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DVD2One vs. DVDShrink

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by tedtropy, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Mr Sheen (spray) is the one sweetie :p)

  2. grogey

    grogey Guest

    hehehehehehehe - just about instantaneous!!

    Thanks you'll save me alot more research - and guess what???? just happens I have a can in the cupboard.......will be good to see it getting used for something other than dusting .....cause there ain't much dusting getting done around here!
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    The Pledge my lover-ly,(please follow this line of thought) is because the scratches which deflect the laser light in the first place are getting rubbed down by "softer scratches" from the Borax so to fill these in we use the pledge to make the entire surface slicker than a banana peel in an ice rink.

    By the bye, you can add a bit more Borax "For those tough, hard to get at scratches" - What the Hell, it's your last ditch effort anyway, what have you got to lose ???

    Love ya Babe, give it a shot, let me know how ya made out :p)

  4. grogey

    grogey Guest

    hehehehehe - can you believe this thread? Interesting to see the many and varied topics and information that have appeared and digressed from that original topic......and now here we are talking about furniture polish.

    [​IMG] the aussie graphic by the way.
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I was going to say Holy Smokes but reading your post - I had no idea you were "Down Under" - I can't quite see ya - you must be under the other side of the table -
  6. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Yeah actually the Pink & Purple room was gonna be in the very trendy East St. Kilda down on the Esplanade in Melbourne which is the Capital of Victoria the eastern state, which is where I live..........

    Not Pamonia, New Jersey ...where ever that is!!

    Now if you draw a straight line from Melbourne to Mildura - I'm right in the middle!!
  7. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Well golly gee, that's just a "Hop, skip and a Roo jump" from me, I'm on the Mid-East Coast of "de States", an hour south of New York and 10 minutes from Philadelphia - I'll just jump in the "ScubaPete Mobile" and I'll be at your place in 20 minutes -

    (No wonder I couldn't find the freakin' room, lol)

  8. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Thought I'd let my expert sweethearts know that the Mr Sheen (aka Pledge) is fabulous!! Used it many times meself.

    Was at friends house today and she was lamenting over fact that her daughter's favourite DVD had small scratch and kept freezing in middle - Have you any Mr Sheen? I asked. Then proceeded to give it a spray and a spiffup and whadyaknow???

    Yep you guessed it - fixed the freeze!!!

    make note to self - keep on using the cutesy little words and phrases cause the boys like it.
    My best advice for NEWBIESis:"use the search function!
    Aim for charm not perfection.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2004
  9. krylonONE

    krylonONE Member

    May 5, 2004
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    alright, i'm new to this forum. so far i've been burning dvds for about 8 months now and i've had my share of frustration....now i haven't really looked into the programs that i keep hearing about except for DVD Shrink, i've been using that and Nero since i started. its not that i favor it, but i never tried anything else except that crap from 321 Studios, there's been a few dvds that DVD Shrink just wouldn't take, so i had to resort to using DVD Copy Plantinum...but i'm not a big fan of that, so now i'm looking into other ways....if anyone has any good directions as in what programs to look at, i would greatly appreciate it...

  10. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Hiya krylonONE,

    I'm certainly not an expert by any means but I have managed to have a wonderful amount of success of late - and have tried quite a few of the programs around so I'll give you my opinions:
    1)Nero - I've been using this for the majority of the time when I have already shrunk and ripped files to HD. For this you need to bypass the wizard and go straight to Nero Burning Rom. Also very good for disc copy, but here use Nero Express from SmartStart if you like.
    If you are having problems with Nero you should go to their website and locate the utility section. Here you can download a couple of things that can help:
    *** Nero Burnrights
    *** Dynamic Write Speed
    *** Neroping
    *** General Clean Tool
    *** Registry Checker and Driver Clean Tool
    2)Sonic RecordNow I haven't tried this in abundance yet as I am more comfortable with the Nero interface (simply because I've used it alot more) Still had reasonable amount of success. Haven't tried disc copy with this or audio discs yet. Only DVD-Video discs. Not bad and now that my system is working well I have been getting a good success rate here - although my KProbe readings aren't quite as lovely as in Nero.
    3)CopyToDVD I really like this program as the interface is sooooo simple. You open it up, click on the type of disc you want (in this case DVD-Video) and then locate the file (whether it is on HD or disc and away you go. Very quick with On The Fly burns. KProbe scans amost as good as Nero.
    4)DVD Shrink What can I say? Just love it!!
    5)DVD Decrypter Again on my top list - wouldn't be with out it. Copying discs under 4.35 gig are done with ease with ISO Read/Write method and it has helped me save a few golden oldies by allowing me to retry read errors over and over again until I get all of the files onto my HD for burning to fresh disc. Also handy for ripping files to HD so you can play with them later.
    6)DVD2One I've only used this once at a friend's house and am seriously considering purchasing it. Very quick way of encoding DVD-9 down to size. I'd like to get it for when I want movie only. The downside with this for me was I had no control over compression rates of the different sections of the movie and there is no preview screen (which of course is one of the reasons why it is soooo quick). On the plus side it is super for newbies as there are virtually no settings and preferences to play around with.

