DVD2SVCD encoding times, please post your results

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Shoey, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Oh i know what you mean man, dont get me wrong but even look at nfo's from release groups, 4 pass vbr is the most used and they are the professionals, they would have to be or no1 would post their releases! time doesnt bother me cause like i said i encode when i sleep!
  2. Adder_78

    Adder_78 Guest

    Well the One Pass VBR method is not well known (Very few people are using it for example in Doom9 forum etc). It will require much more complicated steps than multipass 4pass VBR. It's much faster but you cant predict exactly the file size (almost but not exactly).

    I'm not saying that One Pass VBR would give you better results than 4pass multipass VBR, but it's so close that you cant see the difference (in tv). And if you think about the gain in speed, then there is absolutely nothing that would change my mind that One Pass VBR method is better.

    And please don't mix these two things up:
    One pass VBR
    Multipass VBR

    Those are different options in CCE. So I'm not saying that Multipass VBR 1-pass is better than Multipass VBR 4-pass. :eek:)

    If you have ever read the Doom9's guide about getting the best out of CCE (Robshot method) you should realize that the 4pass method is not the ultimate way to do encoding. After that guide there was this Mr Bach who is "guru" of CCE and he found even beter way to do the same thing. And that is RoBa method (Robshot+Bach)...

    But you have to try the method before you can judge anything... :eek:)

  3. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Like i said u like it your way and i like it my way man :)
  4. Adder_78

    Adder_78 Guest

    Yeah I know ;o) I like the 4pass method too, but now I'm using only this "new" method. You can compare the results for 4pass against 16pass method. You really cant see any difference in picture quality(there should be but...). Only the encoding time is the difference. But like you said it's all up to you. :eek:)
  5. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'll check it out anyway, everything is worth a try :)
  6. euphoria

    euphoria Guest

    Dela, Adder_78, Shoey

    This is all just too much for one reading ;)

    I've used a great deal of different encoders, rippers, tools etc...

    I've become partial to using VirtualDub, AviSynth, DVD2AVI, TMPGenc, VCDEasy, IfoEdit, VobEdit, SmartRipper, DVD2SVCD, and CCE

    Read lots of forums, guides, how-tos, etc...

    AVi is easy, but, I don't truly understand "mpeg" (Qs,Bs,Is,GOP,Matices,etc..)

    Since you are all so knowledgeable and some day would like to be so myself.
    I would so greatly and humbly appreciate if you could point me in the right direction for some goood reading that might expand my own "know how :) "
    (links hopefully, all is welcome though)
  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Try the mpeg handbook by John Watkinson
  8. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    You'll be glad to know I finally finished my test encode methods backing up the movie "Catch Me If You Can"(2:20 min.) I had one heck of a time determining the QFactor as I edited the dvd2svcd.ini file and set the QFactor to 35 (default=5). I was instrcuted by a very knowledgeble mod to change the RoBa Visibe=0 to RoBa Visibe=1. Afyer applying these settings one can see the RoBa encode method in the DVD2SVCD encoder tab folder. I gave that a shot and encoding was blazin' fast BUT my 2nd bbmpeg(and bin& cue) file was nearly 1 gigabyte (ouch). I changed the QFactor to 40, tried again but same results. I then launched D2Sobra (exe) and changed the no. of cd's to 3 and [bold] presto, the file size per 3 cd's came out just fine! [/bold]. I was [bold] very impressed [/bold] with the video playback(home dvd player) and the total encoding time for this movie was [bold] 3 1\2[/bold] hours compared to multi-pas vbr4= [bold] 9 1\2 hours< ouch again [/bold]. I thank you for bringing the Bach, Roba encode method "to the table" and hopefully others reading this post will learn how to encode ripped dvd's to SVCD [bold] much faster [/bold]. Hopefully a guide will be posted in out sticky threads here as well. Thanks again m8.
    D2Sobra 2.42:http://home.no.net/tylo/
    [bold] Those who are willing to test the D2Sobra encode method, DON'T minimize DVD2SVCD in the encode process [/bold]

    [bold] Happy blazin' fast encoding! [/bold]

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2003
  9. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I checked it out too, filesize came out a bit whacked but the video quality was fine. I will still stick with my old method anyway so that my computer will be doing something instead of idling all night :)
  10. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I've backed up 4 dvd's to date and all of them came out just fine. Use D2Sobra 2.4.2 and set no. of cd's to 2-3 and QFactor to 35.

