Well this simply isn't true m8. I have Pinnacle Instant Copy 8.0, 321 DVDXCopy 3.2.1 Platinum, CloneDVD and DVD Shrink 3.14 installed and all programs work to perfection. I'm very impressed with Pinnacle Instant Copy 8.0, however, encoding times can be very long and I've found burning dvd backups at lower speeds produce "slightly" better dvd video playback. DVD Shrink, CloneDVD& 321 DVDXCopy Platinum are great recommended programs for dvd backups. Shoey _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Afterdawn forum rules http://www.afterdawn.com/general/legal.cfm Please see our guides before posting http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/[/small]
you sure you dont have a virus as all my programs run fine and shoey i have seen the reviews for pinnacle but never actually used the program is it as good as the other programs available