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DVDrebuilder CCE, with DVDremake and Other Tools for Beginners

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just when you thought S-Y-K-E-S had left the building.

  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Poor wit and humor aside, this is going a bit far. Happyuser, if you are that unhappy, don't use the program. The Rebuilder I believe, was intended so the beginner could enjoy some of the uses of CCE without the high learning curve involved. Sometimes too much input takes the fun out. Especially if one is a part time enthusiast.

    JDobbs and Vurbal have made it possible for many to use the program and they are doing so successfully. Your technical ramblings are doing no one any good. If you do want to make a statement, take it to the correct section of the board and leave this one be. Afterall, you are in the Newbie section. You want to be in the advanced section, if you dare.

    I doubt your presence will be missed here. You are much too disruptive with nothing being achieved. If you are the expert you believe yourself to be, why don't you write a complete guide and see how that works out. No cheating copying parts of Vurbal's guide. We take away points for plagiarism.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2004
  4. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    From what you wrote, one can come to the conclusion that you do not know enough ( or maybe anything at all ) about the SmoothDeinterlacer. If you know about it, please prove that you have enough knowledge of it.
    Well, since you have not tried it with DVD-Rebuilder, then you'd better listen to the ones who had tried it already.
    Or I am in doubt that whether you know about this DVD-Rebuilder well enough to write a guide on it.
    Please reread what I wrote about the incentive to deinterlace those contents that were pure interlaced. That was really a joke when you said that pure interlaced contents need not be deinterlaced when it is encoded as progressive. Even when you decide to encode it as interlaced, with DVD-Rebuilder, interlaced encoding with the ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) would result in some form of color shifting.
    If you are an enough responsible person who had wrote a guide on DVD-Rebuilder, you would be at least accept this "SHORT-FALL" of this DVD-Rebuilder.
    What short-fall you may ask? Well, DVD-Rebuilder encode pure interlaced contents as progessive without deinterlacing them at all. If DVD-Rebuilder encode these pure interlaced contents as INTERLACED, the problem will arise with the statement ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) and the way DVD-Rebuilder had use "Forced Film" on these pure interlaced contents to bring them down from the original 29.976 fps to the 23.976 fps to feed into CCE.
    Without a good deinterlacer, like the SmoothDeinterlacer to be use and to have to be used with this DVD-Rebuilder, there would be a great mistake in the ENCODING procedure.
  5. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    No need for me to write a new guide. I had already used SmoothDeinterlacer with this DVD-Rebuilder and had successfully produced the best possible DVD quality you can imagine. No need to prove more while vurbal had not tried SmoothDeinterlacer with this DVD-Rebuilder.
  6. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I belive the point was missed. You are disagreeing on technical terms in a Newbie forum. My request for the better guide was from your claims of superior understanding. Write the guide for the beginners, just leave the technical jargon and wranglings where it belongs, in an advanced section.

    Your game of one-upmanship places you in the role of being a nuisance. I would guess you don't want to be perceived in that manner. So why not take this to the advanced section where it belongs and leave this Newbie section alone. If you have a simple guide or instructions, just present them and they will be accepted or not. Having a running disagreement of this sort helps no one.


    I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

    [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2004
  8. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    What I don't understand is why you had to introduce yourself so abrasively and start putting people down. We're all here to learn, not to waste our time fending off insults. If you recall in a previous post I made to you I stated that if you have something to offer then tell us what it is and we'll listen, share it with us there’s always room for growth. Instead you chose to put us down. Vurbal’s made an apology to you and perhaps he’s found a reason to but I think you also owe him an apology.

    I would like you to go back over your posts and delete them, I’m certain that Vurbal will do the same and so will I. I’ll let Vurbal decide which thread is best to pursue this discussion. If your point is valid, you’ll find us a lot more accommodating if you’re a little nicer.
  10. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sophocles is correct. This could have been handled better and should have been dealt with elsewhere. A PM or an email would have been more appropriate than hashing it out in public on a newbie site.
  11. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    It's a shame that happyuser chose to simply come in and treat us like children to be talked down to instead of adults to discuss things with in a rational fashion. I have no problem with being proven wrong. In fact I welcome it. I'm always looking to learn more. But I won't be talked down to like that. I'm willing to shrug it off the first time or 2 and give people a chance to change their tone on the chance that it may be unintentional. If you want to get people to listen to you there are better ways to do it, and if you want to prove your point, telling the people you're disagreeing with to prove it for you isn't likely to accomplish anything.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
    DVD Rebuilder Guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced.cfm[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2004
  12. samintx

    samintx Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    OK...dumb questions: I need two programs with DVDrebuilder. I also need to buy CCE? but I don't see where to buy it.

    It is for DVD-R 9G disks??. But I can use with 4.7G?

    Will write only -Rs? can you use an external Sony DVD+/- drive with this software?

    Looking for something that is as good as DVDXpress. I love that program. Also like FASTDVDCOPY for mac
  13. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    The DVD-RB/CCE guide is a very good place to start. It has all the links you will need:


    [bold]It is for DVD-R 9G disks??. But I can use with 4.7G? [/bold]
    The S/W combo will convert a DVD-9 to a DVD-5. It is set up like other 1-click transcoders with a source and destination folder. You need a burner like Nero. If the file does not need compressing, rip with a program like DVD Decrypter and burn directly to disc.

