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Friends, insecure

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by billybob, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Lol, permiggs is sure one of us guys..;)

    @gerry1, man i didnt know that Phillidelphia was like that, oh wait a sec thats where will smith is from in the fresh prince!!, yeh i just remebered..man seems quite rough..well anway you have a gun ;)

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006
  2. Pokey5

    Pokey5 Regular member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    For all times sake...one word: Karate! HIIIIII YAA...Juto CHOP!
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @permiggs: I suspect we have one of these language things here; what is a "geezer" in England? Over here, a "geezer" is a conniving old man ... you may be conniving perhaps LOL, but you're just a young pup; I'm the geezer LOL...at least by our definition!

    @rav009: I actually came close to buying a gun a few times; I was a U.S. Marine and quite good with one (.45s anyway). You can tell I've been out for a long time though because I called it a "gun" which one just doesn't do in the service. If you said "gun" in boot camp, they would make you stand out in front of everybody in a public place ... you had rotate between grabbing your weapon and then grabbling your willie and right in front of everybody for about four hours you had to yell really loud (grab weapon)"THIS IS MY WEAPON (hands to crotch)THIS IS MY GUN. (weapon) THIS ONE'S FOR KILLING (crotch) THIS ONE'S FOR FUN...over and over and over aat the top of your lungs.

    They've got to give you guys some newer TV programming; the Prince of BelAire has been off the air for years! We're like that with Brit TV; I was watching a comedy and they started talking about Mrs. Thatcher. Will Smith was born and raised here though

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2006
  4. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    There is so much too comment on but im tired and i hurt my wrist at football training so ill post properly in the morning. Good night!!
  5. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    OMG!! Mario Lanza... LOL My old man likes him... Drives me nuts sometimes... I like heavy metal... I remember in my old house once, i think it was when i bough my Marantz, he got his Mario Lanza cd from his car to play on my stereo, to see the quality of it,(imagine that!) he wanted to take my whole stereo home!! He was gutted when i moved in here that i didn't bring it with me!! LOL

    As for Geezer... That just means gaffer... You know, the old guy in the know...

    In the army your weapon always has a name...
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Primmiggs, I remembered you making a joke in another thread about hearing Mario Lanza coming from downstairs. But how old is your Dad? Jeez, Mario Lanza is some pretty old stuff. Philly use to be a big music city ... lots of big names from here, but not so much any more.

    "...GEEZER...THAT JUST MEANS GAFFER" I'm so glad you followed that one up with an explanation LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2006
  7. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    My dad is only 51, but he likes the old opera thing, it kinda relaxes him when served with a nice JB 15 malte... Mario Lanza is his favorite tenor.

    As for me i prefer a nice shout of Iron Maiden served with any old Fisky(whiskey) and a scratch and sniff.(spliff)
    LMAO! You know, the old Peter Pan (old man) that everyone kinda likes and gets Rices(advices) from... A cool guy! You're a Bacardi breezer!(geezer) I'm just a young Lemon Squeezer!(geezer)
    That's another Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (cockney slang) for you! LMAO!
    Sometimes i forget these! I took my time remembering this stuff as i only use a few of them on my daily talk...
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @permiggs: Does everyone england understand this stuff or is it like unique to where you live? (Which is where, by the way, what part of england?)

    @Billy and rav009: I was looking at photos of your hometown on the internet. Man, what an awesome place! I wish we had that kind of history. Philadelphia is the oldest in the US yet our most historic architecture looks like a barn compared to that stuff!
  9. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Gerry this is London's very own language! Like i said even tough i understand most of them, if a proper cockney puts the whole slang out, i won't pick one up! I live a few junctions up the M1, can't precise just in case the anti-piracy plod are around...
    Are you sure about Coventry being awesome? Anyway it's 4 in the morning... Talk tomorrow!
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Oh, just wanted to know which city ... specifics wouldn't mean anything to me anyway. I rather though you were from London; I seem to remember cockney being a London only thing.

