Tell ya what John, iffin you're going to test programs and you liked DVD Shrink, try Nero's recode2 a really underestimated little proggy. Works just like Shrink (yea, I wonder why ? Duuuhh, same guy could be the answer, Ya think ?) but I find it smoother and since it lets you keep the menus, it really has the edge - I also have to through my vote toward CopyToDVD3. It is the fastest little proggy around. I use it with about everything when speed is a factor (or when I just feel like it (Heh, heh) And thems my 2 cents
Hey pete have you tried recode 3 yet? For some reason it seems to be faster than 2 but with the same quality. I quit using Shrink sometime ago after using recode it really is a nice prog.
Think if my memory serves me right Pete i have had a little play with the Nero.Good peace of kit but you would expect no less from Nero.I'm a big fan of Nero and have used it for years and it has never let me down.To be honest though i have not even got around to trying half the funtions in Nero 6 properly yet.These days i seem to like to dabble with a little of everything.
Sorry there Mate, I've been writing recode2 for so long I forget, is there a "3" there. I've been doing the same thing with CopyToDVD2 - it is really "3" but I forget Losing me gray cells with time, I am . . . . Happy Holidays my friend to you and the Mrs. Cheers, Pete
Yeah, I know this thread is a standoff between DVDShrink and DVD2One... I just had a thought... DivX and XviD encoding is kinda slow using VirtualDub, but DivX encoding is really fast (compared to VirtualDub) using Dr. DivX. Unless my encoding options are superfluous, perhaps things would go faster if XviD had its own "Dr."... Or is it just me?? Back to the thread at hand... looks like it's all about preference, in which case I'll be experimenting (time permitting) with a few of these apps for a bit. Thanks for the input fellow AfterDawners! (Doesn't mean thread is over, more input = more merriment )
Heh, heh, this thread has been all over the place talking about all kinds of problems and proggys - A lot of it is expermenting - we play with stuff till something works for us. Not everything works for 100% of the pple - Keep us posted iffin Ya come up with anything interesting - Season's Greetings everyone - From my house to yours Pete
I read these sites all the time, and I have to stick in my two cents worth. As Scuba Ppete says, whatever works for you. I am about to create an uproar. I think I own every burning and decripting program that is available. I now use only DVD Decrypter, & save to an external hard drive. Takes about 22 min. with my processor. Then, heaven forbid, I use Roxio Easy DVD Copy, along with Verbatum or Ridata media. I know Roxio is like a swear word on this web site. It automatically shrinks, and copies. I have only made 1 coaster, since using this combination, in the last 6 months due to faulty media. Take it for what it's worth. Holiday wishes to all on this site.
I've decided to go back to chisel and stone... pass another one. No one denies DVD Decrypter is a great app and working off the hard drive makes sense for a lot of reasons. Among the reasons is smoother reads by the transcoding apps and fewer buffer or read errors in general, especially with less than pristine discs. It even makes things easier on PCs with limited resources. Decent media, no problem there. I won't even say anything bad about your choice of using Roxio as a burner app. Hopefully that's the Easy DVDCopy and not something from the Media Creator suite. Those in the know realize the problem with Roxio was shared by a number of other recording suites. (What many of us think of when Roxio is mentioned is the recording suite shipped with many burners and PCs, the Media Creator suites.) Roxio has Drag to Disc and Nero has InCD and Pinnacle has a batch program as well in their suite. Batch writing software included in a number of recording suites interferes with DVD recording apps. They try to communicate with the drive during the burn and that's not good. Now we delete them or turn them off as necessary. Since Sonic has bought into Roxio, it may get to be even better software. Then that remark is a bit much. For your sake I hope you were kidding. If not, I want to be your friend, because you have to be rich. A person could just about send their child to college (junior college) for the price of just a few; CCE SP, Vegas, Adobe Premiere, and Procoder. Just a copy of DVDCopy3 would put a dent in my weekly beer allowance. LOL I think I'll stick with the Nero suite, minus InCD, for my burning needs. Nero has a lot more specialized software included that fits my needs for DVD recording and authoring. Plus, it does the CD recording equally well. I do still have a soft spot for Roxio. I like it for handling CD audio files. Who said Recode 3? I recently upgraded to the new Nero Ultra 6.6; the window that opens still says Recode 2. They do keep playing with those numbers and apps. InterVideo just upgraded their DVD recording software. Instead of it being just an update, they've done some major work. DVDCopy3 is superior to the DVDCopy2. 2 to 3, just imagine, more numbers. I still have a copy of DVD Shrink on my PC and a copy of DVD2One. They both have some handy abilities I still find useful from time to time. They're just not my main recording apps. Software really boils down to personal preference once one learns how to use the various apps. Some have proven to be outstanding for a lot of users and those have garnered a good bit of the market. As users demands and various needs differ, so there are a lot of various apps. So everyone enjoy what they're happy with. Happy holidays to all and may the new year bring happiness and prosperity. Regards, Brobear
