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dvd shrink vs dvdxcopy platinum

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by MaDRuKuS, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. Brasco23

    Brasco23 Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    i was wondering if dvd shrink allows you to back up dvd's with multi episodes and keep a functional menu!!11
  2. 321sucker

    321sucker Regular member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Multi-Episodes such as The Sopranos ..YES
    Adding two or more movies to 1 disk. I dont believe so, though I could be wrong.
    Try Nero for that.
  3. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    About my Liteon 451s burner, I kept the burner at 4x, you kinda scared me off! But I did change the book type (bit setting) to burn rom....used rw+ media, and wow it played in my Toshiba SD2200 dvd player that was not designed to read anything burnt!!! Needless to say I am extremely happy.

    I blew one thing though, the Sony RW+ was rated at 2.4X and I wrote at 4X. I didn't realize what I had done til finished. But it still played fine. Can you explain?
  4. 321sucker

    321sucker Regular member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    If it aint broke ,,don't fix it ?
  5. Brasco23

    Brasco23 Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    does dvd x copy xpress copy the functional menu and how, and does dvd shrink copy the dvd menu
  6. Brasco23

    Brasco23 Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    dvd shrink burns as well?or not
  7. 321sucker

    321sucker Regular member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    DVD Xcopy will either copy the movie ONLY or the entire disk. DVD Shrink will copy what you choose. Also, has authoring capabilities.
  8. maranda

    maranda Guest

    Add me to the long list of people who stick with DVD Decrypter & DVD Shrink.

    "does dvd x copy xpress copy the functional menu and how, and does DVD Shrink copy the dvd menu"
    Yes, both do.

    "Adding two or more movies to 1 disk"
    Depending on the length & compression of the movies, technically speaking, this can be sometimes be done with DVD Shrink - but menus will be lost, and compression will have to be very high.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2004
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    There are problems with software compatibility with DVD Xcopy Platinum. The big issue is programs running in the background on your computer. 321 had a bulletin on software conflicts. I learned how to use the Platinum with the conflicting software and my problems ended.

    Shrink and Platinum are capable of different functions and I use and like them both. I and my sons are movie buffs and have extensive video libraries. You can imagine the amount of scratching we get with seven children. I have the time and the burner, so the ignominious job of backing up fell to me.

    My most used battery of software consists of those found on afterdawn. I use Decrypter and especially like the ISO file setup. ISO is a bit more complicated initially, but once used turns out to be very easy when using Shrink. Daemon or another DVD/CD ROM emulator is a must. The Shrink - Nero combo is nice. Here, to use Shrink to its fullest, you have to have a functioning version of Nero. Nero comes as a trial version, but it will expire and you have to obtain a license.

    Now for the DVD Xcopy Platinum. If set up and used properly, it is a great program. If set up improperly with conflicting software, it can become a nightmare. I have both the ripper free/RF and the older ripper versions. I actually prefer using Decrypter with the RF version in order to have more control over the ripper portion of the work. Using the advanced selection in Platinum gives some options I like not found with Shrink. Primarily, I am able to burn movie only and have fully functional scene selection available. Movie only decreases the amount of compression needed and improves the quality of a movie. Copy movie only with Shrink and add the scene selection files and you end up with nonfunctional icons. You might be able to circumvent the problem, but Platinum's algorithm already has the problem taken care of.

    Heads up usage shows the Shrink and Platinum to be good programs with some different capabilities. Since I have both, I use both. My preference leans toward the Platinum RF due to movie only with scene selection functionality. Other than that, Shrink seems to copy just as well. To be honest, for a while the Platinum gave me fits with software problems and burn errors, until I got the bulletin to resolve the software problems. 321 support was excellent. Also, the later Platinum versions and RF versions have a large user manual in PDF format for those that will use it.

    The cost issues are not straight forward. You pay for Platiunum up front. Shrink may be free, but to use Shrink, you have to either have Nero or purchase it. The Nero trialware is just that, for a short trial period.

    Nero and Shrink are more versatile, as the Platinum is a job specific software and Nero has more function and uses.

