if we had read that in class and that had been the book over which an essay was assigned, i might have done that one, regor
but you haven't said why you have these special authors... why do they hold rank among others, eh? Nephilim - Franz Kafka - why? Auslander - J.D. Salinger - why? ddp - david drake - why?
Why Franz Kafka? It's the demented and surreal subject matter used to point out very common and very real human inadequacies. His social insight is spot on and very poignant. Alot of folks feel his writing style is too dry but that's exactly what I love about it. It's very proper, very well constructed and has an almost clinical detatchment which I love. Many highschoolers have read a watered down and edited version of "Metamorphosis" but to get the real flavor and impact of the story it must be the unabridged version. There's a bit of Gregor Samsa in us all
goodness gracious... I got a crisp hyphenated response from ddp, a nuff said from Auslander and the expected from Nephilim... a fully anecdotal analysis with oratory surmise. Very well done Nephilim. You get 112% <g> @ GrandpaBW - I have read many Dean R Koontz and I too like his style. I have read a lot of Stephen King as well, most recently his 7 book Dark Tower/Gunslinger series which is refreshingly wonderful reading and not horror at all - more midworld/western - inspired by Robert Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came". I will tell you that is is good, very much worth reading. Do read the series in sequence, however, it starts with the "Dark Tower I - The Gunslinger". Enjoy, all of you!
Dean Koontz wrote Seize the Night, didn't he? Fear Nothin, as well? those are two of my favorite novels.
is anyone else taking AP US History or has taken it before? just wondering what you guys think of the class. i personally think its really easy just a bunch of work every night to do at home. i expected it to be much harder. is this how all college level classes are?
i know AP history at my school is pretty hard...i'm having enough of a time keeping up with AP Lit and AP Calculus...didn't need something that i wasn't interested in at all this year, lol. maybe you're just lucky
idk, some of friends think its super hard but just seems like busy work to me. im planning to take ap calc and lit too!! is it ur senior year?
i know an 8th grader and he's taking honors pre-calc!! he's in my brothers english class down at the middle school. he moved from australia, but hes originally from south korea(big surprise)
those asians scare me...it's like they have steroids, but for the brain...just wait until one of those kids explodes and takes out a stadium of people with him...i'm gonna laugh.
i say we reprogram them, and send them back to their own countries with an extensive knowledge of...umm....candle wax, incense, and comic strips! let's see them threaten the world with their creapy asian over-competey-ness and nukes then! MWAHHAHAHAHAHA! j/k...i love asians...especially the ones with websites 0_o