Guys you're not wasting any time with me. This is just how I like to DO things--ask a lot of questions, learn all the ways how to do it and what's recommended, then try it, and THEN see what works best for me. That way I don't waste time making stupid mistakes when others have already been there. It's the "learning from history" approach. I make enough stupid mistakes in life--why make even more needlessly? I already know I'm a total newbie to this burning thing, so I'm trying to seek the advice of those more experienced. To me, that's smart. Like I said I spent nearly two days solid "muddling" and doing A LOT of reading--I read through about 10 web pages or so (some of which have been linked in this thread I've noticed) to try and nail down the best solid techniques. But I don't have unlimited resources, have a pack of 10 DVD-R's I'm slowly exhausting, a car that's being repaired and right now I'm pretty well stuck without transportation so won't be getting any more for a couple days or so. Plus, I'm pretty broke so that's a factor... Soooo...I'm being stingy with my supplies and REALLY want to avoid coasters as much as possible. With that in mind, I'm completely ready to find something that works and "get comfortable with it". But I'm also wanting to find the better/best ways of burning and getting the best results possible, while keeping my "testing" to a minimum. So if that means hop on over to Nero, then that's where I want to go. But, in this case, I was just commenting that the burn didn't automatically go to Nero after shrinking, and I didn't have the DVDDecrypt button checked. Not a big deal. Just a comment. Next up...Return of the King. I'm going to try and get it all on one disc. I know I'll have to shrink it some, but for a movie that long will the quality (picture mainly) be a really *noticeable* difference? And is there a suggested way to make it *less* noticeable?
RE-author, use a good program, it would be wise to buy at least one dvd_+rw, which you can test on. If you have nero recode I would use that over shrink, I'm not exactly sure what you have. A great program, in the top 3, is Pinnacle InstantCopy 8, it is 24.95 and well worth it. It loves decrypter ripped files, it's a little slow, but if you want quality, it's better than %90 of what's out there and extremely easy to use. It is a real one-click application. if you decide to get it, I would be glad to show you how to use it, or if you have recode I wrote a little quickie guide in this thread, page 3, 3/4 of the way down If you only have shrink and a trial version of nero, then your choice is that, and re-author is all you can do.
Thanks bigorange, To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I have with Nero EITHER! I downloaded the Nero 6 Ultra and am on the demo version right now, but when it all downloaded it separated into different files. They're not under one subheading like normal. That was weird and very difficult to figure out what came with it. At any rate, I *think* it has recode as part of the program but can't find it. What would it be found under? When I look under "Programs > Nero > I have the Demo version (with BackItUp, the burning ROM, Cover Designer, and Express, Image Drive, Soundtrax, and Wave Editor); Toolkit, Mix, and StartSmart. I actually don't see Recode as part of the choices. And actually I just did a search for the word "recode" on my hard drive and found NOTHING! I guess the demo version doesn't offer recode after all?
Unfortunately recode is not in the trial version, which is a shame because it's one of the best programs in Ultra 6. You can get Ultra 6 at for 49.00, a heck of a deal considering it retails anywhere from 79.00-99.00. Usually you click on startsmart, and recode is listed at the bottom of the list just above toolkit. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
Also, I don't want to get too far off on a tangent here, but what is your opinion of DVD X Copy Xpress? I found a copy on clearance the other day and haven't used it yet. I've heard interesting things--like no menus are possible, just a bare-boned disc, but it's pretty good otherwise. Is that about right? Or is it pretty well garbage? Also there's a new one that I noticed had taken its place at Target--forgot the name but it was 19.99 I think. It was definately NOT a DVD X Copy as those were being cleared out. Anyway, just had to run that off real quick before signing off for the night. Anything you can say about those programs is appreciated.
Man, you're fast! Hmm...ok that makes sense then. Maybe I'll look for an OEM version with recode later. That price does sound good, and thanks for the link. I might drop the dough later when I have it to spend! *stupid car repair*
I would spend 25 bucks for Pinnacle InstantCopy 8, 10 to 1 before I'd spend a nickel on dvd xcopy xpress, but there are those who like it. My top 3 are as follows, 1-rebuilder/CCE(not for the beginner), 2-Intervideo dvdcopy 2,-79.00 and fast, like 30 min. start to finish fast, 3- Pinnacle Instantcopy 8, only 25.00. I love my nero ultra 6 because it has so many good programs, not the least of which is recode. Also nero seems to be the default package for so many softwares out there. I am talking to you as a guy that has bought and downloaded a ton of video software, there are many in this forum who will support me on these 3, altho maybe not in that particular order. Good luck however you go.