    Yea, those pics I saw of Coventry were really cool ... if there is any nasty stuff though, I'm sure they're not about to put it in a tourists photo tour LOL!

    Well Boss, looks like we'll be both hitting the hay at the same time albeit six hours apart! It's only 11:00 pm here (Or do you folks say 23h ?) Anyway, I'm beat. Have a good might Permiggs; I'd tell you not to stay up too late but ... too late for that! ... Gerry
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2006
  11. Mik3h

    Mik3h Regular member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Just finished reading the thread, that's some pretty good advice you guys were dishing out :)

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2006
  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Billybob....I hope you're o.k. and didn't hurt yourself too bad! Serious or not, it sucks to be in pain. Let us know how you're making out! .. Gerry

    @Primmiggs: Many years ago (before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye, I think) I started to, but never finished, reading this book called "A Clockwork Orange". Much of the text was written directly in cockney and they actually had quite a glossary of cockney slag in the back). I couldn't take looking up every damn other word. It also became a pretty popular movie (and still has a cult following I think) but I would guess they had to tone down the cockney so people could understand what was being said. If you've never read it, you might get a kick out of some of the speech and the cockney dictionary in the back. I understand the speech mannerism are authentic but you would certainly know better than me. It was also a pretty cool movie in a wierd sort of way; if I remember correctly, the movie was some sort of protest again what was then a new way to psychologically program street gang criminal offenders against crime ... but don't quote me on that, it was too long ago. I also remeber all these bloody a$$ kicking street fights choreographed to Beethovan's Ninth Symphony. It was pretty shocking at the time ... but that was some thirty years ago...may not be as graphic as I remember given what they do in modern movies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2006
  13. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hey im ok, well, alive, lol.
    I think its a minor fracture and my arse hurts like hell!!

    Hey hey gerri, a lil help:http://www.cockneyrhymingslang.co.uk/

    I only use a bit of cockney rhyming but then people don't understand me.LOL.

    Anyway im a bit Pony and Trap(crap) at typing with my left, so goodbye.
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hi Billy! Did they x-ray your wrist? (You know, I use to be a combat medic yet I don't think Ive ever heard of an a$$ X-ray LOL!

    I don't know why I'm developing such a facination with this cockney-speak. I'd learn to speak it but I'm sure my American accent would just ruin it! Besides, if no one understands you, imagine on this side of the atlantic!
  15. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ha ha yeh! They wouln't have a clue! You'd have all the ghetto thugs, "Wag 1? Whats Gwannin? What you chattin 'bout"

    Yeh i got it x - rayed, something about a slight fracture to my carpals.

    I didn't want an ass-ray, i woulnt feel comfortable.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2006
  16. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Wot's up with your wrist? Is it RMS (Repetitive Movement Syndrome)?

    The cockney slang is used a lot by the very old people tough... Sometimes they say stuff that i never heard before... Everyone here uses a bit of it every now and then, but only the very common ones...
  17. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    @Permiggs. very funny, lol. nah i landed on it playing footy.
  18. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2006
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    It seems that Billy and I have something in common ... neither of us can stay on our feet! I went downtown today and while there, it started to snow fast and furious. I should have taken a taxi but Im too cheap! I slipped, did this dance which was considerably less than graceful and landed on my a$$. Unlike our 16 year old friend, I'm just an old fart ... my a$$ doesn't recover as quickly!

    Primmiggs: I need someone to drag me off to the "Knackers Yard" LOL! Oh well, thank God for a very well stocked medicine cabinet. In about a half an hour, I won't even know I have an a$$ LOL! Have a good one boys!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2006
  20. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ha ha some diasapan!

    On a flight to Florida i took some of my mums, so i could go to sleep for the 9 hour flight! I didnt remember anything!

    Nah Rav i honestly done it at football training.

    \how old are you Rav?

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