He edited my thread because it was stupid? WTF who cares if it was dumb. If only we wouldnt get in trouble for flaming the moderators... No offense, but some of these people do get on my nerves... EDIT: I wonder if that oil stuff on the blocks makes them harder to light...
Y'all need to open a thread called, "fun with smokeless powder, ball bearings, a lighter, and a soupcan." Make sure it happens in a basement with a webcam running.
@k2skatn, Without reading the original post, I can only assume it contained something inherently stupid to do with a lighter which may involve risk of personal injury. For some reason, we as a society believe in reverse Darwinism, example protection of the weak and the stupid. Some of the old timers would remember a lawn toy called "Jarts", http://www.jarts.com/media.htm They are rather large, heavy projectiles which were designed to be tossed like horsehoes at targets the same distance as a horsehoe pit. Well, in the mid eighties someone decided that an idiot could possibly hurt or kill themselves with these and made them illegal. When we were kids, if it looked dangerous, well it was dangerous and we treated it with respect. Nowdays, if it looks dangerous, well someone is going to call a lawyer and sue somebody for some reason just because the lawyer is running low on Starbucks money. Well, you get my point now,anyone in a position of authority must now insure that he/she in no way encourages those of us with less than normal abilities to rationalize the possibilities of self inflicted mutilation to try something which could if successful, remove them and their offspring from the gene pool. Without these people, who would be left to buy pet rocks, leisure suits, and the all time classic, GMC Pacer? So, I support ddp in his effort to keep our gene pool intact.
@Blivet...I remember those lawn darts! Hmmm...I'm feeling old though because I was a teen ager when those came out and disappeared. I cannot comment on k2skatn's post; my cousin Joey and I had something of the pyromania in us as well but I still remember well the combustible and explosive differences between gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, colman fuel and the knowledge still comes in handy even now and again, however, if I wrote about what Joe and I use to do and my 100 year old dad read it, he would still find a way to Philly to spank his 54 year old son LOL!
garry1 and all LET ME LIGHT YE CIGARETTE WITH MY LIGHTER ONE WAY TO QUIT SMOKING and one for ye car in case ye need a fast lighter for ye cig..bend down and get a light for ye cig... http://www.eatmyflames.com/
oh wow..lawn darts...i remember a guy at my school who gave a speech when running for class president. he speach was entirely unrelated (humor caused him to win) and talking about a hole-in-one in golf, he made the statement, "stuck it like a lawn dart." god, that was pretty funny at the time. i'll never forget it.
Gerry, there are many things we did as kids which will never ever have an expiration date for punishment from parents. Somethings are much better left in the dark and forgotten. Hell, we knew it was stupid, but we also knew we were the ones who would get in trouble if something went wrong(I.E. did what it was supposed to do and blew up one of us.) The lawn dart story comes to mind when I think of the neighbor who decided to see how high he could he could throw a Jart and have it bury itself into the ground, well he got carried away and stuck it in the flashing of his roof. Needless to say when his Dad got home from playing golf later, he was not amused in the slightest to see a lawn dart sticking straight up from his roof. That was the last we saw of them. Still wish we had them.
Had to put my story in. I remember a time me and my friend was younger and had a gas can and matchbox cars. Well we thought it would be cool to pour gas on the matchbox cars and light them on fire. Well it was fun till we saw the flame go from the car to the gas can.! LOL We where in my friends garage and he kicked the can out of the garage to the backyard. That was the second mistake due to it was fall time and they had fall leaves piled up against his house. Well now the flame went from the matchbox car to the gas can to the dried out leaves against the house! We then grabbed some old carpet from the garage and smothered out the burning leaves. After the fire was all out we where left with a black sided house that was painted white in the first place (the key word is WAS). I of course took off running back to my house leaving him to deal with his FATHER when his Father got home. The moral of my story would be make sure you have a non leaking gas can before lighting your matchbox cars on fire!