Nice speech but you don't do what you say - Otherwise you would have read that "Ooohhh so short guide" I wrote and known about the box in the I/O file tab of DVD Shrink's Preferences part of the Edit section so that Nero would have burned "automatically" for you - and what is that Hellboy ? You have used Zip so far, your questions have shown us that. You've asked about DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink and don't know how to use those. Otherwise you wouldn't make statements about Nero not burning for Shrink. You ask about DVD XCopy and that "Other" program for sale in Target - you are missing some more - use this as a check off list PLUS the ones that bigorange - You don't have a burner and you won't read the guides that brobear, bigorange, Sophocles myself and others have given you - you won't ry anything - as for me - you have wasted my time and patience trying to help, it sounds like all you really want to do is talk and see your own name in print - you'll have to go some for me to believe you're anything other than a lazy, spoiled little child – not interested in doing anything on your own – you want others to do it for you then feed it to you spoon by spoon. We have done our work already, time for you to learn that unless you have unlimited funds to pay someone to coddle you, you will have to do things yourself, not talk about how you’ll do it sometime - Sea Yaaaaaaaaa, Pete
Right on Pete. Seems to be too much of this behavior going on. Knew it was a giveaway when I heard DVD X Copy wasn't good for titles. Just the opposite. I'm starting to get annoyed with these characters that read a catalog and then ask questions only to respond that they know it all already. And then making suggestions contrary to your guide while you're trying to help them. Man, with Shrink and Decrypter, you make it so obvious. I think you're going to have to say in every other sentence that with Shrink you only use Decrypter as a burner. They're just not paying attention to software function and that some programs do more than one thing. Help is one thing. But people getting on a forum just to see their name in print is annoying.
Jeez! Get up on the wrong side of the beach today Pete! I could try to explain myself, but with your attitude--eh, what's the use. I learned a long time ago that some people just LIKE to be mean, crotchety, and downright rude and there's no changing that. I might be a "newbie" but at least I have the manners to ask politely and don't kick a beginner down before he even gets anywhere. What's a matter? You can't REMEMBER being a beginner yourself Pete? You say I've wasted your time, so let me plainly say I AM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME O WISE ONE! If you don't want to help, then don't. There's always someone else. Ignore my posts and I will be more than happy to ignore yours--as you say I have already been ignoring your advice--then that really won't be much of a change now will it? ;-) Oh, and here's some advice from the learner to the master -- You don't know me. Don't ASSUME. Now, I'm not trying to pick a fight. Hell, I don't know you either. And I could care less about this little bicker-fest. All I'm trying to do is learn. And I'm asking questions, reading and trying things (whether you accept that or not). If that offends you in some way, might I humbly say, GET OVER IT. One day I could snatch the pebble from your hand, surpassing the "master" and then you would just be a bitter teacher with a chip on your shoulder. Why bring that on yourself I ask? Think about it. And with that, I take my leave of you. The next step is yours if you wish to take it. But I'm not going anywhere. This "spoiled little child" is here to stay--and learn--whether you like it or not.
Hellboy, I believe you did something in the wrong order. If you want to read, all well and good. If you want to check out the threads for different info and data, excellent. The wrong process is to read about software and then get on a forum and ask a lot of what if questions. We do our best to help people solve software problems. People with a particular burner and particular software. Part of the learning process is to ask questions about what you have. Even the forums where members discuss software include people who own and use the software being discussed. Catalogs give product info. Our goal is to teach and assist. We have had a run of people just wanting to more or less yank our chain with trivial questions and waste a lot of time. You set your sites very high and you have a long way to travel before besting Pete. He is one of the best Newbie teachers we have and usually the patience to go with it. None of us have the patience of Job. I wish you well in your pursuit, just hope you haven't set your sights too high. To get started, get involved with what you want to discuss. Only then will you be able to ask legitimate questions and give any quality input. By the way, I'm having a great evening and the world is good in my neck of the woods. Wax on, Wax off.
Thanks brobear. I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong, and thank you for that point. It does make sense to me, and I probably should have eased into the questions a bit more. Sorry about that. I didn't know anything about the recent history about this place and it sounds like I may have stepped into a hornet's nest and whacked it a couple times with a baseball bat. From my perspective, it was like "hey how do I" and then suddenly I'm attacked. It was like WHAT THE HECK?! Again, my apologies if I rattled some cages with my requests. I still think Pete could have been nicer about it, but hey it takes all kinds. At any rate, thanks for helping clear that up. I'm not here to make enemies--only to learn and have fun. I hope Pete sees that.
