Hard Drive Problem. Win 2k not Recognising My 160gb Maxtor!?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by gaz_0001, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Ok. Win2k installer should give you the option to create a 160GB partition (though I wouldn't recommend doing so my self).

    You can find computer management through [bold]Control Panel[/bold], [bold]Administrative Tools[/bold]. Then open [bold]Computer Management[/bold] and [bold]Disk management[/bold] (under Storage).

    Let me know what harddisk size you see there. It should be something around 149GB
  2. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Could it be something to do with the jumpers on the back of the hd?

    Why wouldnt you create a partition for the full 160gb??

    Another little thing is when i boot 98 it doesn't recognise the big hd at all but in 2k it recognises the small one??
  3. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    As far as I know Maxtor drives don't have a jumper to limit HDD capacity to 128GB.

    I always partition my primary boot disk to have a boot partition of 20GB (for Windows and software), and use the rest for a secondary partition. This makes it easier to keep "user data" separate from system related stuff.

    You've most likely formatted the bigger drive using NTFS file system, which 98 does not recognize. There's no point in using the old FAT32 file system anyway.

    Check out:
  4. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    My drive is NTFS an it is 127Gb. I will check out the link now. Its such a waste having all that extra space and not being able to use it!
  5. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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  6. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I got the deatials from my bios.

    163 bg
    65535 Cylinders
    16 Heads
    Precomp 0
    Landing Zone 65534
    Sector 255.

    I have win 2k sp3 and i have downlaoded the maxtor big drive enabler and i still dont have access to the rest of the hd!? Help please!
  7. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Well, the GOOD news is, your BIOS is recognising the full drive.

    Windows 2000 should recognise the full drive also, WITHOUT the Maxtor software, and WITHOUT the SP3.

    Try this:

    Change the BIOS boot sequence to
    1st - CD
    2nd - 160GB drive
    3rd - none
    etc. etc.

    Make sure drive I/O is set to AUTO for PIO and UDMA etc.

    Boot with Windows 2000 CD.
    When it gets to the place where it displays the drives available, note the COMPLETE drive details and post back (don't re-install, just exit)

    Set your BIOS back to where it was.

    Have Fun...
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2004
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Aye I havnt seen those jumpered drives since 46GB?
  9. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Right DrChips, ive done what you asked and here are the results.

    131070 Mb disk 0 at ID 1 on bus 1 atapi
    C: NTFS 131062Mb (106523Mb Free)
    Unpartitioned Space 8 Mb

    9665 Mb disk 0 at ID1 on bus 0 on atapi
    D: Fat32 9664Mb(3413 Free)

    I don't know if this will help any!?
  10. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    I think we have narrowed the problem down..

    Just to check something, can you list ALL drives on ALL IDE controllers in your system (master/slave/channel).

    I will take a bet with you on something..
    Your Windows 2000 Pro Cd is an old one WITHOUT SP3 or later integration, Yes??

    If I am right, there are ONLY three options open to you:
    1 - aquire a SP3 integrated Version
    2 - create an SP3 or SP4 integrated version
    3 - use a PCI card like I specced in a previous post.

    All three options will require a clean install, you cannot avoid that...

    Other methods require booting from and installing onto a smaller drive, upgrading to SP4, ghosting the image across to the 160 and changing the boot sequence, then removing the smaller drive, remapping etc. - sometimes it doesn't work and it is very time consuming.

    My STRONG recommendation, buy a card (get the 1680 version), all the problems associated with the older version of the install will disappear, and you get better performance as well.

    Have Fun...
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2004
  11. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    My Drives are as follows.

    Pri Mas Pio 106D
    Pri Sla 160GB Maxtor
    Sec Mas Asus E616
    Sec Sla 10GB IBM.

    If i disconnect the IBM might it work then, i dont see why re-installing windows SP3 would work, i have been told that it does not even require win SP3??
  12. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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  13. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya all,

    Very good link.
    BTW, your little routine reporting I.P. etc is returning the wrong data, did you know?

