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HD Upconversion home player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Rob423, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. rapko

    rapko Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    There's a possibility that I may get a 1080p TV sometime but it won't be any time soon. My TV has HDMI but not DVI so I wouldn't be able to hook up the 971 unless there's a DVI to HDMI cable out there. Since I already have a spare HDMI to HDMI I can't see justifying another cable purchase, lol. (I just converted from S-vid before I got this TV to component cables and now I'm trying bypass that by getting HDMI which equals, LOTS OF CASH! :)
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    ALL the Oppo come with the HDMI cable inculded

    the 971 has an DVI output to a HDMI input to the TV inculded

    the 981 has an HDMI output and input to the TV inculded

    so you will not need to buy a cable!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2006
  3. rapko

    rapko Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Sweet, thanks again!
  4. Mac_Cool

    Mac_Cool Member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    I was going to buy an HD-DVD player then my 642 died so I think I will get an upconverting divx/DVD player instead. Video on the 642 jitters up and down on DVDs, divx, everything I've tried; worked one day, didn't the next. I'm conflicted on which upconverting divx player to get. Here are the ones I'm looking at:
    Philips DVP 5960
    Toshiba SD4990
    Samsung DVD-HD860
    Oppo DV-970HD (great reviews but more than I would like to spend)

    I've read the reviews at videohelp.com and the Phillips has little to recommend it except USB; the Samsung seems better but there are few reviews. Any personal experience with these? One thing, my TV only supports DVI so I'll have to get an HDMI > DVI cable from monoprice... any issues with that?

    I might break down and buy the Oppo but I have a $120 Best Buy gift card I want to use.
  5. F150FX4

    F150FX4 Member

    Oct 27, 2006
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    Can you please do me a favor ??

    for 981 model, can you please test it with CLOSED caption to see if it works with HDMI since i know some DVD player doesnt support closed caption with HDMI, only compent (RGB).

    Big thank you!!!

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