Hi again everyone. Hellboy, the process is quite simple. You've got shrink and Nero installed. Follow the free guide that's available from Afterdawn, make sure that you've got all appropriate boxes ticked as the guide instructs, and you're well on your way ! I can assure you that you'll be more than happy with the result as there are hundreds of thousands around the world that use the above combination. Once you've mastered them with a handful of successful copies, you can move on to something else. Other ripping software worth trying, and once you've got the above mastered are, Nero recode, Dvd2one, Pinnacle instant copy and Intervideo dvd copy, but none of these are freeware. The shrink / decrypter combo that Pete was talking about are ! That's makes them even better. Just make sure that they are the latest version as they update them regularly. As for burning software, Nero is about the best going around. Good luck mate, and don't get yourself worked up about it. It's not worth the agro....
Hellboy, until now I have refrained from making a comment because my dander was up, and I didn't want to make a rash statement. I think you'll agree I have been most cooperative with you in your search for a dependable backup method. However, you are the new boy on the block when it comes to pete. Pete knows backup! If, as you say you're here to learn and have fun then by all means do it and you are most welcome. Statements like,[bold]" might I humbly say, GET OVER IT. One day I could snatch the pebble from your hand, surpassing the "master" and then you would just be a bitter teacher with a chip on your shoulder."[/bold] contradict your other statement and is not in keeping with the spirit for which this forum was intended. If pete was critical, it was constructive criticism., all he was doing was trying to help. He didn't have to answer at all. Maybe it wasn't the answer you were looking for, but that doesn't change the equation. He feels, as do we all, you need to take it one step at a time. Use each process as a building block for the next. We all went thru the same thing, hell, I'm still going thru it. I would like to personally welcome you to AD and in conclusion, I think you owe pete an apology. However, that is between you and your conscience. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
bigorange, thanks for the welcome. I DO appreciate the cooperation. I fully understand that Pete (or anyone else around here) has rank over me--being the "new boy" and all, but I do feel his comments were more than a little snippy and insulting, and higher experience does NOT give you the right to belittle. Calling me a "lazy, spoiled little child" was just completely uncalled for and an apology should be in order. Perhaps I was too critical, but everyone gets defensive--and offensive--when they're attacked, which is what I took his comments to be. So enough with the name calling. It's childish, hurtful and unproductive. I offer an apology to Pete if any of my comments to him seemed out of line just as his did to me. Now I'm off to re-read those instruction guides to figure out just where I went wrong before...coulda zigged when I shoulda zagged I guess... ;-) Thanks everyone.
Accepted - You should perhaps go back and read my posts to you, I've tried to help you quite a bit as did Jerry, Big "O", Conc and Bear and all you did is question other things without trying anything first - The Grasshopper will never snatch anything from anyone if he stands in one spot while the world goes by - GOOD, GREAT !! Read your guide - without the "s". One guide, then follow it. Period. Master that recipe or at least get comfortable with it. If you have trouble with it THEN come back - we'll help. After you do one - the operative word here is one. Then we'll move on. We're here on our own free time to help people who really want to back up their media not to "Gab" endlessly about our thoughts on this or that - accomplishing nothing - keeping someone happy talking with them, blowing smoke about everything and achieving, - - What ? A short History lesson: In this thread you have asked for – 1. Which is better DVD-R or DVD +R 2. Roxio vs. Nero SmartStart and DVD Xcopy 3. How to tell what format a disc was 4. Questions about DVD Shrink and Decrypter (it was obvious that you didn’t try to use a guide then) 5. More questions about Decrypter and Shrink that weren’t necessary if you read a guide and then tried to do it 6. Asking about suggested ways to backup the Return of the Lion King 7. Questions about Nero and recode now 8. Asking opinions of DVD Xcopy 9. Asking opinions about the “Program” in Target So far all of your questions have been answered. To what purpose Hellboy, to what end ? ? when will you actually do something or will your "quest for knowledge" continue through the end of time with you, afraid to ever take the firsts tep, then the next - I really and truly would love to know - perhaps just to engage starngers in idle banter ? I think we all would like to see something, anything from you. Not a stab at somnething but you going from the start to the end. Not asking every step but you, reading a guide and following it. I for one am waiting - "P"