    Have Fun...
  14. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Rite, i am back!!! I tried doing the slipstreaming and the ghosting, but none of it worked for me. Too much messing around!!! I am going to be reformatting my computer and having a reader, writer and the ONE big hard drive ( I am getting Rid of the Small IBM one). Now, is there any particular way to wire them up?? I know that the reader and the writer and best on seperate IDE channels ie Writer on IDE0 and Reader on IDE1, this makes buffer underun less likely when burning on the fly(so i am told!). Is there any particular channel that i should connect my hard drive to?? Should my Hard drive be slave or master?? I am doing this 2nite so i need a quick response if possible!? No guessing please, i really really really dont want to mess it up this time. All help is appreciated!!!
  15. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You missed one :p There is (rather, WAS -- it might still be there though I dont know, havnt bothered in a long time) a hotfix available for that issue. It might take some digging up on the Microsoft site though. :)
  16. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    For windows 2000 this is what Microsoft will tell you:

    By the look of this what you may need to do is this:

    To enable 48-bit LBA large-disk support in the registry:
    Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
    Locate and then click the following key in the registry:

    On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
    Value name: EnableBigLba
    Data type: REG_DWORD
    Value data: 0x1

    Quit Registry Editor.

    Taken from the web link.
  17. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya Guys,

    Don't think so.....

    From my post:
    the hot-fix you alluded to, and that Prisoner took the time to look up can ONLY be applied AFTER Windows has been installed (how else does one update/make changes to the registry before it exists??)

    gaz_0001 is attempting to install Windows on a 160GB but is held back by the limitations of the Pre-SP3 version of Windows that he has - as I said, only three options:

    1 - aquire a SP3 integrated Version
    2 - create an SP3 or SP4 integrated version
    3 - use a PCI card like I specced in a previous post.

    Use of an SP3 or SP4 integrated version that already has the hot-fix changes in the DOS-Level part of the installation/initialisation overcomes the 127/137GB limit.

    Use of option 3 will also overcome the limit with an older version of Windows 2000 due to the LBA48 support in its BIOS AND the installation of the SCSI mode driver during installation (use F6 then load the driver when prompted).

    Am I right? or not??


    Ideal setup:

    1 - PCI Raid controller card in a PCI Slot as close as possible to the AGP slot, but NOT the one right next to the AGP - PCI priority has an effect on data transfers.

    2 - 160GB Hard-Drive as Master on the Primary channel of the PCI RAID card.

    3 - Reader as Master on IDE0, the first and fastest drive found during the boot sequence (assuming boot from CD is in the sequence)

    4 - Writer as Master on IDE1, writer is only really used once windows has started up.

    5 - You MUST load the SCSI mode driver that came with the Raid Card during Windows install (F6 routine).

    This will give you the best possible data transfer rates and stability, minimise the impact of I/O on system resources (Raid card BIOS/chipset will take a noticable load OFF the CPU due to more efficient DMA transfers).

    This is a tried and tested solution...

    Have Fun...

  18. gaz_0001

    gaz_0001 Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Right Ok, i think i know what i am doing!!
    1. Fresh install with an intergrated Win 2k SP3 or SP4
    2. Use the card thingy, also needs a fresh install!!

    I have just re-installed everything on my PC beause i got flooded with errors, ever since i got broadband, 7 days ago!! I do not want to re-install everything again because it is a ball ache and very time consuming. With the registry hotfix thing that is discussed in this post, would that make Windows see the Full 163Gb?? There is already a 127GB NTFS partition, so would it mean that the partition goes straight to 163 GB or will i have to make another partition for 36Gb??

    Thanks for all your help so far!!! I think i may just end up getting the Card thing, seems like the cheapest option!! Could i have the Make and model of the card, all i know so far is its 1680!?
  19. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    DABS in the UK

    This is the recommended card, made by InnoVISION
    Product page here:

    You will HAVE to do a re-install...

    The problems you have had re: Broadband may be down to a security breach.

    You will need the following for security, as a minimum:
    Personal Firewall
    Pop-Up killer
    Cookie killer

    Once they are installed, then you can install the broadband.

    I can post step-by-step if you need.

    Have Fun....
  20. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    To get back to Preator, The actual viewable is 127Gb, but the 10 decimal system number is 137 as Ketola has three to four posts down.
    Dr.chips, MSB5150 has never reported me correctly, but that is dependent on you Settings I guess.
    But the poblem at hand, I think if you considering spending money, Just throw Win 2K out the window (hehe) and buy WinXp pro or Home with Sp1. A lot of problems even allong this line have been fixed. And if you wait a few weeks the new SP version will be out with even more windows errors fixed. The card might be good, but if your bios reconizes the drive. I would just fix the software problem, I don`t think he needs new hardware. Using correct patch or write the registry lines in yourself. I might be cheap, But I try to avoid spending money unless absolutely nescessary.

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