    [bold]Will write only -Rs? can you use an external Sony DVD+/- drive with this software? [/bold]
    The DVD-RB/CCE process gives you a file you can burn to +R or -R. You can use an external drive.

    [bold]Looking for something that is as good as DVDXpress.[/bold]
    The quality of output is significantly better than DVDXpress or any of the other popular 1-click transcoder programs.

    [bold]Also like FASTDVDCOPY for mac [/bold]
    I do not know if DVD-RB/CCE is MAC compatible.

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2004
  14. happyuser

    happyuser Guest

    Here is the questions: actually two very relevant questions for all of us:
    1. You have a dvd of pure ntsc ( 29.976 ) interlaced. Are you willing to encode this dvd with DVD-Rebuilder while knowing that this DVD-Rebuilder will use "Forced Film" on this 29.976 pure interlaced to bring it down to 23.976 and then this DVD-Rebuilder will encode this pure interlaced content as interlaced ( alternate_scan=true )?
    If you DISABLE "INTERLACED" for all VTS-Sets, this DVD-Rebuilder will encode every VTS-Sets as progressive without deinterlacing anything.
    2. You have a dvd that the main film ( movie ) is of progressive ( 97% or higher FILM ( progressive ): one that we can use "forced film" feature on ): obviously you have to use the DVD-Rebuilder to encode this DVD: because DVD-Rebuilder handles well contents of ( progressive ) film well.
    But EXTRAS ( trailers, behind the scenes, etc. ) ( on this same dvd ): some are FILM, some are contents that need to be IVTCed, and some are PURE INTERLACED ( ntsc ). Obviously, FILM and contents that need to be IVTCed are handled well by this DVD-Rebuilder. But PURE INTERLACED ntsc contents will not handle well in this manner as follows:
    a. Let's say, for example, VTS_05 has six ( 6 ) video segments ( AVSs ) of either FILM or contents that need to be IVTCed, and this VTS_05 also has twenty ( 20 ) video segments ( AVSs ) that are pure interlaced ( ntsc ). Obviously, if you DO NOT disable "Interlaced" for this VTS_05 and use "Deinterlace with DECOMB", DVD-Rebuilder will encode the above twenty ( 20 ) pure interlaced video segments ( AVSs ) as interlaced ( alternate_scan=true ) and with the lines "FieldDeinterlace(blend=false)" and the "ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true)". What would be an issue is that FieldDeinterlacer is a bad deinterlacer, and ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) will result in some form of color shifting. Further more, interlaced encoding is far worse than progressive encoding.
    b. So now you will not use "Deinterlace with DECOMB": DVD-Rebuilder will not deinterlace the above twenty pure interlaced video segments ( AVSs ) and encode them as interlaced ( alternate_scan=true ) and with ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) at 23.976 fps. According to documentation of DVD-Rebuilder, ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) will result in some form of color shifting.
    c. Now you will DISABLE "INTERLACED" for the above VTS_05: DVD-Rebuilder will encode all the video segments ( AVSs ) as progressive ( progressive=true ). Now you go into the twenty pure interlaced video segments ( AVSs ) above and insert statement to deinterlace with SmoothDeinterlacer into every single one of these twenty pure interlaced video segments ( AVSs ).
    d. Now there you go: the twenty pure interlaced video segments above will be deinterlaced with SmoothDeinterlacer and then be encoded as progressive ( progressive=true ).

  15. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I've copied this last post (along with some comments of my own) to a new thread so we can have a serious discussion without derailing this one any further. We can always post our eventual conclusions here when we're done.
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No more

    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  17. X56kemoX

    X56kemoX Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    why get mad there is no gain .
  18. Doc409

    Doc409 Active member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    A number of us are peturbed over happyuser's breech of forum etiquite in this thread, and this has been resolved elsewhere. Clearly, however, you have never had the experience of devoting your time and energy to something meaningful, only to have someone come along and disrespect it ... or you wouldn't have to ask that question. For you, this forum is still a place to take, and to not give back. I trust that will change.

  19. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    In every dialogue and discourse, we must be able to say to those who take offence, "Of what do you complain?"

    Pensees Section III: of the Necessity of the Wager[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2004
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    My concern was that the statements made by happyabuser might be read by someone who would as a result of those statements, be turned off from trying DVD-RB/CCE Basic. No one had a problem with him disagreeing with us it was this condescending attitude which was further complicated by his direct putdowns of us. One can only be told that they don't know what they're doing so many times before they feel a need to respond.

    Further more this is a thread for beginners and not a place for advanced users to shoot their mouths off. If he had concerns about DVD-RB then he should have taken them up in an advanced thread. I PM’d him the URL for an advanced thread that I knew had a good chance for jdobbs the author of DVD-RB to read his dribble. I’m happy to say that as soon as he began posting jdobbs showed up. His tone went from self proclaimed superiority to some embarrassing butt kissing.

    Read the stuff that he posted then follow the URL below and read again.


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