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DVD Cloner II DVDs stop at 44min?

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by Jackass!!, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. recondo

    recondo Guest

    Yeah I agree with you NuBbz,these forums have saved me a whole boat load of headaches,and yes Mr.Scubapete is a must read for everyone starting out, Thanks again pete.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hey there Guys,

    Glad you like the guides - I'll have some more coming shortly -

    Meanwhile, to address your problem,

    Try this little Free tool, DivxToDVD by vso. It's easy to use, just load your AVI's in the top, give it a destination and afew hours later - you're all set.

    Yep, I said a few hours. You need to render your AVI files into a completely different format and that takes time - such is life but with this program, it's pretty easy.

    If you have programs like NeroVision OR dvdSanta (not a favorite of mine) they will do the job too BUT, IMHO, I think the vso proggy is better.



    DivxToDVD -

  3. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    thanks scubapete
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    :) Anytime :)

  5. gazlilley

    gazlilley Guest

    i have dvd cloner and i have the same problem, depending on what version you've got i think it's to do with the dual layer pause and the software not sucessfully removing the slight pause that dual layered disks have, i hope this answers your question, it's not the dodgy dvd-r's it's the software it'self, not even the new version of dvd cloner works on dual layered disks, it still consistanly sometimes pauses depending on what film your copying, it's mainly the disks that are more than 7GB it usually has problems with.
  6. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    is there a way to burn video games like for example play station2 and x box ?
  7. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    There certainly is, just have a look in the correct forum!!!! All the help you need should be there.
  8. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Since DVDCloner II is really a stolen DVD Shrink with a different "skin" you might wish to use the original proggy, DVD Shrink. Not only is DVDCloner a stolen Freeware, it's an older version of DVD Shrink - Go figure ? iffin' you are going to sell free programs it makes sense to steal the newest version. To my knowledge, they are still using Shrink's version 3.17. The newest version of DVD Shrink is It is completely DL compatible and shows no "hesitation" between layers. Give it a try, you'll really like it. Once you download and install Shrink it takes only 3-clicks to backup a disc. Check the guide in my sig. The one that says Shrink/ Decrypter – everything I there.


  9. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    every time i burn a movie the sound is low so when i play on dvd player i have to turn the tv volume up haft of what it is at just to hear it normal why is this ?? and if i was to burn like a tv show for example sopranos how do i put more then 1 episode on a single disc

  10. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    burning video games what would that be under in the glossary
  11. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi NuBbZ,

    It is normal though I can't tell you exactly why a line signal (that's what's coming from your player) must be boosted more than your satalite/cable signal. Does anyone use an antenna anymore ? I usually have to crank my sound to about the 90% mark.

    Now we're in my ballpark :)

    You can use DVD Shrink in the "re-Author" mode, Recode2 in the "Remake a DVD" mode OR, my favorite, DVD2One in the "Join" mode and select the non-seamless mode.

    Here's a run down:
    For 2 Discs on 1 use DVD2One in the "Join" mode.
    The join mode is a very powerful new feature of DVD2one. It can be used for many things:
    Joining a movie that has been spread over 2 sides of a disk (aka "flipper") or even over 3 disks.
    Joining of different episodes of a (TV) series on 1 disk.
    Adding a music video, documentary or Featurette after the main movie.
    Adding an intro (for instance THX or Dolby) before the main movie.
    Or any combination of the above possibilities !
    The join mode is not limited to only 2 titles, but it can join any number of titles on 1 disk. Of course the total size of the titles you want to join has its limits. DVD2one has built-in warning messages to let you know when you go to far.
    The join mode has 2 different modes:
    Seamless. The separate titles are joined in 1 titleset, and will play continuously without interruption.
    Non-seamless. Each title is put in its own titleset, and there will be a small delay when the player goes from one to the other title.
    The seamless mode is the perfect mode for joining a movie that has been spread over different sides or disks. DVD2one will examine automatically whether the different titles can be seamless joined together. For this the video, audio and subtitles need to be the same.
    The non-seamless mode will work with any title, and can be used in all other cases. DVD2one provides convenient ways to skip through the different title sets.
    How to use
    The join mode is very simple to use, since it works like a repeated movie-only mode. After selecting the first title you come to a summary screen. Here you can select another title you like to add to the list, or start processing. If you select to join another title, you will advance through the selection screens again. The only difference is when using seamless mode, you do not have to select audio, subtitle and angle. The selection for these items is taken from the title to which the new title is seamlessly joined.
    Advanced Navigation Mode
    This new feature is experimental and may not work correctly with specific DVD players, or may have some unwanted side effects. It is recommended to try it first with a re-writable disk. It adds the following ways to navigate between the different title sets:
    · Right menu button for next titleset.
    · Left menu button for previous titleset.
    · Next chapter at the last chapter of a title
    Goes to the next titleset.
    · Previous chapter at the first chapter of a
    Title goes to the previous titleset.
    The menu button system may interfere with subtitles. Also if a titleset does not have subtitles, a dummy subtitle is added to make this feature to work.