    Shoey :)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
    Forum Rules^
    Mobo: KT4VL MSI-6712
    CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2.5
    Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700)
    nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x
    Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2003
  11. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    ok well ill check out more when i get the time!
  12. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Many thanks for testing m8. Leave the sample rate to 2% and be sure that you have auto shutdown enabled on DVD2SVCD. Once you keep encoding DSobra (2.4.2) method and get accurate QFactor settings, you won't wan't to encode multipass vbr4 method. I chose multipass vbr1 instead of one pass vbr1. I did "Biker Boyz" (1:40) and "Basic" (1:50) and my encode time was [bold] 2 1\2 hours [/bold]<woohoo!

    Shoey :)
  13. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Yep i see how the time from DVD to SVCD conversion would make a real good difference, but most of my encodings are from avi files and usually to DVD-r so i use DVD2SVCD for the encoding since i generally get better quality than any other menthod. But ye I will definately test it out because its only a small amount of time! But definately no auto shutdown, my computer never gets a rest lol!
  14. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Not good on your processor Dela. Hopefully you're running a cpu coolent? CeQuadrant cpu coolers are excellent!

    Shoey :)
  15. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I am indeed im not that stupid lol! BTW, how come u never came to say hello to everyone on the ad_buddies channel man?? Usually there is a nice crowd when its late :d
  16. slagfart

    slagfart Guest

    Could someone please provide a newbie link for this method? At least a very basic guide.

    The newbie is the one with the slow computer (usually) and from what I've looked at, this method seems to be a 'free lunch' situation, with faster encoding times without the drop in quality.

    I'm running a Duron 800, and right now it takes in the vicinity of 40 hours to encode as I need the PAL Telecide. Any way to reduce this time is very welcome.

    Edit: For an excellent cooler comparison, check out http://www.dansdata.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2003
  17. slagfart

    slagfart Guest

    Sorry. Go here all. I'm a delinquent and I did it!
  18. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I thinik shoey has a couple of links that might help!
  19. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    The DVD2SVCD plugin D2SoBrA 2.46 is petty much self explainatory m8. Rather than choosing 1,2 or 3cd's, choose 1-2, 2-3 cd's. This way D2SoBrA will find the best possible "Q-Factor" [bold] before encoding [/bold] Basically all you have to do is rip the dvd movie then launch D2SoBrA (after input settings). D2SoBrA will launch DVD2SVCD then you load the [bold] .ifo file [/bold] and off you go.
    [bold] How to backup your DVD to SVCD [/bold]
    Step 1: Getting Ready.

    1. Install SmartRipper (if needed)
    SmartRipper 2.41
    2. Install CCE
    3. Install DVD2SVCD
    4. Install Nero or burnatonce as required.
    burnatonce: http://www.burnatonce.com/downloads/
    Nero Burning Rom ftp://ftp4.nero.com/Nero551050.exe
    5. D2SoBrA 2.46 http://home.no.net/tylo/

    Step 2: Copying DVD files to harddrive.

    1. Put the DVD movie into your DVD Rom player. It doesn't get much easier than this!

    2. I prefer to use SmartRipper than DVD2SVCD own internal programs as I can strip out unwanted Audio and Subtitles. This speeds up the conversion. I can also do this part at my leisure.

    3. Run SmartRipper, it should detect your DVD and unlock all files. If it has problems, actually play the movie with WinDVD or other DVD player first, then run SmartRipper.

    4. Select Settings and for Key Check set Every VOB File. For File Splitting, set Every VOB File and for Options select Unlock Drive, DeMacrovision, Copy IFO File and Create Directories.

    5. Click on Stream Processing tab and check which audio stream is English or the language you wish to rip. Also, if you enable Stream Processing and unselect the langauages and subtitles you DONT want, then the final conversion can be sped up considerably. The VOB files will now be smaller on your HD than they are on the DVD.

    6. Selecting Start to start ripping the VOB files of the DVD to your hard drive. This can take 5 to 30 minutes depending on your computer setup and the actual DVD.

    A typical directory of a DVD is similar to :

    VIDEO_TS BUP 16,384
    VIDEO_TS IFO 16,384
    VIDEO_TS VOB 43,008
    VTS_01_0 BUP 77,824
    VTS_01_0 IFO 77,824
    VTS_01_0 VOB 1,695,744
    VTS_01_1 VOB 1,048,565,696\
    VTS_01_2 VOB 1,048,565,696 \ <-- This is the Main movie
    VTS_01_3 VOB 1,048,565,696 /
    VTS_01_4 VOB 589,365,248 /
    VTS_02_0 BUP 18,432
    VTS_02_0 IFO 18,432
    VTS_02_0 VOB 43,008
    VTS_02_1 VOB 296,014,976 <-- This is normally the Trailer, Interviews, etc

    Step 3: SVCD Conversion.

