As soon as i wrote this my F**king mouse and USB port's stopped again. Do you think ot could be a possible short?
alrighty then, do you think that I might have a possible short somewhere on the motherboard to flicker the USB ports?
The tech support is a joke and I have a 1yr warranty so i guess I have a few months getting desperate now
Have you got any other USB devices you can try (webcam, jump drive, printer etc), not a mouse/keyboard......... This would prove the USB ports.............. Something which I find strange is that your BIOS options are limited. And no legacy devices.....strange......... Mice/keyboards are known as legacy devices, which will be assigned the same interrupts as permanently connected ones, and if you have the touchpad enabled, there could be a conflict there. Did you try and disable the touchpad support aswell?
The only other thing I have tried was a game paddle and that also didn't work. before when I said I formated I just actually ghosted it but last night I did a fresh install so (crossing my fingers) this may help. So far so good, knocking on wood! If this issue comes up again I will plug in my printer even though I have know ink but all we are doing is testing the USB's. I never had an issue before which odd but I will disable the touchpad on the next occurence, which I hope will not happen. I will report back soon....wish me luck.
Updating this thread Well after hours and days of searching how to fix my USB port's I stumbled across this thread about how XP can cuase issues with "SiS 7001 PCI to USB Open Host Controler" Also here's the thread USB Tips and Tricks.htm Well, again, after hours and days I was tweaking and downloading patches and nothing was working and I was getting really fustrated! I came to realize this was not going to get fixed until someone mentioned...try switching operating systems. And then hit me, maybe XP was causing issues as the thread above mentioned, so I decided to try it. I loaded Windows 2000 (as it couldn't hurt) and just the basic setup still was not working with my USB's until I loaded the service pack 3....BAM!!...wuda ya know, all was working and has not skipped a beat. Still crossing my fingers though and knocking on wood. SO until next time lady's and gentlemen, WISH ME LUCK!
Well, at least it seems to prove that there is not a hardware issue Something I never considered was to try a different O/S......... Yep, good luck, but it would turn out to be abit of a bummer if you have to stick with 2000, rather than XP. It maybe worthwhile an email/telephone call to Microsoft and tell them about the problem, but I guess it'll end up being 'it's not our problem, contact the manufacturer'. There maywell be a patch, but just need a little trawling through their knowledgebase............. Good luck anyways..............
Thats exactlly what they will say since everyone i talked to about this said the same "contact the manufacturer" Thanks -baabaa- talk to you soon.
hi there, have you tried a BIOS update? it looks like your BIOS is dated 7/15/04. might be a newer version availible that corrects your problem. another thing you could try is to search your notebooks site and see if this is an issue others there have had.
one more thing, if your not sure of what hardware you have in your notebook download everest home edition. this program is free and will give you a lot more info about your hardware than windows will. hope this helps!
Thanks -tony7914- for that info but where I got my notebook, there is no updates as it was custom built. I will check for a bios update the next time but im not hoping for a next time I will check out that everest home edition, thanks.
No worries, if I do come across anything patch/conversation that applies a fix, I shall let you know.............
sis site everest site