    About $35.00 (USD) But well worth the $$ - I've never regretted my purchase of it. The Demo only does 30 minutes of movies.

    FYI, Using this proggy, I have put 3 episodes of the Sopranos on a single disc and I have put 3 trimmed DVD-9 movies on a single disc and 4, DVD-5's on a single sided DVD with the quality of a commercial VHS tape. 5 -hours of movies is a snap.



  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Hello Pete

    Anyone of the apps pete listed will do the job. Remake is a lot more fun but it requires a little effort.

    Pete, I thought you'd disappeared (eaten by your shark). How are things?
  13. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    thanks pete

    im having trouble with this movie i downloaded the movie taxi i used divix to dvd to convert and after it was done i go to use dvd decrypter to burn it but when i went to go click the source file taxi then there a folder video_ts i click that and theres video_ts.bup,video_ts.ifo,vts_01_0.bup,vts_01_1.vob,vts_01_0.ifo,vts_01_2.vob but i dont know what to do from here
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I don't generally support the illegal downloading of movies but I'll answer this one. In order for DVD Decrypter to burn the movie it has to be in the ISO format and you didn't do that. You can however download a full working Demo version of Nero and it should burn your files with no problems.

  15. NuBbZ

    NuBbZ Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    does any one use labels like the movie cover if so how do u do that
  16. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I have used Neato labels applied with their tool. Attempting to apply a label by hand is disastrous to say the least.

    I have had no problem with the discs I've burned.

    In order of the Best -

    Magic marker and allow to air dry for at least 2 hours. Trapping the disc in a jewel case where the fumes can attack the dye should be avoided.

    Printed labels (requires a disc printer). Again, allow to air dry for at least 2 hours.

    Paper labels applied with a professional tool. 2 labels max. Any labels mis-applied should be removed with alcohol allowed to dry then a new label applied.

    I hope that has been of some help `
  17. zapper

    zapper Guest

    Well, made a mistake and bought DVD Cloner 11, it burned a 98 minute movie in 17 minutes flat but somehow it has an Englisg subtitle and I tried to figure on how to get rid of the subtiles and ubable to find any info. on this. Is their any other FOOL like me that has The Cloner 11 anf knows the in and outs of this software.

    Zapper ( The zapper has been zapped )
  18. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi there zapper - welcome to aD,

    Sorry about your purchase BUT at sometime we all have been taken.

    Quality and percision sometimes take a little time BUT it doesn't cost you anything at all to get it right.

    Checkout the guide in my sig - look at "Shrink / Decrypter" - it will do any disc out there, the way you want it with a better quality backup than ClonerII could ever hope to give you and all for FREE !

    Cheers my friend,

  19. zapper

    zapper Guest

    Hi Pete

    Thanks for the quick response. I have used shrink and decypter and most of the time the copied movies freezes up, somewhere during the palyback and its hard to watch a movie when yoy don't know when it's going to stop. Just looking around for something better?????

    Zapper ( an X 321 studio junky )

  20. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    if you would do me the favor of trying my settings and my recommendations you may well change your mind.

    If you are looking for other suggestions, here are some:

    In order of quality -

    1. ReBuilder w CCE
    2. InterVideo's DVDCopy3 a very fast and excellent encoder - When teamed with AnyDVD and CopyToDVD it gives you one of the fastest and highest of quality of programs anywhere.
    3. DVD2One is an outstanding encoder with a fantastic joining program. When teamed with AnyDVD and CopyToDVD is a combo, which will see you through anything.
    4. CloneDVD2 by elby is a very good proggy able to edit, encode and burn quickly, generally in less than 30 minutes. Teamed with AnyDVD it's much., "better than the average Bear, Booboo"."
    5. Now we get to Nero's Recode2 - it too does a better than average job and allows you to keep your menus.
    5. DVD Shrink, a favorite of many. Again, better than average especially when used with the "Deep Analysis" and the "Quality Enhancements".

    As to my opinion of DVD Shrink . . .

    I think it will be good for quite some time to come. Why ? Because of it's encoding controls and it's ability to adjust GOP groups to refine the finished product. Where will it fall behind ? In it's ability to rip newer encryptions BUT when used with DVDD OR AnyDVD it will stay well ahead of the pack.

    I don't see Shrink as being out of the running for a long time.

    As for DVD Rebuilder w/ CCE, here's an excellent guide -




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