lol, i don't use the more exotic driving techniques around her unless the road conditions call for it. she gets scared just cuz i drive a stick-shift it's hard to tell what you're suggesting i don't have a clue about, regor. double-clutching? i know enough, lol. intimate time with the girlfriend? comment XD i guess my lack of sleep is showing, but for the first time i don't get your joke. oh well...maybe i will later. oh, Neph, outta the blue: did you ever get any formal weapons training, or did you just pick it up along the way?
ahhhh... so they like double clutching. Makes sense... double the pleasure double the fun! ok no worries Auslander, go ahead and double-clutch, and if you can get that heel and toe to work for you
i really am out of it tonight...i'm thinking sexual inuendo (sp?)...can you confirm or deny that for me, regor?
what? me? suggesting sexual innuendo's? maybe nephilim, that whore, but not me! ddp 's just got a dirty mind!
lol, with that, i think it's bed time. i leave you with this humble, wootass link: "say goodnight, gracie." "goodnight, gracie."
goodnight gracie goodnight auslander goodnight ddp goodnight nephilim u-aint-no-ho goodnight dear kitty
@ Auslander, Yes I've had some formal weapons training. I remember the last day of the course we had an informal competition and I managed to outshoot everyone despite my using Sig-Sauer P220 .45 Auto that I hadn't shot before that day
well, here's a link to the second research paper, for all interested: it's only a rough draft, as the final was lost, but it's still pretty good. Atlantis: My theory. lol.
possibly, but the odds are nothing will ever be found beyond the point of geological evidence. everything on the island would have been destroyed, from the gold jewelry to any written works. all that might be left would have been funneled through so many other civilizations that it would be as untraceable as professionally laundered money.
Very nicely done Auslander. Very nicely done! The memtion of eels, the warm gulf stream, and the various reference to asteroids obliterating Atlantis; or even the great flood (Noah??); lends me to ask where corn was in the overall grand scheme of Atlantis??? I beg, did they have corn in Atlantis? I wot yes! Mayhap it was a corn alcohol that blew it to smitherines ??? What a sinking feeling; like with Microsoft it gives me an NT feeling inside (get it? NT feeling??? get it? empty feeling mayhap) We may never know.
thanks, regor! yeah, corn was vital to the Antlanteans. and easily grown and preserved food, they would have survived on it during their worst days. corn save civilization!
hey Auslander... is'nt it that time again? paper due when? whatcha gonna write it on this time, corn maybe? or maybe go with atlanta georgia crime rate and ratio of black on black vs black on other crime (nothing racial intended)?
this is the last day of week #2 of school! i don't know what i'll be writing about this year; corn is a goodie, so just maybe. XD