Indeed...congratulations Auslander and Polyarnie too! Seems I did this a couple of weeks ago however...are you two graduating from more than one place?? Hmmm...I think I'm losing it. true ddp. I'm imagining more than one graduation ... one for each personality perhaps .... Sybil.
actually me thinks we should feel a bit slighted... after the many brilliant suggestions for a High School Research Paper... after the years of nurturing after the kudos... after the countdown, even... we get:
sorry, that's what i do when i'm suffering from heartbreakitis. i'll get over it at some point or something fortunate will happen...hey, there's papers at college to look forward to. can you say, "thesis on corn!"?
I hate to see this thread end, but alas Auslander is no longer in highschool and he won't be expected to turn in any 'highschool' research papers. It was fun though. And the papers Auslander posted were very nicely done. I hope my coRntributions were at least a small part of that. Hope your heart is healed now, Auslander. Time heals everything. Have a great summer. Best to you. R
ah yeah, Auslander. Update please. Sumnmer over? Higher education begins? Taking time off? What gives? Loved ones wnat to know!
lol, sorry, regor, but as for me being the center of this thread...well, that's over. i won't request it be closed, in case any up-and-comers search and find this might be useful/entertaining for them. for this new section of my life, we're all now posting in the official College Crap Thread:
synopsis of my summer: i did nothing...well, i shot pool every night and tried to never find myself alone with my thoughts (cuz my thoughts are very bad)...and started talking to an awesome girl that i'm currently with...but other than that, i did nothing okay, now, on to college! XD