Error 21

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by sesko, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    ok thats good you softmoded your xbox retail hd , you need your eeprom.bin to lock then new hd and a dash to load . the reason why i mention to go to that website because the stuff i have over there is what is needed to softmod an xbox . where the stuff is not here . that goes for the tut's the files and the xboxhdm1.9

    so i mean i can tell you what you need to do but im limited to alot of things here since their isnt much useful links or stuff .
  2. djchase

    djchase Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    ok so you can help me then cause the back up of my retail hd is messed up so i need a back to deal with it do you have a copy of that by any chance the C: and E: drive
  3. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    lol you dont need my C and E .... messed up softmod files? i'v been their 2 yrs ago and i fixed it ... its all on that website really ill link to everything and before you know it you'll have a full working xbox even upgrade hd :D meet me their make a new thread and ill find you

    ( you dont need my C or E E is your personal info er i give you my eeprom.bin and you run into error code 06 C is the main dashboard to load up ... i have the latest build files on hq .
  4. djchase

    djchase Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    do i have to sign up and where do i go it looks more like a chat site...where are the forums
  5. gus738

    gus738 Guest yes you can make an account very fast and easy . and theirs also a chat room . but i really suggest to join :D cya their :D
  6. djchase

    djchase Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    aright im in where do i go directly so solve the problem quickly..
  7. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    make a thread ill find you . or pm me : gus738
  8. djchase

    djchase Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    lol i know its easy but gus im so lost djchase i cant navigate my self aound this site
  9. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    whats your profile name on hq ? what you need is to ftp first so that way you have a backup then from their you and me are going to re install fresh and re mod .... sounds like a long process but it isnt really . what exactly you feel that is kinda messed up on your xbox? further more lets continue on hq ... pm gus738 or make a thread under newbie sectition or softmod section :D ....

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