    I like all the software mentioned and they all work great. If you can afford it, have them all. Choose wisely, if you have to choose between Platinum and Shrink. Look at the advanced functions of Platinum and compare that to the functions of Shrink, not just the simple choice of Xcopy Xpress. Platinum can be more complicated to use due to software conflicts as noted. If you are knowledgable enough to solve the problems, the choice is only between functions. For newbies Shrink appears less troublesome. Nero is always a good program to have, irregardless.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    For Brasco23

    Yes they will. Xpress will make an exact copy or you can choose some options on the simple options choice.

    Shrink is able to copy the entire disc or under the Re author option, just portions. Reauthor limits the functionality of menus.
  11. Brasco23

    Brasco23 Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    i backed up a movie with dvd decrypter and shrink and it made a copy that had a functional menu and good quality. i aslo tried to use xpress, but it did not burn a functional menu. Also I have a big problem i have dvdxcopy platnium 3.2 and dvd x copy xpress and none of the backups will play correctly on my dvd player. any body know why. it is not the media because i have used the same media with shrink and decrypter and it plays. please help
  12. Brasco23

    Brasco23 Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    authoring capability? does that mean it will burn the dvd as well. also doen't u need dvd dycrypter with the shrink-nero combo. neither shrink or nero doesn't decrypt do they????
  13. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You need to find some software guides. You can search afterdawn or try Doom9. You really need manuals on these programs. I downloaded them and read them back when I first got them. The different updated versions addressed bugs and the newer versions of the software are similar enough to use older manuals. There are other sites, but I don't remember them offhand. Using ISO files from Decrypter allows the use of Daemon, adding to more options, read the manual.

    If you are the licensed owner of Platinum, you can get a new version download from 321. You keep the old version and download the newer RF version in another file. They don't conflict. The new version comes with a complete user manual in PDF format (Adobe Reader - a freebie). The RF version works with Decrypter and DAEMON, a DVD Rom emulator. I use it to do most of my burning. Using advanced you can choose movie only and the scene selection part of the menu is functional. Less compression means better video quality. Before you ask - remember, if you don't record something, a menu can't bring it up.

    In the case of Shrink, Re-author only means you are changing the setup from original, Full Disc, setup. The default setting runs Full Disc when you enter Open Disc. You need to have Decrypter, the ripper, and Nero to burn.

    There are software conflict issues with Platinum and Xpress. I had to use tech support to straighten my problem out. Now that it is straight, Xpress does copy full menus with function when you check the entire disc box. Look at the manual and you may have to use tech support. There are a number of threads on the DVDx portion of afterdawn.

    Since you have Platinum, I suggest you learn how to use the advanced option due to compression problems. Most new discs are 7 to 8 Gigabytes and the recordable DVDs off the shelf are 4.7 G (go figure). You are going to have to read up and do some experimenting to get good at doing backups. There is some art to it as well as the straight forward 1 button selection with Xpress.

    Here is an example and the how to is in the manuals except for Platinum.
    Rip a disc with Decrypter in ISO R mode. I use ISO files to use with an emulator, Daemon in my case.
    Load the ISO file in Daemon, the computer sees Daemon and the file as a physical drive with a loaded disc.
    Here I use Shrink or Platinum RF in Re-author or Advance respectively to do the copy.

    All the copy programs can make a full copy disc. In fact even Nero running alone can copy a file in conjunction with Daemon using the disc copy function when you enter the Daemon drive as the target. The file has to be encryption free, as in Decrypted. Its all in the manual. Nero used to have software manuals available to download on their site.
  14. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If the DVD being backed up isn't too large, then you can trim unwanted audio tracks and back-up the entire DVD with all the menus and extras.
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Not a bad idea to trim anytime you can get inside the 4.7G limit to eliminate compression. Shrink has this option up front and Platinum you have to go through preview in Advanced and search. Good point.
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Personally I could care less about all the extras. If the movie is even a bit too large I go for the main movie and a 5 or 6 channel surround sound track and I still get to keep the chapters. My wife however will spend hours sifting through the menus and all the extras, but I am saved by my little secret place.

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