Hey i have a few psx games, and if you have a good cd/dvd drive in your xbox or just are lucky and have a bad thompson ( im unlucky) you should be able to read the disk since i think psx games are C.D. based. You can however if this does not work use internet resources ..... hrmmm... to get working versions and burn them to dvd or ftp them to ur xbox. they have to be in iso format. You can also take your disk, put it in ur cd drive, rip it to ur pc hard drive, iso it, and then burn or ftp it. if you have any questions about this just reply here. hope i helped, peace.
Uhm......thanks but uh i wanna rip the game to my computer and ISO (If required) it and FTP the game to my X-Box,but i dont know what file to extract it with or what to ISO(if required) it with.....could you just tell me everything that i need (programs) and exacly what to do for that? O yea and hmsht or something,i added you to my Msn Messneger so we can chat if i need further help (wich i do) Any hep is greatly appreciated!
use Qwix to create the ISO of the extracted file from ISOBuster, this will create a proper xbox iso file.
Hey i see ur problem and i had the same what i realized is if i go to file explorer and look to were i save them threw there and open the emulator there it works it wont show up any were else try and see if that works