DVD-Audio player software

Discussion in 'High resolution audio' started by ivymike, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. juniorken

    juniorken Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    damn, than i've wasted money... friend of mine used windvd 6 (which worked) so i wanted to buy it for myself so i bought windvd7 :(
    damn, should have bought a dvd-player that plays multiformat...
  2. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    set-top player would have been better, as you could have got a universal that plays everything.
    As to wasting money on WinDVD 7, depends what build you have.
    build 27 was the last one that worked.....

  3. LagartoZ

    LagartoZ Guest

    Concerning DVD-Audio... I have get WinDVD 7 because WinDVD 8 can't even recognize the format.
    What worth to install WinDVD 7 is that Creative DVD-Audio player is not capable to handle Virtual Drives as InterVideo product does.
    For instance, I have a DVD-Audio version of The Beatles' Love, the last production of George Martin, in an .ISO volume that weights almost 5 Gb, I can't burn it in a 4.7 Gb normal DVD-R, so I have to mount it in a virtual DVD drive and play it with this little marvelous which is WinDVD 7.
    My Audigy 2 platinum is capable to decode the full PCM 96/24 which is sent to my Onkyo receiver through the multichannel port. This signal (96 kHz/24-bit) cannot be delivered through s/pdif as this output is limited to 48 kHz.
    I have to say thanks to Wilkes for remind me to install WinDVD 7.
    I had PowerDVD 8, program that never can go further of the shit of CPPM key.
    To listen this marvelous production in 96/24 is rediscover music and art!!
  4. juniorken

    juniorken Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    forget about 24bit 96khz if you have a Creative Audigy 2. I have an Audigy 2 ZS with breakout box and this card is using a rather cheap technique of converting things internally to a lower bitrate.
    They even previously published an excuse for this on their website but that's removed by now: if you wrote a letter for discount they offered a rebate. Unfortunatly as far as I know this offer is no longer valid...

    Just google around for this.
  5. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    Make certain your build of WinDVD 7 is the right one.
    This was hobbled later on, and stopped playback of discs that held the compromised CPPM keys. Don't blame the manufacturers either - blame the idiots who broke the keys open, as revocation of compromised keys was always a part of the DVD-A specification. It was inevitable these keys would be revoked. The software thieves do NOT, repeat NOT do any of us any favours.

    Also, the Creative Lies Fraudigy does not output full 24/96. It downsamples internally to 24/48, and might upsample again on analogue out, certainly never on a digital out.
    The reason SP-DIF cannot output 24/96 5.1 is nothing to do with copy protection either. It's the limitation of the format, as it was designed to give up to 8 channels at a maximum of 24/48. 8 channels of uncompressed 24/96 is far too high a bitrate for that format to handle, as 5.1 at 24/96 = 13.8 Megabits/second. Beyond what SP-DIF or TOSlink is capable of. This is why when using ADAT lightpipes, to get 8 channels of 24/96 audio requires 2 ADAT connections for the extra bitrate.

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