ok for starters r2d205 u r using a weird website lol go 2 a4h.us k and klik download and then flik through the tested mods k that's the safe option lol unless u risk getting a virus like me then just find some1 2 help u once u have done that i am getting my mods a really simple way i buy action replay then a m8 has some softwhare 2 send the mods 2 me as soon as i go into this chat room. btw the tdata file is a file u need 2 go into u allso need a programme 2 rewrite the maps over the old maps i think it is called winx but i am not sure........ and dont go into matchmaking!plzzz its sooo frikin gay
ok i got splinter cell got PPF O matic i found the halo2 map but idk how to get the patch cause i went to assasins4hire.com and went to download section looked at the mods looked foe containment ones i found em downloaded them the it doesnt do anything i looked in folders i look in a folder found a patch but it says its not valid plz tell me how to get a patch for containment into a folder so i can put the patch on PPF O MATIC
to be honest m8 i havent tried ppf'ing yet but will wen i frikin get xbox sorted ill help u soon but i would recommend asking the aavh admin or go through the tutorial on their site
hay guys i found some ppfs from a4h but not any i realy want any u guys or girls have good spawn mods for all nine maps
Ok, I have softmodded my xbox already, and i no that i need to use the ppfomatic and ftp things but when i attempt to download the ppfomatic my comp. says that it can not open it because it cant find the program it was created from. It tells me to use 2 helpfull websites (tht arnt very helpful) or choose a program from my comp. but since i dont no if i have tht program and that i dont no what is so i cant select it from my comp if i do have the program. can n e one help me???please respond a.s.a.p
I just softmodded my xbox and now I need instructions on how to mod maps run fast ect. and how to get it on my xbox
ive modded my xbox propperly and made the mods using dothalo. then i save changes and fix encryption then cmr the map, then i FTP back to my xbox overwrite the map. but wen i go to play the map it loads then the map pops up and the screen goes black... wat have i done wrong and how do i do it propperly
To ZEROZ: What exactly did you change in dothalo? I know a lot about what offset swaps cause the crashing or "black screen hanging". Just post back with the changes you made or what you want to do and I can guide you thru a couple ways to achieve it. Hope this will help!
ok, first i made the pp shoot the gate on containment. i made the hog fly and run fast and jump high. to shoot the bridge i clicked on the weap tag and opened pp then in despendinces window i changded it to blue base gate. plz reply
ps i can run fast and jump high but thats all i can do, if i add summin to the map it goes black and i have to put the original map back on then modded it again