    1. Run DVD2SVCD. It may complain it cannot find CCE, so click the Encoder tab and then browse your HD for CCE (cctsp.exe) depending on where you installed it. This will happen 1st time it is run only.

    2. Click the Conversion tab, and load in the IFO file of the DVD you have ripped to your HD. It will indicate its length and select the correct Aspect ratio mode. There is no Cut or Trim features here. I do not recommend ticking NTSC to PAL box unless you like jerky movies.

    3. Click the Misc. tab, then Default Output folder to select the Output folder where all the files will go. Un-tick Dont Delete any Files (not important if you dont) change DVD2SVD Level to Advanced.

    4. Click the CDImage tab. If you dont want any fancy Chapters or Title pictures, etc, just click Dont Make Images and you will end up with 2-3 MPG files ready to burn with Nero. If you do want to include Chapter and/or Title Pictures select VCDXBuild. The dafault ChangeCD pic is excellent.

    5. Click the Subtitles tab if you want to include and subs. Tick the Rip Subtitles box and select either Permanent Sub titles or SVCD Subtitles (this allows them to be selectable on your DVD Player). In Subtitle Lang. 1 pick the language you want. It must have been on the DVD originally.

    6. Click the Audio Tab and click on Audio 2 Priority if your including a second audio track. Leave Audio downsample 48 -> 44.1 ticked as this makes a fully compliant SVCD. Change Audio Bitrate from the default 160bps if you wish but the higher it is, the larger the final file or the lower the Video bitrate used to fit to the CD's.

    7. Click the Frameserver tab and select Resize Method to be Bicubic Resize.

    8. Click the Bitrate tab to see the number of CD's and their size for the movies length. Leave these at default initially, just un-select Min Avg if its ticked. DVD2SVCD calculates the bitrate automatically for you to just fit onto your CDR's.

    9. Click the Encoder tab and make sure Cimema Craft Encoder is selected (and not TMPGEnc). Multipass VBR should be set at 3 or 4, remebering 4 takes 33% longer to encode than a 3 pass. If time is not an issue select 4, else select 3. There is very little quality defference between a 3 or 4 pass SVCD.

    10. All is now setup and we are ready to begin the encodeing.

    11. Click the Conversion tab again and if all is ready, click the GO button. Click Start Conversion then confirm with OK. If you have selected Subtitles, it will now ask you to select the actual one from the VOB file list.
    13. When finished you will have in the default folder you selected, about 20-30+ files. There will be 2-3 MPG files like bbMPEG_Muxed_File00.mpg if you did not make an image. You will have 2-3 BIN & CUE files like CD_Image_File_CD1.bin if you did.

    14. Play them with WinDVD (or your favorite SVCD player software, I dont recommend Windows Media Player) to check them for lip sync near start and finish of each file and any other problem.

    15. You have now made your first SVCD files and all thats left is to burn them.
    Step 4: Burning.

    1. If you have BIN & CUE files, run burnatonce Browse to the folder where the images were saved to and load the CD_Image_File_CD1.cue file for CD1. Select the Write Speed to be 4x or 8x and all other boxes un-ticked. Hit the Start Recording button and sit back and watch your first SVCD disk being burnt.

    2. If you have MPG files, run Nero. Click the Super VideoCD tab for a SVCD, select Create Standard Compliant CD. In Volume Descriptor tab, enter a Volume Label, such as THE_GLADIATOR_1 for disk 1 of the Gladiator. Click on New and then drag & drop the bbMPEG...00.mpg file from the right window (your HD) to the left window (the SVCD disk). Nero will check through the mpg file to confirm that it is a compliant SVCD file. After it finishes checking the file all should be well, click the Burn Button. Select the Write Speed to be 4x or 8x and make sure Disk-At-Once is selected and Finalize CD is ticked. Then click Write and sit back and watch your first SVCD disk being burnt.

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2003
  20. memcco

    memcco Regular member

    Nov 24, 2002
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    for what it's worth, i encode to cvd not svcd....have a 3.06 gig proc...1 gig ram...win xp pro....2 hr movie usually takes 8 hours...using tmpge instead of cce...2 pass...quality is great.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2003

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