    That's it for the programs I've used to rip, encode and burn with. But I'll tell you about two other's that I use constantly to help me with the quality of my burns:
    a)DVDInfoPro Great program that scan discs for read errors, gives you drive and media information amongst other great tools.
    b)KProbe2 As above but rather than a scan for read errors this does a BLER scan which tells you the quality of your burns - be they good or bad. Also gives drive and media information etc.

    Hope that give you some food for thought.

    My best advice for NEWBIES is:"use the search function.
    Aim for Charm not Perfection
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2004
  11. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Nice Post there grogey bear, very nice indeed :D)


  12. woof811

    woof811 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    i just think its a question of what type of software you get used to using .

    some start off using dvd shrink and swear by it , some use dvd2one and love it , even nero recode2 and me well ive used dvd shrink , dvd2one and nero recode2 and upto now ( touch wood ) had very few probs .
    iff its freeware your after then dvd decrypter with dvd shrink is your answer , it really does work and its free .

    iff you dont mind paying then look no further than dvd2one its an exellent shrinking program , but you will need a ripper as it dont rip dvd decrypter is once again the saviour !

    or iff you have the full nero 6 suite give nero recode 2 a try but once again you need a ripper as it dont rip , but having said that it does a decent job of shrinking .
    as ive said ive tried em all and they all work excellently its just what you feel comfortable with.

    happy burning owd lads :eek:)
    Last edited: May 7, 2004
  13. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Rippers you say ??

    Yes, Decrypter is good BUT I like just a bit more subtlety - DVD43 or AnyDVD, running in the background is more my cup of tea.

    DVD Decrypter I use for the rare “Toughies”.

    My 2 cents -

  14. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I myself use DVD Decrypter always for ripping :

    1) Because it is great at what it does
    2) It was created by a quite brilliant fellow brit [[bold]LightningUK[/bold]]
    3) It isn't just a ripper , it can burn a few different formats too [if it had ability to burn VOB files it would be a bundle that virtually did it all]

    Only DVD Authoring progs I have on my HDD :
    [bold]DVD Decrypter
    DVD Shrink
    Nero 6 Ultra
    MainConcept MPEG Encoder
    TMPGEnc DVD Author[/bold]

    That's all I have ever used & have ever needed to use ... for whatever task :)

    I must admit to not having tried DVD43 & AnyDVD , Pete would you care to elaborate on the 'subtlety' aspects of running said proggies bro ? : ]-~
  15. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Mmmmmmm I'd suggest that ScubaPete does what I do - not surprising since he put me onto the idea in the first place!! :D

    Instead of ripping the entire DVD9 to your HD you run DVD43 or AnyDVD in the background and it removes most of the protection issues - although there are occasions where you can't do without decrypter - then you can "shrink" or "dvd2one" & rip the files straight onto your HD all at once - directly from the disc to the HD, already encoded and shrunk down to size.

    Saves HD space and time as you don't have to rip to HD first.

    Does that put me back at Number 1 Pete? does it? well?

  16. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    Many thanks for the tip on "KProbe2". It is an excellent diagnostic tool. And congratulations on all the tireless testing you have been undertaking. It is very much appreciated !!
  17. grogey

    grogey Guest

    No worries brian100 - let me know how you go with it. I'd be interested in particular if you have the same one little problem that I do.

    Quite often I get a near excellent scan but find that at the very end of my disc both the PI and PO scores go up markedly. I've been watching as the scan progresses and I've discovered that on these scans the BLER scan reading speed will often go up to around 4.6/4.7 right at the end of the disc when this happens even though I've set the read speed at 4.0. Here is an example with Shanghai Noon - note how good most of the disc is with both PI and PO under the required levels for a good scan.

    Now look at the scan I did on the same disc but only of the latter third - from where the scores started to go up. Because it was a relatively short scan there was no speed increase in the read speed - and the scores are indeed excellent.


    To understand how a higher speed scan can effect the final figures, try doing a scan on a particular disc at MAX read speed and then scan the same disc at 4x and compare the differences.

    If I am concerned about any high PI or PO then I do a read error check with DVDInfoPro as if there are no read errors (no matter what the BLER scan result) then the disc will play fine.
  18. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I say there little grogey bear, to what are you refering ??

  19. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Well now let me see....... gee I could have fun with this but best stick to what I actually meant:

    Of course I am only summising.......as you gave me the tip in the first place.
  20. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Oooohh THAT -

    Yea, I could do that -

    (Feelin' it could have been something else BUT no such luck :-=(


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