if you subscribe to the disney pack for the main box then you should get the same channels in the other rooms as part of multiroom which is around 4.50, your been ripped off if your paying for 3 packages,ring upc to get sorted,your been seriously overcharged
you can get the max pack from them for €34.00 ok and if you add multi room on its an extra €5.00 per box total charge for 3 rooms max pack should be no more than €44.00
think you are, I am on the Max pack which includes Disney, 34 a month. check their site, an extra 5 euro per month per box, dont know where your getting 138 from???? something seriously wrong there. check their site, prices all there
He must have all the extra packages which is about €30 a month for some of the football ones that is where the extra charges are coming from i would say
Buut he mentions 'no sports or movies'? Sounds like they are seriously ripping you off mate. I'd call up and give 'em hell to be honest. At least the Highwayman had the decency to wear a mask!
Yep thats exactly what im saying. Something is seriously wrong there, sounds like u have 3 different subscriptions whereas all you should be paying is the price of ur package - once - plus the additional 4.50 per extra box, 138 is insane, it wouldnt cost that to get all the sports & movies on top of the max package.
That sounds like a similar issue I had with N*L a couple of years back. I signed up with them and ordered the Max Pack with Sports and a second box for another room. Some weeks later I got my bill totaling over €120. When I rang them they told me (after 45 minutes of 'Greensleeves') that I was paying for Max and Sports on both boxes (two packages) because I asked for a second box and didn't use the option name 'Multiroom' when ordering. Sounds like this is what has happened here. Give them a ring and tear them a new one! I did.
no lads no extra thats a defo ,one box main room I asked for two boxs for kids room and asked for only disney nothing else realistically why would a 3 and 6 year old want the other channels anyway they told me no sir you need the ditigal packages and then you pay extra for disney .i defo pay 138 and no movies or sports ,now the question is are you all getting a two months discount sort of thing and then is goes up after that .but i could not get the disney for the kids unless i took the other package and ill be ringing then tomorrow to check it out .the theiving C*** . thats if i get throught i keep you informed
bill is right lads be carefull if you get get addional points, thats where my bill is going.they charge 27 euro for the extra point and box per room ,when I asked about the €5.00 multiroom ,thats a new thing for new customers but thats only the box not the cable point. and i was right you cant get disney now to clarify "disney" I mean cinemagic thats 8.00 euro without the max package also you cant down grade to the new customer 5 euro multiroom without losing disney .if you have one box lets say a recorder box and run a cable to another room you cant get another box from upc unless they either cancel your extisting box or you pay 50 euro for some one to come out and run the cable for you ,then you pay for the new point and extra box all this adds up.So in short if you get three boxs and get disney you will be paying 138 every two months.take of the cine magic and all the rest will cost you 130.00 euro.is sky any cheaper
so they are chargin ya for points? when ya get that done? they stopped doing that a while back, i had at one time 2 boxs up stairs and only paid for the boxs, at the time were 8.50 a box, yer being robbed mate, 27 for a point and box!!!!
thats roberry, 27 euro just to run a cable in to the rooms,and with multiroom you shud be paying 5 per box not paying for the points,tell them your going to cancel ,i bet thyll offer you the multiroom price then
yip tell em yer going to sky, say your not happy with this, why should you be paying for points when no one else is, new or even exisiting multiroom punters, play hard ball and see if they relent!
That is ridiculous!! They put an extra point in for my parents for free. Someone is being a smart fecker in there mate. As the lads say, I'd call up and tell them to stick it and I bet you'll see a change of attitude in them. Tell them you'd rather pay for a decent service than be ripped off by their shower.
mickah got the last one done about sept when the ahhem box 4 started to go.the swines charged me €50.00 to put in the point that was already there ,but strictly it shouldnt and they stil charge me the 8.50 per two months for the two kids rooms i am steaming now I need to cool the jets a bit,before i ring them back