DVD2SVCD won't load my avi file and VBR question

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Ran11, Mar 26, 2003.

  1. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Try to burn with VCDEasy at low speed and using good media.

    The CCE logo is there because you have a trial, the full version has no logo!!

  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    If you go with VCDEasy, after installing go to settings>CDRDAO>select your burner>set force driver setting to generic mmc& disable burnproof. Also, be sure when your backing up dvd2svcd that you check VCDXBuild in the CD Image tab folder and when all encoding is finished, burn [bold]bin&cue[/bold].

  3. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Thanks Dela, will do.

    Shoey, thanks for your tips. I have installed VCDeasy, made sure my CD burner appears in the fields you mention and checked the VCDXBuild option in DVD2SVCD. Just one question, where should I find the "burn bin&cue" feature you mention?

    Again, thank you.

  4. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Well if you have burn selected when you click the go button, it should build the .bin/.cue and should burn it!
  5. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    [bold]Before[/bold] you start to encode using DVD2SVCD, you wan't to make sure the VCDXBuild is checked. This will create the bin& cue files after final encoding. [bold]These[/bold] are the files you wan't to burn using VCDEasy.
    Also in the Bitrate tab folder, set the 1st three cd size (over to the right) to 800 and down near the bottom, check Min. Avg. Be sure to burn [bold]NO[/bold] faster than 8x.


    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2003
  6. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Again, thanks for your input Dela and Shoey.

    I have just finished encoding the file as you said and am about to burn it with VCDEasy. Is it possible to do the header trick inside VCDEasy? If not, what do I have to do to make the TMPGenc header trick resulting file work with the rest of the files DVD2SVCD has created in VCDEasy?

    I look forward to your input in order to go ahead with the process.

  7. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I don't backup DVD2VCD (TMPEnc) simply because the video is [bold]no [/bold] comparison to SVCD. I saved this "VCD Header Trick" that was posted by dela on another thread in case I needed it (hehe). This rules out burning bin& cue format for VCD format. I would use Nero to burn VCD as I've read it's rock solid.

    VCD Header trick:VCD Header trick

    Open TMPGEnc, click mpeg tools. Click the "simple multiplex" tab. Click browse beside the video source input and load in the SVCD mpg file! change video type to MPEG-1 VideoCD (non standard). Make sure the output filename is different from the input and click run! (Originally posted by Dela).

    1. Run Nero. Click the VideoCD tab, select Create Standard Compliant CD. In ISO tab, select only ISO Level 2 and ISO9660, all others un-ticked. In Volume Descriptor tab, enter a Volume Label, such as THE_GLADIATOR_1 for disk 1 of the Gladiator. Click on New and then drag & drop the Disk1.mpg file from the right window (your HD) to the large left window (the VCD disk). Nero will check through the mpeg file to confirm that it is a compliant VCD file. After it finishes checking the file, all should be well, (if not do NOT continue, but check back over your steps as you have missed something) click the Burn Button. Select the Write Speed to be 4x maximum for older 8x or 12x burners. Select 8x or 12x for late model 24x or faster burners. Make sure Disk-At-Once is selected and Finalize CD is ticked. Then click Write and sit back and watch your first VCD disk being burnt. Burn [bold]no [/bold] faster than 8x.

    *note* Try and load the bin& cue files for the VCD header trick and see what happens. If your successfull then I would [bold] definatly [/bold] go this route, burn bin&cue using VCD Easy.

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2003
  8. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    OK, I did the header trick multiplexing with TMPGenc and the final result plays back fine in my computer. Then I burned it with Nero using the Nero wizard and the settings you pointed out inluding choosing the non compliant VCD option when presented with the choice. Unfortunately, again, the resulting VCDs cound and images are out of sync (images play before the sound)when played in my standalone DVD player (a Sony). This did not happen when I did the same process (a 28-hour endeavour) solely in TMPenc although I did get its familiar "jerkies".

    What can I do to get a VCD from a SVCD file (so that it plays in my DVD player without this out of sync problem? As you surely can understand, this is quite a disheartening situation.

    I look forward to your input.

    Thank you
  9. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I always select dont make images in DVD2SVCD!! Probably because I'm used to it by now :)
  10. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Dela, must I understand from your post that if I set DVD2SVCD to not make images all should go well?

    Please confirm, because if this is what you are telling me I'll try it immediately.
  11. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    No I didnt say that I just dont like the images that dvd2svcd makes! I'd prefer to get mpg out of it instead!!
  12. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Oh, OK Dela.

    Do you think it could make a difference if I multiplex the DVD2SVCD mpv file and its accompanying mpg sound file instead of the Muxed mpg in TMPGenc to do the header trick comversion.

