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dumpster diving !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Digerati8, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    SadJoker- well it appears that the cases are still getting thrown here so I'll be carefull ! and not bieng a lawyer I can'y advise on legalities but if the dumpster belongs to the waste /garbage co. then anything in it would be their property ! would'nt it also not all dumpsters lock ! Also I believe the court has ruled that you have no expectation of privacy once you throw somethiong in your garbage can meaning if your doing something shady the po po can search your garbage can with out a warrant! So BB can try a prosecute you for dumpster diving But do you realize how stupid they would look in court prosecuting someone for taking trash that they threw out ! Not saying it would'nt happen but would be bad public relations ! also our GURU ,. spiritual leader & Pontiff Of Plastic - JVC had asked first at the BB he frequents and was told ny the BB Clerk ! We can save the cases for people or give them to you but we can't stop you from getting them from the trash ! which is what he did and the rest is history ! Also If BB is that hard up for money why don't they just sell us the cases ? Not calling you a liar or anything like that my friend just pointing out some things ! and as I and others have pointed out in earlier post ! The doing away with the non- lockable cases appears to be on a case by case basis no pun intended ! Peace & Happy Burning ! "FREE IS FREE"
  2. stonie228

    stonie228 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Picked up another 49 this morning. That puts me around maybe 130 total.
    Only been diving for a week. Hardly ever find them in plastic bags (usually laying loose in the dumpster). The dumpster is short(only about 4 feet tall) so I can touch the bottum without any special tools.

    Today was special. I got a CONSTANTINE poster, and a MILION DOLLAR BABY poster.
  3. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Big, I am ready whenever you are. If these new divers keep finding more than us I will hit them HARD with the boat hook. No little bo peep for me!!! Look out, I'm sending in wonder woman.
    Great for you stonie, 49 cases just waiting to get picked up. I hope that wasn't my dumpster!!! lol Couldn't be I only get 2-4 and I dig deep for those. OR I get caught. SADJOKER, are you trying to scare me more than I already am? My husband swears he won't bail me out if they take me to jail. Oh well, I'm too dressed up to dive today and I start work tomorrow at 7 so...........not sure when I'll get there.
    What the hell, free is free and clothes can be washed!!!
  4. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    nailedny- i Hear you ! you go girl ! made a quick dive today but came up empty nuthin' but trash ! The wife was driving so could.'nt tary too long ! Oh well can't strike gold all the time can I . Tuesday's are'nt usually a good day for me dumpster-wise ! and stonie228 Congrats Dude ! it seems you are now completely infected with DDS (DUMPSTER DIVER SYNDROME) an infectious but fortunately non -fatal disease who main symptoms are an Obsession with BlockBuster Video's Dumpsters and free dvd cases ! There is at present no cure or treatment ! unless you count frequent visits to Blockbuster videoo's dumpster (Gotta Get 'em all) And the DDS group therapy sessions that meet here regularly ! We don't actually try to cure anyone just share information and stories and a occasssional laugh ! NailedNY is our resident poster child & Pinup Girl ! Move over Betty Page & LYNDA Carter - There's a new queen in town ! Jvc is our Pontificating Prophetic potentate Of plastic ! And also patient zero for DDS ! Me I mainly just try to find an occasional dvd case and make y'all laugh ! when I'm not stirring things up ! I think I speak for all of the resident Dumpster divers when I say welcome to the Dumpster er' I mean club ! Good Hunting , Safe diving , Happy Burning & BBQ sauce ! Ciao!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2005
  5. fishbulb

    fishbulb Regular member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    I heard from a law officer himself that once you put your trash can on the curb, it's "fair game" for anyone who wants to go through it. I can't remember the technical/legal name for it. I don't how this applies to dumpsters behind stores like Blockbuster though. Maybe in those cases, they can tell you whaterver they want.
  6. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    fishbulb- what it boils down to is that you have no expectation of privacy once you carry the trash to the curb - the police or any other investigative agency does'nt need a search warrant to rifle through your trash once it's curb side ! I think the whole Thing with Blockbuster isn't about theft of trash or them charging you with shoplifting for extracting DVD Cases from the dumpster that they have thrown out ! It's a ploy to keep you from Dumpster diving because of Liability ! In other words if you get hurt diving for cases depending on the circumstances they could be libel - in commmon everday talk they are afraid you might sue them ! So to prevent you from getting hurt either on purpose or accidentally (More likely) they are trying to scare you away from their dumpster/ property! Also The dumpster company could be libel for any injuries too! So I think it's a liability thing ! I'm no lawyer but that's how I see it ! Good luck., Safe Diving , Happy hunting! & "FREE IS FREE" Peace & happy burning Ciao!
  7. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Big, You sound like a lawyer to me, are you sure your not?? Oh I guess that could be true. I am not a doctor (or nurse) but I do give out a lot of advice. And swear I am sometimes a surgeon.
    I think you are right about the dumpster and the liability and with that the employees use the intimidation factor. Like "Can I help you"
    Why don't they just say what they want like, "get the hell out of the dumpster or what the hell are you doing in the dumpster" Next time I get caught and they ask I'm going to tell it like it is, "just looking thru your trash, do you mind?" Let's see how that goes over.
    Well good luck everyone and bring a look out.
  8. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    Neodave where have you been? Are you in upstate NY by any chance?
  9. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    BIGTOXY69 , I work for a local Mall and the stores there are the same way - you dig thru their trash and their store employees catch you , you get reported to the Mall Management , your supervisor and reported for retail theft / shoplifting. Stores still consider any merchandise thrown out to be unsold. Borders Books is really bad for it since they throw out books/maganizes w/o the covers on them ( the books/mags that dont sell / old issues) While Borders sends the covers back to the supplier/publisher as Unsold , the book / mag itself is still considered merchandise and applicable to shoplifting.