Howdy there wbfconst, Though I don't personally care for Roxio in DVD video work (I still think it's super for music), I won't say anything except "Bravo" that it works for you - No one can ever argue with sucess and sucess is all that really counts no matter what you do - All the Best to you and yours - Hey there bear, my thinks I got the "3" from you but, as you said, there are so many number changes, who can keep track ? (I done went back and edtied it Once again, iffin' I've missed anyone, The very best of Holiday Cheer to all ~ ~> ) Pete
Pete, The 2s and 3s I've been talking about of late are the DVDCopy programs from InterVideo. Unless a typo, I'd never make a mistake like that on a program I'm so familiar with, the Nero Recode 2. No big deal though, there's always someone to correct us, isn't there. Merry Christmas
My coice for DVD burning is Nero Recode 2 (Nero 6 reloaded latest vs.). I also use DVD Copy 3 whenever I am in a hurry as it is fast and does an escellent job. Also use Shrink, and Instant Copy 8. As stated above I prefer Recode 2 but just like to use some of the others to keep me on my toes. I have Sony Vegas but never used it. Also have Rebuilder cc and not used it yet. I will someday. Tom
ok im a newbie but i have been using how to copy dvd's with shrink . i can honestly say i love it my only thing i wanted to knwo if it happends to every one is that it takes about 45 to 1 hour maybe more to do the whole thing is that about normal. another thing i just made my first dual movie back up "2 movies in one" how would i make a menu for it could some one direct me to it. thanks sin happy new year to you all BuRN On Peeps!
Hi sinfully, this is not exactly the correct thread to ask this question, but here goes: * Depending on your hardware, it can indeed take 45 minutes or more to "Shrink" a DVD, so this is perfectly normal. I've been doing it on a Pentium III 900 as well as on a Pentium IV 2.4, and there is a noticeable difference in speed. * As to creating a menu, for a DVD; there are a lot of different possibilities. Maybe the easiest way is using DVDLab(Pro). It has a full-featured demo. In case your films only have the same number of audio streams and subtitle streams, this is rather easy (no need to demux the vob's); if not, then you should demux the vobs, create new chapter points, etc. You're gonna needs some in-depth knowledge to get it running perfectly. That's why I use a combination of DVDLab & DVDRemake: create a menu in Lab & link it to some dummy film(s). Then use Remake to replace the dummy's with the real film or dump the menu in a DVDRemake project. Adapt your audiostream/subtitle settings in Remake & compile... I'm afraid there is (not yet) a program which "automagically" creates a menu on top of different films with different audio/subtitle streams... Good luck.
im sorry ladies and gentlemen both serve there own purpose to reach a common goal but i would have to say at this time dvdshrink gets my vote hands down for these simple facts that were proven to me visually dealing with these movies that i have in my collection...the titles are Set it off,The hulk,and king of new york.set it off was done with dvd2one and it came out looking like a crappy 8bit movie then dvd2one when it came to the hulk for some reason it was not able to be burned with dvddecrypter after i imaged the iso with img.tool classic and the other movie king of new york i really dont want to tell you the story with that one but to make a long story short dvdshrink did all of those movies with no problem and with less time i just popped the movie in clicked a few tabs and after that i just walked away to do situps end product was a backup i could not believe wonderful quality perfect sound and most of all menus its just a wonderful program FOR FREE!!! i just could not believe it,im going to go to the site and see if they accept donations i am so pleased with the program.well enough of me kissing dvdshrinks ass but its the best and if your new to backing up your purchased movies via to dvdr then dvdshrink is for you
do people still buy DVD2One? I see very little of it mentioned these days, is it sill in it's own private forum also?
Sinfully, If you love this site then kill thje CAPs. Not only do we consider it extremely rude and "shouting" but it is also in violation of our forum's ruiles. If you wish to stay in the "house", then don't break the House rules - Pete
My 2 cents, DVD2One is still the best Proggy around for doing episodel programs and cannot be beat as far as putting multiple movies on a single disc. My record so far is 4 DVD-9's on a single disc and 5 DVD-5 movies on a single disc - IMHO, each proggy has it's own specility and when used with other proggys and makes what we do so much easier. I'm glad I bought DVD2One and wouldn't be happy if I had to do without it. Combined with CopyToDVD and AnyDVD makes an excellent system for doing DVD backups. If you were to try the entire package you would change your mind quickly. We are not speaking of cost now, we are speaking of ease of operation and quality of end product. Cheers, Pete