DVD-Lab... "Compiler Error"

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by farhank, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well actually there Should Only be Borders on the Top and Bottom Not at the Sides because 640x352 resizes to 720x400 when keeping the original AVI Aspect ratio and Resizeing to as Close to DVD resolution as Possible, This will add a 40 Pixel black Border on top and on Bottom.....

    If you were to resize your 640x352 AVI Files directly to 720x480 without adding the Black Border on top and Bottom then your Picture will Look stretched From top to Bottom which will make all Objects and poeple look Extremely Tall and Skinny so Basicly you can Not resize directly to 720x480 without either adding Black borders on top and Bottom or Stretching the Image so everyone Looks Tall and Skinny so what you want to do isn"t possible without makeing the Video look Distorted......


    PS: You could resize to fullscreen But you would have to Crop off a Good portion of the sides of the Screen which would mean you will Loose a Lot of the Frame, This is actually what they have to Do to Convert widescreen to fullscreen and it Looks awefull...
  2. gkarlos

    gkarlos Guest

    Hi Minion,

    Actually I think I was not clear in my question. Let me try to explain a little bit more.

    I got some AVI (XVid encoded) movies (some in 640x352, others in 624x352 and few in 512x288) they have around 357KB each with around 41 minutes.

    I've tried to convert them using WinAVI, at the first, targeting DVD, MPEG2 and finally SVCD. (I've tried other programs, but they gave me the same final results but much more time consuming)

    In time: it took me like 15 minutes to convert each movie in a Dual Xeon 2.2MHz using 2 SATA (the avi's were on one drive and the results were saved in the other one).

    Then I used DVDLab Pro, imported them (the program always demuxed the video/audio and converted the audio to the 48khz) inserted the subtitles (yes, I need them because my child doesn't understand english)

    I burned the DVD and tried in 2 TV's sets... the results were not so bad [bold]but still have some squares[/bold] particularly in dark images (a ship in the space - Battlestar Galactica) and there is some granularity and colors are not vivid - it's look like a normal VHS tape (more or less).

    My question is: Do you know what is the best way to make a DVD with these movies and archieve the best resolution/compatibility possible?

    I really appreciate your help.
    Best reggards.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2005
  3. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I think those squares you are Talking about are "Macro Blocks" they will generally Show up in the Llack areas of an Image or will show up when there is a Lot of Motion on the Screen and Look Like Little Random Squares on the Screen and tend to have a Redish or Blueish or Greenish Hue to them...

    Are these what you are Talking about???

    If so then these are Generally caused from encodeing useing too low of a Bitrate or From Just Bad Quality encodeing.....

    If you want the best quality encodeing then you shouldn"t be useing WinAVI as it is an OK encoder for general Consumer use But if you want professinal Quality encodeing you will have to use a Much better encoder than WinAVI....

    I would maybe Suggest an encoder Like the "MainConcept encoder" which is a Very Good Quality encoder and it is Pretty fast and will produce results with much better quality and with Much Less Blocks or None at all as Long as you encode useing a High enough Bitrate (Minimum 4000kbs for DVD or 2000kbs for SVCD) and make sure you are Not Up Sizeing the Resolution too much as Upsizeing the Resolution can Drasticly Degrade the Quality....Also make sure you encode useing the Highest Quality encodeing settings.....

    Well i hope you have better results when useing a different encoder...


    PS: there are only 4 encoders that I recomend for Professinal Quality encodeing and they are from worst to best "Tmpgenc Pluss/Express" , "MainConcept Encoder", "Canopus Procoder", and "CinemaCraft Encoder SP 2.70"......
  4. gkarlos

    gkarlos Guest

    You're 'the one'!


    The 'squares' I mentioned are really those 'Macro Blocks'.

    I'll make a 'test-drive' with your suggestion. For sure it will the final solution for me.
    Thank you very much.

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