Hi Need some help please!!!!! I have dvdfab platinum Nero 6 and anydvd installed.... I need the steps to copy movie (Deja Vu) step by step In other words please guide me I've tried to no avail and not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have only 1 dvd drive which is also a burner...... Any help please????????????????? Thank you
I have tried AnyDVD with Clone DVD in the past with really bad results - caused lots of problems with my computer - not recognizing the CD or DVD drives. I'm kind of a novice at this. Have done a fair bit but only because I had good instruction and followed it (didn't necessarily understand what I was doing.) Have been using RipIt4Me - great results - disappointed to hear that now I may have to find yet another "idiot proof" programme. Just read about taking off "autorun" - so will do that tonight. I am ever amazed at the work that some of you go to to give us such great instuctions. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Hello everyone....all your advice has been a tremendous help. I've been able to make some stuff for the kids. Now what I need help with is the following - a lot of stuff I have is in avi form.... I know it needs to be converted and usually I have no problem with Nero....(I have Nero and dvdfab only) but with the 3rd pirates I can't fit it onto a single dvd. Now it may be just that I'm doing something wrong or else it needs to go onto 2 dvds which I have no clue where to begin with that. So if anyone could offer advice on explaining on to accomplish this I would be grateful. Thanks to all for their thoughts on my grandson's 2nd heart operation. All went well and he is now 4 months old and at home. Still a very serious situation but we are pushing along. Thanks for a wonderful place to find some great help.
i'm new here myself but i've read here that in order to get a movie that is too large to fit on one disc you need to use dvdshrink to compress it down in size(around 4.6gb i assume)
Shrink: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_.../dvd_shrink.cfm Read The Guides Guides: http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/Guides.htm