lol, i'd blush from those compliments, regor, if my fur didn't cover my cheeks you know what i kinda find funny? my spanish teacher is trying to teach us all english grammar. she says she's doing it because as juniors in a public high school, our understanding of grammar is horrible. we don't know all the terminology, but i thought it was the usage of the language that was important, not knowing everythin about every part of speech. oh well, she's doing a great job of royally fusking everyone up. it's total chaos some days
Ones??? What is a ones? Apparently they have donkeys. And apparently there are several of them - ergo the use of the adjective 'some' - plural, non-singular. Or it could mean (still an adjective) an unknown, undetermined, unspecified, or even arbitrary 'ones' donkey - singular, non-plural i.e. 'some' or in this case 'any' 'ones' donkey. rdrr just in fun!
I still say you should have written your paper on corn, Auslander; WE WOULD BE DONE with it!!! but no... you had to write it on serial killers... serial killers... oh no, you couldn't write it on something more mundane like husband beaters or father rapers... oh no... you had to write it on serial killers... all of the subjects to pick from A-Zinc and you picked serial killers! [edited to correct grammar - jeez, I would never name my kid grammar - he'd end up being corrected all the blessed time! Like Kelsey ] hehe
I can honestly tell you that I have not had cereal for 30 years - that doesn't include oatmeal - my wife makes oatmeal in a crock-pot... it is so delicious. Let me re-iterate (repeat Nephilim, no not after me... jeez, I have to explain EVFERYTHING!) I have not had cereal in 30 years.
my breakfast at the end of the semester was considering mostly of a couple bananas and a glass of orange juice each morning. on Xmas break, though, it's been a can of Dr. Pepper and tic tacs cuz no one except me gets up until noon and i can't cook and we're outta bananas lol.
regor, my stepfather makes porridge for my mother in mornings but i haven't had it in years auslander, i get the kewpie doll!!!
to make things worse, i was replacing the vanity top/faucet in my parents' bathroom today and found out at the very end that i had the wrong fitting for part of the drain pipe. so, they sit without use of their sink until i can run out tomorrow morning and pick up the piece. however, at my dad's work's christmas dinner today (always late, no?) he won two lcd monitors and a dvd player for a car, and right into mine they went i'm halfway pimped! (for anybody that watches Pimp My Ride on MTV)
i bow before your kewpiness, ddp. however, one day you will be forced to pass the torch on; on that day, i will be waiting with one open hand to receive the torch and a shotgun in the other hand to ensure that it stays in the first hand
their little portable 6 inch monitors. they're just perfect for my car, which is also about 6 inches wide