OK, I get the message guys. Give me some time and I will put together the some of steps that were used while troubleshooting the issue. I am very busy these days with work so please be patient. But an explanation for using Instant Messenger instead of the forum. The forum while good as it is, can be slow as well as confusing, with everyone from whoever and whatever giving advice and not all of it sound.This is in reference to 321 software, so let me make that clear. A newbie will not always know which path to take, although there is usually very good advice. My experience with the 321 software information is that most of you have the general troubleshooting steps or as we called it the "blacklist" that we emailed to everyone. Troubleshooting and problem resolution can be very involving and tedious requiring a person to do a variety of things to there computer that if in the hands of the wrong person and without proper guidance and thorough knowledge of the issue, can ruin a pc. So please understand that my intentions are of no way to work around the forum and not share information but to give inforamtion that will assist a person with issues and not give information that if in the wrong hands, can give the user a bad experience and the forum, a bad name. Any and all advice for a better way to handle such issues are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
321, I don't think we would be dangerous without your help but it might save us some valuable time and, were a Newbie to read it, it might save us a thread to begin with I don't think it's possible to write a troubleshooting guide to handle all problems BUT, the only thing that we were commenting on was - a Newbie, looking at this thread, seeing that there is a great big gaping hole and as the "Bear" said, it could lead to the wrong impression - Just comments here, that's all - Thoughts for a "next time" Peace and harmony everyone - "P"
I understand Pete and I'm not speaking of the more experienced pc techie. I'm speaking of the person that has a bit of knowledge, those can be the most dangerous with certain aspects of trouble shooting an issue. Different OS's, chipsets, bios's, memory have different temperaments concerning our software. Also, someone may read the instructions ,try it and a problem may arise from the attempt. Now what do they do? Try and undo it? Even an experience pc user may or not know. But for sure, an individual trained on the resolution of 321studios software has a much better chance of resolving that issue or better yet, not going down a potentially dangerous path. I'm not trying to weasle out of my responsibilty to the forum or any of you guys and girls. I am truly apologetic if I have offended anyone or if I have broken a rule, this is truly not my intention. P.S. A bit of advice is to make certain that all of the motherboard drivers, bios, ide drivers are updated with the newest enhancements offered by the manufacturer.
. Ooohhh, No, my friend, Nothing of the sort - No one is offended, just wondered how you were able to accomplish what you did - We like to pick the brains of those with special insight brobear and I were speaking the other day about answering posts in PM's instead of forums and I felt it seemed like "Double duty" answering a post in PM's and then again in forum - Working in PM isn't any fun for me, it's work - more fun to banter about ideas in forums, you get more accomplished that way I feel - Anyway, water under the bridge - Time to move on peace and harmony ) Pete
Oh I see,, Well no problem sharing the bit of information that I can remember off hand. This issue was as posted, Platinum kept shutting down,but at 8-12% into ripping. I had him do a Belarc report which I examined, It showed that his OS needed updates, DID that. Checked paton-couffin. Made certain that platinum folder wasnt shared. Had generic IDE drivers before XP updates, Uninstalled and reinstalled after updates and got the WIndows IDE controllers. Ran a memory stress test. Checked for current mother board drivers, NVidia chipset AMD Athlon XP cpu. Ok now we try a burn, we get to 50% and platinum shuts down. Did not run CPU stress test, though. I havent heard from him but I made sure that he has the software to do so if he chooses. I generally suggest that this information to anyone new to DVD burning. dvd Newbie site http://www.mrbass.org/dvdnewbie/ This is what I can remember off the top of my head. Hope that this helps.