    I am still trying to find a way to get the images and the sound to sync when burned on a CD with Nero. As I said before, I cannot understand what the problem is since this did not happen with files encoded in TMPenc although I much prefer the image quality from DVD2SVCD (including its lack of "jerkies").

    Could the cue file created by DVD2SVCD take care of this sync problem? If so, how could I get this to affect the file once I load it into TMPGenc?

    I look forward to your input. Thank you.
  13. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I'd doubt the sound from the original mpg would be in sync if it was multiplexed with the video from the output!

    DVD2SVCD would be one of the most reliable programs for no sync problems!!
  14. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    I wasn't referring to multimplexing the video from the output with the original sound, but, rather, with the output sound. See, the idea would be to multiplex the separate output files instead of the mixed out put file.

    What seems strangest to me is that the file resulting from multiplexing the DVD2SVCD file in TMPGenc seems to work fine in my computer, but not when burnt with Nero unto a CD and played in my standalone DVD player.

    This did not happen with files encoded and multiplexed entirely in TMPGenc although these files did have (to mee) serious "jerkies". This is what boggles me.
  15. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Try using VCDEasy to burn your encoded file(s). Nero does has its conflicts. I abandoned Nero quite some time ago because of video pixel issues. If your final encoded files are in sync (audio\video), then burn at 4x, no higher than 8x and your backup should be just fine.

    Shoey :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2003
  16. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Hi guys!

    It's been about a week since I last posted any message here.

    the truth is I've been trying a lot of different solutions to my problems and, unfortunately, none of them works.

    I tried your suggestion of burning with VCDEasy and got worst results than with Nero.

    DVD2SVCD is fast and seems to work basically fine encoding SVCD files, but I am getting some "jerkies" at the beginning of the resulting file and sometimes one a long way into the movie.

    Worst of all, once I do the header trick on the resulting file (the former problems notwithstanding) I can play it on my DVD, but the sound plays about 1-2 seconds after the picture (not in my PC, though). This is driving me nuts.

    Now for the questions: Is there a way to solve this issue? (I have tried solving it with MPEG-VCR, but its demo version won't handle MPEG-2 files and, in any case, I wouldn't be able to resyncronize the sound with the image for the DVD sue to the fact that it plays well in my PC. (BTW, I always burn my VCDs at x4 and have even tried x2 and x1 and none solves the problem).

    Curiously enough, in a SVCD file I encoded with TMPGenc (28 hours it took me), which I then did the header trick on, when I burned it unto VCD with Nero it plays correctly -sound and video in sync in my DVD. The problem again are TMPEGenc's "jerkies" and the long hours it takes to encode. I hope this information could give you a clue as to where the couse of this lack of sync in my DVD player comes from when encoding with DVD2SVCD.

    A curious thing I am also experiencing as of late is that the infamous white bars in the MPEG codec fly all around the movie screen when I play an MPEG-encoded file. (Before it stayed in its place on the topmost right corner).

    A little observation in the side: my files need to be PAL encoded. Whenever I have followed the instructions give with DVD2SVCD of not checking the "NTSC to PAL" option to avoid a trembling file I have ended up WITH a trembling file. I imagine, thus, that this option should be selected whenever one is creating a PAL encoded file.

    Also, DVD2SVCD in m experience as proven to be very bad at encoding VCDs. TMPGenc gives a better result, but suffers from "jerkies".

    As always, any input would be welcome.

    I must say that after so many tests (and so many failed burnt VCDs) I am about to give up on any of this.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much for any hope-enhancing information you can give me.

    Sorry for this long post, but it comes after many tests and tries.
  17. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Ok, what encoder are you using with DVD2SVCD??

    I didnt read the whole thread cause I dont have the time so I barely remember anything! Anyway, you mentioned a logo flying around the screen?? do you mean the cce sp logo?? or do you mean one that says divx??

    DVD2SVCD is a little bastart of a program to tackle but when you get used to it, you'll wonder why would you use anything else! I recentlky helped phantom over a very long period of time through PM's to get his to work perfectly so I should be able to help here!!
  18. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    Hi Dela!

    I am using CCE SP with DVD2SVCD.

    The logo I mention flying around is the Elecard one.

    If you can find the time at all to read my whole post I ask you to please do as there are many things I have found out or come across that should aid in finding out what the cause of my woes is.

    Thanks for your time and input.

    Have a nice day.
  19. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    What version of CCE SP are you using and is it a demo or the full thing?
  20. Ran11

    Ran11 Member

    Mar 26, 2003
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    CCE SP 2.50.01 full thing.

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