeing a hairy sasquatch butt with feets a kickin' sticking out of that dumpster. That footage would definitely make it on COPS in a heartbeat.
    "Roger, you heard me, a big hairy swamp butt stuck in a dumpster behind the BB, No, I swear I haven't been spiking my coffee after we had our little chat last week. Yeah, I'll definitely need backup and that dude with the dart gun from animal control"
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  20. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    blivetNC- That's why sQatches Tend to follow in the Footsteps Or PawpRints in Our case of Shaolin Monk Kwai Chang Cain !!! - Looked for We may not be seen , Listened For we will not be Heard !!!, Smelled for ? well two out of THree ain't bad right ? Hey when your that Furry even your Fur sweats !!! . And to us we smell Good !!! Even Mere Humans can have an Odor Problem too - The Mainland Chinese Think Americans smell Like Dead cows Because we eat so much Beef !!! So I suppose the whole Odor,Scent , Smell thing Take your pick is relative ?
    And If the Ketamine {Tranquilizers) hangovers are'nt bad enough and they are ! The Ketamine Scratch makes Morphine Itch look like a minor annoyance in comparison ! The Claws help Some but having claws really scratches or in my case gouges up the skin so it's Nice Long soak in a Livestock Tub full of Itch Lotion and AntiBiotics for me Trust me not a Pretty sight !!! Which is like I said ! Why I avoided the situation !!!! But Someone Got a laugh or two out of the experience so it was'nt totally a waste was it ???? And Just rememberB.W.T= BEWARE OF THE TASER- CiaO !!!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009

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