    anyway, nuff of that. Im just saying be careful where you dumpster dive. are some tossed out DVD covers worth the trouble of possibly getting arrested for?
  10. Jasper44

    Jasper44 Regular member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    If you get caught by an employee they can't really do anything except call the cops or security. And by the time security or the cops come you'll be long gone. :)
  11. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    SadJoker- Appreciate your concern ! Duly noted !But as Jasper44- said in his post - all BB staff can do is ask/tell you to leave & or call security or the PO PO by then You I or anyone that isn't brain dead will be gone with the wind ! And being none of the BB 's I dive at are in the mall I really don't see Mall security as a Problem - No disrepect meant to our Mall Cop friends ! And really can you see the police City or otherwise responding immediately to this 911 call " Hello Police This is CHad at BLockbuster yes There's someone rummaging through our dumpster and stealing our trash ! no ! no ! officer They're not littering ! No their not bothering the customers ! No they have'nt threatened anyone ! Yes Thats right could you send a police car immedately ? with sirens & the attack dogs & the swat team too! Okay ! the part about the swat team is A bitover the top , and the attack dog part is poetic license but you get the picture ! Point being do you realize ! How big of an ass !Chad or any other BB employee or manager for that matter is going to sound & look like making that call ! Lil' Clue here ! ,REALLY ,REALLY , REALLY BIG ! try Ginormous! ) Indeed the po po might even charge the BB employee with murder cause the dispatcher's gonna choke on his/her doughnut when that call comes in !We appreciate your concern but we are all adults here !well except for TINY Tim ! and as he would say ! "GOD BLESS US EVERYONe"
    Peace _ Happy hunting _SAFE DIVING _ Happy Burning ! Ps# 1 Besides NailedNy and her Boathook's Got my Back ! You do have my Back don't you? NailedNy ? No ! no! put away the boathook I'll share my cases I promise!Okay I'll only keep the BOOGER GREEN ONES! and the Double caaes! You would'nt think a woman in a Tight fitting Wonderwoman outfit could swing a Boathook that fast and that hard ! ouch ! OUCH! OUCH! okay okay !! NailedNy I'll split the double cases with you too!!!!!!!!!! now stop hitting me okay !!!!!!! Men like being hit on not hit ( Well maybe some freaky guys like being hit but not me) LMBO - peace "FREE IS FREE " Ciao
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2005
  12. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Did this assistant manager get a personal call from corporate or some kind of memo at least? Sounds a little rediculous. If BB was that paranoid they should at least have some sort of 'keep out' sign posted. In the dozen or so I've visited there hasn't been one sign. And most are in an enclosed area highly suitable for a sign. I probably won't lose too much sleep because I go before the BB employees are even out of bed yet. That's enough of that rant.

    Found 180 on Monday and a whopping 4 this morning. I think the big finds will be over in the very near future. It was stupid for BB to throw them away in the first place. I can see where they would get to be a storage nightmare quickly though.
  13. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    I found it!!!! The perfect way to dumpster dive and not get caught.
    Send your daughter. So tonight I talked my 23 year old daughter into doing my DIRTY work. She was going to be in the neighborhood of a dumpster I haven't checked in a while. I asked her very nicely to just check it out. Next thing I know she is calling from the dumpster wondering how she is going to get the big bag in the back, that she can see cases in. Being a pretty experienced diver I told her "Get In"
    She was not happy with that answer BUT being a child of mine and always listening to her mother she jumped in, retrieved the bag and presto........................12 cases. She even dropped them off to me on her way home. A little dirty but as I told her.....FREE is FREE.
    What do you think of that??
  14. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    neodave- Great going mostI ever got in one place is 54 & I thought I was lucky ! I suppose I'll have to widen my circle of Blockbuster dumpsters ! Even if gas is $3.00 a gallon well almost ! " Free Is FREE" Good Luck ( Yeah like you need it) safe Diving , Peace & happy burning ! PS #1 neodave- don't worry about Blockbuster employee's But if you see a Real hot chick in a WONDERWOMAN suit with a Boathook in her hands ! RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ouch ! Run fast ouch!! and don't forget to Duck! ouch! stop NailednY ouch ! stop! LMBO _ Peace!

  15. missar69

    missar69 Guest

    this is a msg for teflonmyk. where did u get the CD case top picture in your posting. i am looking for somthing like this since a long time.
  16. nailedny

    nailedny Guest

    [bold]341 today!!!! One dumpster [/bold]I did have to climb in but free is free and it was a beautiful day. My daughter checked that one last night and said there wasn't even 1 piece of trash in there. Today just filled. Some in clear plastic bags some just thrown in. I did have to dodge a few bees but it was all worth it. No customes and no boat hook. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  17. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    That's better than any of my single dumpster hauls. I think it has something to do with the end of the month. Cleaning out the back room kinda thing. I had really good luck at the end of last month. Congrats. I bet you really got the fever now.
  18. Jasper44

    Jasper44 Regular member

    Feb 5, 2005
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    YOU LUCKY BA*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  19. neodave

    neodave Regular member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Besides being kinda fun ....the whole Easter egg hunt thing. That is over $100 worth of cases. I plan on hitting it hard early tomorrow AM. Gasoline is starting to become a factor that has to be considered.
  20. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Very Good! 341 in one haul. I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work!
    I haven't even been in a while. I'll be moving soon, and don't want to have to move them. Will go again, after the move................

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