wasn't "yaba daba doo" done by Fred Flintstone? i can remember an argument between kyle and eric on south park...went something like: kyle: shut up, fatass! eric: don't call me a fatass, you f*****' jew! kyle: then don't belittle my people, you f*****' fatass! i laughed so hard...
Chef: Children, uh, what's the one thing that's more sacred to a man than anything else in the world? Stan: Uh, bicycles? Cartman: Ham? Kyle: No, not ham, you fat fusk! Cartman: Screw you! It's ham, isn't it? I Think that it was from the 4th of july one with the big snake.
OK, I couldn't remember the exact quotes so I looked them up. From Futurama: Nibblonian 1: "It's a genetic abnormality which resulted when you went back in time and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather." Fry: "I did do the nasty in the pasty!" Nibblonian 2: "Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains. You are the last hope of the universe." Fry: "So, I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?" Nibblonian 1: "Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock." From the same episode: Fry: "What's so evil about that?" Nibblonian 3: "They plan to collect all the information in the universe and store it within the sphere." Fry: "So they're trying to learn things?" Nibblonian 3: "Right." Fry: "Those bastards!"
Cartman: "I'm going over mhey and you are going over mhay." Cartman: If some girl tried to kick my ass, I'd be like, 'Hey. Why don't you stop ... dressing me like a mailman ... uh, and making me dance for you ... while you go and ... smoke crack in your bedroom ... and have sex with ... some guy ... I don't even know. On my dad's bed." Cartman: "I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried anything, I'd be like: hey, you get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!" Homer: Yeah, that's one fine lookin'-(BBQ pieces fall in cement) Stupid Lisa! Cement drying. AHH! English side ruined, must use French instructions! Le grille? What the hell is that?!?! Gotta improvise. (Homer puts together grill hastily, time passes) Ah, that's one fine lookin' barbeque pit. (Puts down box) Why doesn't mine look like that?! (Hits barbeque pit) Why must everything in life be so hard? Why can't I acheive at anything?! Marge (in house): How's your father's project coming along? Bart: I think he's almost done. (Outside, Homer rams an umbrella into the pit and it opens) He's done.
-A sign in Strokers Ice House- (on the show Texas Hardtails) Men No Shirt, No Service Women No Shirt, Free Beer -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're a thinkin' what I'm a thinkin' you're a thinkin', that old dog won't hunt -Festus on Gunsmoke-
The two worst things that can happen to a man is a good woman and being left afoot ... .. From Gunsmoke ..
no particular quotes, but just things that quagmire says. like in the episode (@ the end)where he walks in2 the girls locker room and finds a young teen girl bound and gagged..... "dear diary.......JACKPOT!!" and of course the "gi gidi gi gidi gi gidi giiii" he is better than the simpsons and futuram combined!!