Nope - it's gone - your good to go! Here's a link for package 2 - txs Gwen! - of Nero that you should also downlaod and install - it has Recode, Nero Vision etc. Hopefully one of us can find a firmware update for you. edit: fix link
ok i downloaded the first link in gwens post .. im assuming that updates nero.. i also downloaded the 2 link in your last post binky .. is that link nero showtime ?? Ill be paitently waiting for that firmware update .. thanks !!
Man I go on daiper duty for 20 minutes and everythings peachy keen, good work Binkie and Gwen...thanks for the links. EDIT: You too karen, great minds think alike...LOL
@LOCOENG Oh no still need your help! Firmware on this drive is a bear - may have to be done thru dos w/ a floppy. Seems the company is no longer around or at least hosting any websites. Oh and better you than me on diaper duty ) The only good download I can find it this:
EWWWWWWWWW I'm almost afraid to touch that one...looks like the instructions on the page should suffice though, as well as downloading the DOS boot disc. Could be risky. Oh and you are more than welcome to take over on diaper dookie for a while if ye wish...LOL EDIT: @celibate How old is this drive anyway, several years perhaps?
i bought the drive about 1 1/2 years ago .. please tell me i dont have to go through a dos floppy disk install lol.. ill be lost lmao..
@celibate Maybe not - to me at least the site was not really straight forward. It looks like there are 2 ways - dos and this way: Note: Flash tool must be installed prior to Firmware loaded. I am just quessing that you have this? Nah the dos update ain't that bad - I had to do it recently to update my bios. The problem was seeing if I had a blank one.
im assuming i have a flash program on my pc.. something like shock something.. So what exactly is my next step ??
You know what forget the firmware on this drive - more searches show updates fried it and reports of alot of problems with this drive - even with current firmware. I think your drive is the main problem for your low burn speed. You're using great media but a drive that is probably on the way out esp with the newer media. Do the Nero updates anyhow. If your in the US you can pick good ones for around $50 (BenQ's) or for $80-100 Plextor's.
ok thanks so much !!! ill look into it .. i did download the 2 links for nero and thanks !!!! you people have been more than helpful.. thanks again !!!!!
By the way.. Is there a specific DVD drive you can recomend >?? for a good price ?? Thanks in advance..
Hey not a problem! Keep us posted - maybe the Nero update will help some til you get a new burner. Your firmware update - wow that's one for the books! No good support or really clear instructions. Normally firmware updates do not involve this!! Hopefully locoeng will give he's recommends for a drive too. Any of these drives, but I would lean towards the BenQ 1650 or 1655, the only difference in the two is the 1655 is lightscribe capable where the 1650 is not...both excellent drives and are getting rave reviews at the moment. Or an NEC which I have...solid, fast and reliable. take a look at this link.. tell me what you think ??
I would be wary of a price that low on a brand new BenQ drive...if you have dealt with this company before you have better knowledge than me, otherwise you could end up in the same situation you are in now.
Well that's a hell of a price! I've never heard of the site so I don't know how reputable they are. NewEgg is.